ME'ILAH 7 - Dedicated l'Zechut Refu'ah Shleimah for Elisheva Chaya bat Leah. Dedicated by Michael Steinberg, David Steinberg, and Ethan Steinberg.

[7a - 27 lines; 7b - 40 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, the Tzon Kodashim and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Rashi 7a DH Amar Rava ã"ä àîø øáà:

The words "k'Man d'Leisa" ëîàï ãìéúà

should be "uch'Man d'Leisa" åëîàï ãìéúà

[2] Gemara 7b [line 17]:

"l'Raglohi d'Yenuka" ìøâìåäé ãéðå÷à

Rashi, Rabeinu Gershom, Peirush Kadmon, and Shitah Mekubetzes #16 all mention a second Girsa in our Sugya:

"l'Raglohi Deinka" ìøâìåäé ãéð÷à

[3] Rashi 7b DH Amar Rebbi Yochanan ã"ä àîø øáé éåçðï:

The words "Lishna Acharina, d'Daika d'Dayik d'Ka'i Hachi" ìéùðà àçøéðà ããéé÷à ããéé÷ ã÷àé äëé

should be "Lishna Acharina, Deinka, d'Dein d'Ka'i Hacha" ìùðà àçøéðà ãéð÷à ããéï ã÷àé äëà

(This is the correct Girsa (unlike the suggestion of the Bach), as is seen from the Rishonim mentioned in the previous Girsa)


1)[line 1]îçùáéï òì äàáåã åòì äùøåóMECHASHVIN AL HA'AVUD V'AL HA'SARUF- a thought of Chutz li'Zemano (see Background to Me'ilah 2:4a), regarding something that has been lost or destroyed by fire, causes Pigul

2)[line 4]çéùá ìðùôëéï ìîçøCHISHEV L'NISHPACHIN L'MACHAR- (a) if the Kohen had in mind, when he poured the Shiyarim (the blood remaining after Zerikah was performed) on the Yesod of the Mizbe'ach, to eat a k'Zayis of meat of the Korban the following day (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) if the Kohen had in mind, when he performed the Zerikah, to pour the remainder of the blood on the Yesod of the Mizbe'ach the following day (RASHI, 2nd explanation); (c) if the Kohen had in mind, when bringing to the Mizbe'ach the blood that had spilled from the vessel and was collected back into the vessel, to perform Zerikah the next day (TOSFOS)

3)[line 5]àììALAL- Rebbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish (Chulin 121a) argue as to the definition of the Alal: (a) (O.F. jenol) the tough cervical ligament of animals (Rebbi Yochanan); (b) small pieces of flesh that remain attached to the hide after flaying (Reish Lakish)

4)[line 22]äéàê îøöä òì äôñåìHEI'ACH MERATZEH AL HA'PASUL?- Since Yotzei is invalid, how can Zerikah cause it to be Mechaper?

5)[line 23]äøöéúé ãáøéíHIRTZEISI HA'DEVARIM- when I discussed the matter


6)[line 6]úùåáä âðåáäTESHUVAH GENUVAH- a deceptive reply

7)[line 13]àí òìå, éøãåIM ALU, YERDU- the word "Im" ("if") in this phrase is unnecessary, for we are discussing a case where the Eimurim already were on the Mizbe'ach

8)[line 14]àéîåøé ÷ãùéí ÷ìéíEIMUREI KODSHIM KALIM- if Eimurim of Kodshei Kodashim were brought to the Mizbe'ach before Zerikah, it is obvious that they must remain on the Mizbe'ach. Ula is teaching us that even Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim brought to the Mizbe'ach before Zerikah stay there, even though they are not considered Kodshei Hash-m until Zerikah.

9)[line 16]÷ööúéðåï ìøâìåäé ãéðå÷àKETZATZTINUN L'RAGLOHI D'YANUKA- I cut off the feet of the lad. (According to the Girsa "Ketzatztinun l'Raglohi Deinka," this means, "I cut off the feet of the one standing here.")

10)[line 20]àéîåøéäïEIMUREIHEN (EIMURIM)

The Eimurim consist of: 1. the layer of fat covering the stomachs; 2. all other fat attached to the stomachs; 3. the two kidneys; 4. the fat on the kidneys; 5. The Yoseres, which is either the diaphragm (RASHI, RADAK) or a lobe of the liver (RAV HAI GA'ON) (Vayikra 3:3-4).


(a)TUM'AS BASAR - If an animal of Kodshim becomes Tamei, its meat is forbidden to be eaten as it states, "veha'Basar Asher Yiga b'Chol Tamei Lo Ye'achel" - "and the [sacrificial] meat that will touch any source of Tum'ah shall not be eaten" (Vayikra 7:19).

(b)If a person eats a k'Zayis of sacrificial meat that is Tamei b'Mezid (intentionally) after Hasra'ah (being forewarned), he is punished with Malkus (lashes). If he was not given Hasra'ah, he is not Chayav Kares (Pesachim 24b; SEFER HA'CHINUCH Mitzvah #145).

(c)TUM'AS HA'GUF - Regarding a person who becomes Tamei the verse states, "b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga," (Vayikra 12:4) from which we learn that it is forbidden for a person who is Tamei to eat Kodshim.

(d)The punishment for transgressing this Lav intentionally is Kares. If one transgresses it unintentionally he must bring a Korban Oleh v'Yored (see Background to Kerisus 22:11; SEFER HA'CHINUCH Mitzvah #167). If a person who is Tamei eats the blood of Kodshim, he does not transgress this prohibition.