How many נביאות said נבואה שהוצרכה לדורות ?
- None.
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 7
Why don't we say הלל on Purim?
- We don't say על נס שבחוצה לארץ .
- Megila reading counts as הלל .
- We remained under אחשורוש's rule.
- We do. What were you drinking last year???!!!!
- Machlokes all but D.
How many נביאים did we have in total?
- 48
- 55
- 600
- 600,000
- More than 1.2 million.
Why did דבורה sit under a palm tree?
- It was where לַפִּידוֹת told her to sit.
- To avoid יחוד.
- Show Yisroel had לב אחד לאביהן שבשמים .
- It was shady.
- B or C.
How could Chulda prophecize in Yirmeyahu's region?
- She was his relative.
- Yirmeyahu was not there
- She only did for women.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.