
PLACES FROM WHICH WE BRING BIKURIM (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 1 Halachah 8 Daf 6a)

[ãó å òîåã à] îúðé' àìå îáéàéï å÷åøéï îï äòöøú åòã äçâ îùáòú äîéðéï îï äôéøåú ùáäøéí åîï äúîøéí ùáòî÷éí åîæéúé ùîï åîòáø ìéøãï.


(Mishnah): The following bring and recite. From Shavu'os until Sukos, from the seven species, from Peros in the mountains and from dates in the valleys, from Zeisei Shemen and from Ever ha'Yarden;

øáé éåñé äâìéìé àåîø àéï îáéàéï áëåøéí îòáø ìéøãï ùàéðä àøõ æáú çìá åãáù:


R. Yosi ha'Gelili says, we do not bring Bikurim from Ever ha'Yarden, for it is not "Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash."

âî' øáé éåñé áùí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù. øáé éåðä øáé æòéøä áùí øáé çðéðä ùùä òùø îéì çéæåø çéæåø ìöéôåøéï äï äï àøõ æáú çìá åãáù.


(Gemara - R. Yosi citing Reish Lakish, and R. Yonason citing R. Ze'ira citing R. Chaninah): The 16 Mil (a Mil is 2000 Amos, about a kilometer) around around Tziporin, this is "Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash."

àîø øáé éåðä îàï ãî÷ãø àéìéï ùéâøåðééä ãáéùï îéðäåï.


(R. Yonah): One who is Mekader (measures the horizontal distance, so it is not affected by changes in elevation, will find that) these field of (around) Beis She'an (HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA) are among [the 16 Mil of "Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash"].

îàï ãî÷ãø äãà áé÷òú âéðåñø îéðäåï.


One who is Mekader [will find that] the valley of Ginosar is among them.

îúéáåï ìøáé éåðä åäà ëúéá [ùîåú â éæ] åàîø àòìä àúëí îòðé îöøéí àì àøõ (èåáä åøçáä àì àøõ - ø"ù ñéøéìéå îåç÷å) æáú çìá åãáù.


Question (against R. Yonah): It says "E'eleh Eschem me'Ani Mitzrayim El Eretz [ha'Kena'ani veha'Chiti... El Eretz] Zavas Chalav u'Devash" (all of Eretz Yisrael is Zavas Chalav u'Devash)!

àîø ìåï àùø áä æáú çìá åãáù:


Answer (R. Yonah): It means that there is in [Eretz Yisrael] Zavas Chalav u'Devash.

úðé [ãáøéí ëå à] àùø (ðúúä ìé ìà ùðèìúé ìé îòöîé) [ö"ì é÷å÷ àìäéê ðúï ìê åìà ùðèìå îòöîï - äâø"à]


(Beraisa): "Asher Hash-m Elokecha Nosen Lecha", and not that they took by themselves (excludes Ever ha'Yarden).

îä áéðéäåï


Question: What do they differ about? (R. Yosi ha'Gelili excluded it from "Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash.")

[ãó é òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé àáéï çöé ùáè îðùä áéðéäåï. îàï ãàîø àùø (ðúúä ìé ìà ùðèìúé ìé îòöîé) [ö"ì é÷å÷ àìäéê ðúï ìê åìà ùðèìå îòöîï - äâø"à] çöé ùáè îðùä ìà ðèìå îòöîï.


Answer (R. Avin): They differ about Chetzi Shevet Menasheh. The one who says "Asher Hash-m Elokecha Nosen Lecha", and not that they took by themselves, Chetzi Shevet Menasheh did not take by themselves. (They did not request Ever ha'Yarden; Moshe himself gave it to them. We explained this like GRA. We must say that Hash-m commanded Moshe to give it to them - PF);

îàï ãàîø àøõ æáú çìá åãáù (àôéìå ëï) [ö"ì àåó ëï - äâø"à] àéðä àøõ æáú çìá åãáù:


The one who said [that we learn from] "Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash", also here, it is not "Eretz Zavas Chalav u'Devash."


DO ARISIM AND CHOKRIM BRING? (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 1 Halachah 9 Daf 6a)

îúðé' ä÷åðä ùìùä àéìðåú áúåê ùì çáéøå îáéà å÷åøà.


(Mishnah): One who buys three trees in his friend's [land], he brings and recites;

øáé îàéø àåîø àôéìå ùðéí.


R. Meir says, even two.

÷ðä àéìï å÷ø÷òå îáéà å÷åøà.


If one bought a tree and its land, he brings and recites.

øáé éäåãà àåîø àó áòìé àøéñåú åäçëéøåú îáéàéï å÷åøéï:


R. Yehudah says, even Arisos (sharecroppers) and Chakiros (they rent land on condition to pay a fixed amount of Peros from it) bring and recite.

âî' úðé (çëåøé) [ö"ì àøéñéí åçëåøé - ø"ù ñéøéìéå] áúé àáåú àéðï îáéàéï. øáé éåãä àîø äï òöîï îáéàéï å÷åøéï.


(Gemara - Beraisa): Ancestral Arisim and Chokrim (a family that works the field, and did so also for the ancestors of the current owners) do not bring. R. Yehudah says, they themselves bring and recite.

øáé æòéøä øáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï áçëåøé [ö"ì åàøéñé - ø"ù ñéøéìéå] áúé àáåú äéà îúðéúà.


(R. Ze'ira citing R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan): Our Mishnah discusses ancestral Arisim and Chokrim.

øáé äéìà øáé éñé áùí øáé éåçðï ááòìé àøéñåú åçëéøåú äéà îúðéúà.


(R. Heila citing R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan): Our Mishnah discusses Ba'alei Arisos and Chakiros.

äååï áòéé îéîø îàï ãàîø ááòìé àøéñåú åçëéøåú äéà îúðéú' äà áàøéñ (åçëéø ìà áàøéñ ìùòä áçëéø) [ö"ì ìùòä åáçëéø - ôðé îùä] ìùòä äà áàøéñ ìòåìí åáçëéø ìòåìí îáéà.


Assumption: We wanted to say that one who says that our Mishnah discusses Ba'alei Arisos and Chakiros, this (the argument) is about a temporary Aris or temporary Choker, but [all agree that] a permanent (i.e. ancestral) Aris or Choker brings.

[ãó éà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àúà øáé áà øáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï àôéìå áàøéñ ìòåìí åáçëéø ìòåìí àéðå îáéà.


Rejection: Came R. Ba citing R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan, and said that [Rabanan hold that] even a permanent Aris or Choker does not bring;

ìîä ááòìé àøéñåú åçëéøåú äéà îúðéúà:


What is the reason? Our Mishnah discusses Ba'alei Arisos and Chokrim (this connotes that they cannot be removed, i.e. they are permanent. All agree that a temporary Aris or Choker does not bring - R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO.)

äãøï òìê ôø÷ éù îáéàéï