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Kinim 25

KINIM 25 (24 Kislev) - Generously sponsored by Marsha and Lee Weinblatt of Teaneck, New Jersey. May Hashem bless them and their children and grandchildren, in Israel and abroad, with "Lichtigkeit," health and much Nachas!

1) [line 1] U'BEN AZAI OMER SHTEI CHATA'OS - and Ben Azai rules that she must offer two Chata'os, one Tor and one Ben Yonah (since Ben Azai rules (Kinim 2:5) that "Holchin Achar ha'Rishon" and it is possible that she fulfilled her obligation with the first Olas ha'Of that she offered, but it is not known which type that was)

2) [line 2] KESHE'HU CHAI - when it (a ram) is alive
3) [line 2] KOLO ECHAD - it has one "voice," i.e. its bleat
4) [line 2] UCHESHE'HU MES, KOLO SHIV'AH - and when it is dead, it has seven "voices" (as the Mishnah proceeds to delineate; this parallels the case of the woman who must offer seven more birds to fulfill her obligation, when she is in the unfortunate state of the Mishnah)

5) [line 4] CHATZOTZEROS - (a) horns used by the musicians to accompany the Leviyim when they sing (since the Chatzotzeros of the Kohanim were made of silver -- Menachos 28a) (ROSH, 1st explanation); (b) Shofaros, according to the Gemara (Shabbos 36a, Sukah 34a) that the words "Shofar" and "Chatzotzerah" were interchanged (ROSH, 2nd explanation)

6) [line 4] SHOKAV - its thigh bones
7) [line 4] CHALILIN - flutes
8) [line 4] TOF - a drum
9) [line 5] ME'AV - its small intestines
10) [line 5] L'NEVALIM - for [the strings of] lyres
11) [line 5] BENEI ME'AV - its colon (the Hadura d'Kanta, which is thinner, in ruminants, than the small intestine)

12) [line 5] L'CHINOROS - for [the strings of] lutes
13) [line 5] V'YESH OMRIM AF TZIMRO LA'ASOS TECHELES - and there are those who state that even its wool is used to make wool dyed the color Techeles [which is used for making the Me'il of the Kohen Gadol, which had bells attached to its hem -- MEFARESH, TOSFOS] (this extra "voice" of the ram corresponds to the extra bird required by Ben Azai -- RAZAH, CHOK NASAN)

14) [line 7] DA'ATAN MITAREFES ALEIHEM - their minds become more confused
16) [line 8] "MESIR SAFAH L'NE'EMANIM, V'TA'AM ZEKENIM YIKACH." - "He removes the speech of those who trust [in themselves], and takes away the understanding of the aged." (Iyov 12:20)

15) [line 10] DA'ATAM MISYASHEVES ALEIHEM - their minds are at ease
17) [line 11] "BI'YESHISHIM CHOCHMAH, V'ORECH YAMIM TEVUNAH." - "Wisdom is with the aged, and length of days brings understanding." (Iyov 12:12)


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