
OBLIGATIONS OF A FATHER TO HIS SON (Yerushalmi Halachah 7 Daf 19a)

ללמדו אומנות


The Beraisa taught that a father must teach his son a trade.

תני רבי ישמעאל (דברים ל) ובחרת בחיים זו אומנות


Beraisa (R. Yishmael): The pasuk states (Devarim 30, 19), "and you shall choose life'' - this refers to having a trade.

להשיאו אשה (דברים ד) והודעתם לבניך ולבני בניך אימתי אתה זוכה לבניך ולבני בניך בשעה שאת משיא את בניך קטנים


He must marry him to a woman - the pasuk states (Devarim 4, 9), "and you shall inform your children and your children's children - when do you merit to have children and children's children? When you marry your sons to women when they are young.

רבי עקיבה אומר אף לשוט על פני המים דכתיב (דברים ל) למען תחיה אתה וזרעך


R. Akiva said that he must also teach his son to swim, as the pasuk states (Devarim 30, 19), "...in order that you and your offspring shall live''.

מה למצוה או לעיכוב


Question: Are all of these mere Mitzvos or are they obligations (that Beis Din can force the father to fulfill)?

נשמעינה מן הדא בר תרימה אתא לגבי רבי אימי אמר לי' פייס לאבא דיסביני אתא פייסיה ולא קביל עלוי הדא אמרה למצוה אין תימר לעיכוב הוה ליה לכופניה


Proof: Bar Terimah came before R. Ami and said to him, "Convince my father to marry me a woman''. R. Ami appeased the father but he refused. This shows that it is merely a Mitzvah, as had it been an obligation, R. Ami would have forced him.

מנין שאם לא עשה לו אביו שהוא חייב לעשות לעצמו


Question: From where is it known that if the father did not perform these Mitzvos, that son must perform them himself?

תלמוד לומר [דף יט עמוד ב] אדם תפדה (בראשית יז) ונמלתם אתם ולמדתם אתם והודעתם אתם למען תחיה אתה


Answer: The pasuk states (Shemos 13, 13), "You shall redeem every human (firstborn amongst your sons)''. The word "human'' is extra to teach that it should be read that either a person should redeem himself, or a father should redeem his child.


Similarly for the following three Mitzvos - (Bereishis 17, 11), "And you shall circumcise'' - also yourselves; (Devarim 11, 19), "You shall teach them'' - also to yourselves; (Devarim 4,9), "and you shall inform'' - also yourselves.