Quiz on מעילה ד

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  1. What does a Machashavah Pesulah during Shechitah do?
    1.   It is Mefagel the Korban.
    2.   It creates a deficiency in the Korban, that if all other Avodos Hadam are done properly the Korban will be Piggul.
    3.   It creates a deficiency in the Korban, that if the Kabbalas Hadam is done properly the Korban will be Piggul.
    4.   It creates a deficiency in the Korban, that if the Holachah is done properly the Korban will be Piggul.
    5.   It creates a deficiency in the Korban, that if the Haktaras Aimurim is done properly the Korban will be Piggul.