ERUVIN 92-95 (5-8 Teves) - Dedicated in memory of Max (Meir Menachem ben Shlomo ha'Levi) Turkel, by his children Eddie and Lawrence and his wife Jean Turkel/Rafalowicz. Max was a warm and loving husband and father and is missed dearly by his family and friends. His Yahrzeit is 5 Teves.
A Hekdesh field has pits that are less than ten Tefachim deep; are the pits Kadosh?
Yes; they are considered as part of the field.
No; they are not considered to be part of the field.
They are only Kadosh when he specifically said that he is Makdish them too.
Machlokes between Answers A and B.
Machlokes between Answers B and C.
A field being sold has dry pits that are less than ten Tefachim deep; are the pits included in the sale?
Yes, because the seller doesn’t need them.
Yes, because the buyer is insistent that his property appear as one big field.
No; they are not considered to be part of the field.
The question remains unresolved, so the pits are divided between buyer and seller.
We can tell by looking at the payment price.
What Halachah is learned from Bnei Gad U’Bnei Reuven?
How conquered lands are to be divided.
The laws of inheritance.
The laws of when to leave your family at home.
The laws of how Jewish soldiers should fight a war.
The laws of Tena’im.
In R’ Chanina’s Mashal, why does the brother get a part of the rest of the inheritance (B’Shaar Nechasim)?
Because he fulfilled the condition.
Because all sons get from every part of the inheritance.
Because the father used a double terminology.
Machlokes between Answers A and B.
Machlokes between Answers A and C.
According to R’ Chanina, why did the Torah use a double terminology; “Im Bechukosai Teileichu … Im Bechukosai Timasu”?
The Torah speaks in the manner of people.
To show that there is Sechar for doing a Mitzvah.
To give more Sechar to someone who does a Mitzvah.
To show that there is punishment for not doing a Mitzvah.