[24a - 59 lines; 24b - 17 lines]

1)[line 1]שית מאה וחד סריSHIS ME'AH V'CHAD SAREI- six hundred and eleven

2)[line 6]"לֹא רָגַל עַל לְשׁוֹנוֹ"LO RAGAL AL LESHONO- one who has no slander on his tongue

3)[line 7]"וְחֶרְפָּה לֹא נָשָׂא"V'CHERPAH LO NASA- and he does not bear [to see] the disgrace

4)[line 12]אבא חלקיהוABA CHILKIYAHU- [the example of one who works righteously is] like Aba Chilkiyahu [who not only performed good deeds, but who served his employer honestly, even in matters that may have seemed trivial — see Taanis 23 a-b]

5)[line 13]רב ספראRAV SAFRA- Rav Safra spoke the truth from his heart. He once had an object for sale. While he was reciting the Shema, a buyer offered a price that Rav Safra found acceptable. However, the buyer thought that Rav Safra rejected the offer, because he received no answer from Rav Safra. In truth, however, Rav Safra could not answer because he was in the middle of Keri'as Shema. The buyer increased the offer. After he completed his prayers, Rav Safra refused the buyer's second offer and insisted on accepting the first offer, which he had already accepted in his mind.

6)[line 18]שגיררGIRER- he dragged. Achaz, the father of Chizkiyahu, was a notorious Rasha. When Achas died, Chizkiyahu dragged his father's body on a bed of ropes to denigrate him. This served the dual purpose of (a) gaining some degree of atonement for his father's sins, and (b) serving as a Kidush HaSh-m.

7)[line 25]ברבית עובד כוכביםB'RIBIS OVED KOCHAVIM- [he did not lend money even] with interest of idolaters. Although a Jew is permitted to lend money to a Nochri with interest, the Gemara praises the person who refrains from doing so, because once a person lends with interest to a Nochri, he eventually will lend with interest to a Jew as well.

8)[line 29]ימוטYIMOT- he will falter

9)[line 39]שאינו מקניט פני חבירוSHE'EINO MAKNIT PNEI CHAVERO- who does not anger his fellow man

10)[line 41]דלא שמע בזילותא דצורבא מרבנן ושתיקD'LO SHAMA B'ZILUSA D'TZURBA ME'RABANAN V'SHASIK- one who did not hear derogatory remarks about a Torah scholar and remain silent

11)[line 45]הוצאת המתHOTZA'AS HA'MES- the Mitzvah of taking out the body of the deceased and bringing it to a proper burial

12)[line 56]קישואין ודילועיןKISHU'IN V'DILU'IN- cucumbers and gourds (see RABEINU GERSHOM)

13)[line 57]קול המונה של רומיKOL HAMONAH SHEL ROMI- the tumultuous sound of the multitudes of Rome

14)[line 57]מפלטהMI'PLATAH- (a) from the plaza, or palace, of Rome; (b) alt. Girsa MI'PETILUS, an ancient seaport near Naples (MASORES HA'SHAS)

15)[last line]ומקטריםMEKATRIM- they burn incense

16)[last line]בית הדום רגלי א-לקינו שרוף באשBEIS HA'DOM RAGLEI ELOKEINU SARUF B'ESH- the footstool of HaSh-m (the Beis ha'Mikdash) has been burned in fire


17)[line 5]שועלSHU'AL- fox