TOSFOS DH v'Oseh Temurah u'Mo'alin Bah
úåñôåú ã"ä åòåùä úîåøä åîåòìéï áä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is because it does not go to waste.)
ëéåï ãìà ëéôøå áòìéä (îùåí ãìà) [ö"ì ìà - òåìú ùìîä] àæìà ìàéáåã ëãàîø úøòä ëå':
Explanation: Since the owner did not atone, it does not go to waste, like it says "it grazes..."
TOSFOS DH Mai Shena Seifa d'Mipalgei
úåñôåú ã"ä îàé ùðà ñéôà ãîéôìâé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question and the answer.)
ëìåîø ãîôìéâ òéáøä ùðúä åùðîöàú áòìú îåí îäðé úìú ãøéùà åìà úðé ëåìäå áçã ááà
Explanation: [The Gemara asks why the Seifa] distinguishes when its year passed and it was found to be a Ba'al Mum from these three of the Reisha, and it did not teach all of them in one clause.
åîùðé øéùà ôñé÷à ìéä ãáëì òðéï úîåú áéï ëéôøå áéï ìà ëéôøå àáì ñéôà ìà ôñé÷à ìéä ãìà àîøéðï áäðé ãñéôà úîåú àìà à''ë ëéôøå áòìéí
It answers that the Reisha is uniform. In every case it dies, whether or not they were Mechaper, but the Seifa is not uniform. In the cases in the Seifa, we say that it dies only if the owner atoned;
àáì áìà ëéôøå àîøéðï úøòä ëãîôøù áîúðéúéï äéìëê öøéê ìàôìåâéðäå áúøé ááé
However, if he did not atone, we say that it grazes, like it explains in our Mishnah. Therefore it needs to divide them into two clauses.
TOSFOS DH Ha Tani Gabei Temurah
úåñôåú ã"ä äà úðé âáé úîåøä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that in each place a second law was taught Agav.)
áôø÷ åìã çèàú (úîåøä ãó ëà:) àéëà ëé äëà åúøåééäå ìîä ìé
Citation: In Temurah (21b, a Mishnah) teaches like here. [The Gemara] asks why are both needed?
åîùðé äúí îùåí úîåøä ëìåîø àâá ãúðé ìäå (îùåí) [ö"ì äúí] ãàéï òåùéï úîåøä ãùééê äúí åäåé úîåøä òé÷ø úðà ðîé [ö"ì àéï îåòìéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
It answers that there it is due to Temurah. I.e. Agav (along with) teaching there that they do not make Temurah, which applies there, and Temurah is primary, it taught also that Me'ilah does not apply;
[ö"ì äëà îùåí îòéìä ãàéï îåòìéï äåé òé÷ø åàâá ãéï îòéìä ãäåé òé÷ø úðé ðîé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãéï ãàéï òåùéï úîåøä
Here, [it was taught] due to Me'ilah, that Me'ilah does not apply to it. This is primary, and Agav the law of Me'ilah it taught that it does not make Temurah.
TOSFOS DH ha'Mafrish Ma'os li'Neziruso Lo Nehenin v'Lo Mo'alin
úåñôåú ã"ä äîôøéù îòåú ìðæéøåúå ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is because he could offer all for Shelamim.)
îôðé ùäï øàåééï ìáà ëåìí ùìîéí ãëéåï ãìà ôéøù àí éøöä éáéà ëì äîòåú ìùìîéí å÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ìéú áäå îòéìä
Explanation: It is because they are proper to come all Shelamim. Since he did not specify, if he wants, he can bring all of the coins for Shelamim, and Me'ilah does not apply to Kodshim Kalim.
TOSFOS DH Mes ha'Nazir v'Hayu Lo Ma'os Setumin Yiplu li'Nedavah
úåñôåú ã"ä îú äðæéø åäéå ìå îòåú ñúåîéï éôìå ìðãáä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is for Kitz ha'Mizbe'ach.)
ìòåìú ÷éõ ìîæáç áðæéø (ãó ëä.) îôøù èòîà
Explanation: They are for Olas Kitz ha'Mizbe'ach. In Nazir (25a) it explains the reason. (R. Yochanan says that it is a tradition from Sinai. Reish Lakish learns from "l'Chol Nidreihem ul'Chol Nidvosam" that excess Nedarim are Nedavah.)
TOSFOS DH Demei Chatas Yelchu l'Yam ha'Melach
úåñôåú ã"ä ãîé çèàú éìëå ìéí äîìç
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the source for this.)
ëîå çèàú ùîúå áòìéä
Explanation: This is like a Chatas whose owner died.
TOSFOS DH v'Ein Te'unin Lechem
úåñôåú ã"ä åàéï èòåðéï ìçí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives the source for this.)
ãòì ëôé äðæéø ëúéá (áîãáø' å) åðæéø àéï ëàï
Source: It is written [about the bread] "on the Nazir's hands", and there is no Nazir here.
TOSFOS DH Yatza l'Nachal Kidron Mo'alin
úåñôåú ã"ä éöà ìðçì ÷ãøåï îåòìéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Me'ilah is mid'Rabanan.)
îãøáðï ÷àîø ëãîôøù áâîøà
Explanation: This is mid'Rabanan, like the Gemara explains.
TOSFOS DH Yardu l'Shitin Ein Mo'alin
úåñôåú ã"ä éøãå ìùéúéï àéï îåòìéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is because its Mitzvah was done.)
ãàîøéðï ðòùéú îöåúä åáâî' îôøù äéëé ãîé ãðäðä îäí
Explanation: We say that its Mitzvah was done. The Gemara explains how one benefits from it.
TOSFOS DH Mipnei she'Hem Re'uyin Lehavi Torim she'Lo Higi'a Zmanan
úåñôåú ã"ä îôðé ùäí øàåééï ìäáéà úåøéí ùìà äâéò æîðï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is unlike doves after their time.)
ëìåîø ùäí ÷èðéí åàéï øàåééï ìîæáç òúä åìëùéâãìå éëùøå åúðà áîúðéúéï ãìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï
Explanation: [Turtledoves before their time] are small, and they are not proper for the Mizbe'ach now, and when they will grow, they will be Kosher, and our Mishnah taught that one may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply;
åáðé éåðä ùòáø æîðï ëãé ðñáä äëà ãäà ìòåìí ìà éäéå øàåééï ìîæáç îàçø ùòáø æîðï åàâá úåøéí ùìà äâéò æîðï ð÷èéä
"Doves after their time" was taught for naught, for they will never be proper for the Mizbe'ach, since their time passed. They were mentioned Agav turtledoves before their time.
TOSFOS DH Amrah Torah Havei Shelamim...
úåñôåú ã"ä àîøä úåøä äáà (úåøéí) [ùìîéí] áîòåú ñúåîéí äáà úåøéï ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the latter statement is said in astonishment.)
áúîéä ùàéï øàåé ìîæáç (åìîàé) [ö"ì ìîàé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îééúé ìäå
Explanation: This is said in astonishment. [Did the Torah say to bring turtledoves before their time], which are not proper for the Mizbe'ach [now]? For what does he bring them?!
åà''ë ìéú ìï ìîéîø ãìà (ðäðéï) [ö"ì îåòìéï îäàé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] èòîà ãîôðé ùäí øàåééï ëå'
Consequence: If so, we should not say that Me'ilah does not apply for this reason, that it is proper to bring...
TOSFOS DH Mai Taima d'Man d'Amar Ein Mo'alin Lo Garsinan
úåñôåú ã"ä îàé èòîà ãîàï ãàîø àéï îåòìéï ìà âøñéðï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos rejects this text.)
ãà''ë îùîò ãî''ã îåòìéï äééðå îãàåøééúà åìéú ìéä äðé ãøùåú ãáñîåê
Source #1: If [the text said] so, it would connote that the one who says that Mo'alin, this is mid'Oraisa, and he argues with the Drashos below;
åæä àéðå ãäà (áøéù) [ö"ì áñåó] äåöéàå ìå (éåîà ãó ðè:) ÷àîø ò''ë ìà ôìéâé àìà îãøáðï àáì ãàåøééúà àéï îåòìéï
And this is not so, for in Yoma (59b) it says that they argue only mid'Rabanan, but mid'Oraisa, [all agree that] Me'ilah does not apply.
åòåã ãø''ù ÷àîø äëà ãîåòìéï åáîúðé' ÷àîø ãàéï îåòìéï àìà áñåó (ãø''ì) [ö"ì åø"ì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îãøáðï
Source #2: R. Shimon says that here that Me'ilah applies, and in our Mishnah he says that Me'ilah applies only at the end, i.e. mid'Rabanan;
àìà (ä''â òã ëàï ì''ô ø''ù àìà îãøáðï àáì îãàåøééúà) [ö"ì âøñéðï äëé òã ëàï ì''ô àìà îãøáðï àáì îãàåøééúà ìë"ò - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àéï îåòìéï îðäðé îéìé
Conclusion: Rather, the text says "they argue only mid'Rabanan, but mid'Oraisa all agree that Me'ilah does not apply. What is the source of this?"
TOSFOS DH Ein Lecha Davar she'Na'asis Mitzvaso u'Mo'alin
úåñôåú ã"ä àéï ìê ãáø ùðòùéú îöåúå åîåòìéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not say oppositely.)
åàí úàîø àéîà àéôëà ãàéï ìê ãáø ùìà ðòùéú îöåúå åàéï áå îòéìä
Question: We should say oppositely - there is nothing that its Mitzvah was not done, and Me'ilah does not apply to it!
é''ì ãòâìä òøåôä úåëéç ãéøéãúä ìðçì àéúï àåñøúä å÷åãí ìëï ìà
Answer: Eglah Arufah Yochi'ach (disproves this) - taking it down to Nachal Eisan forbids it, but beforehand, no (it is permitted).
TOSFOS DH Trei Mi'utei Kesivi (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä úøé îéòåèé ëúéáé (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why both exclusions are needed.)
úéîä ãáçã îéòåèà äåä ñâé ãìéëà ìîéîø ãàé ìà ëúéá îéòåèà àìà áçã äåä éìôéðï îàéãê ãàí ëï ìéùúå÷ îï äîéòåè ãäà [ö"ì äùúà ÷ééîé àìéáà ãî"ã - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùðé ëúåáéí äáàéï ëàçã (àéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) îìîãéï
Question: One exclusion would suffice! You cannot say that if only one exclusion were written, we would learn from the other [source], for if so, it should not teach the exclusion, for now we are holding like the opinion that Shnei Kesuvim ha'Ba'im k'Echad (two verses, one of which teaches something that we could have learned from the other verse) teach [to elsewhere]!
åðøàä ìîåøé äøá [øáéðå] ôøõ ãìà îöé ìîéùú÷ îäòøåôä ãàéöèøéê ìåîø æå áòøéôä åàéï àçø áòøéôä ìàôå÷é ôøä àãåîä ëãàîø áô''÷ ãçåìéï (ãó ëã.)
Answer (Tosfos' Rebbi, R. Peretz): [The Torah] needed to write [the exclusion] "ha'Arufah", for it needs to teach that this is [fulfilled] through breaking the neck, but another is not, to exclude Parah Adumah, like it says in Chulin (24a);
åà''ë öøéê ìëúåá åùîå ëãé ùìà ðìîåã îùí ãäòøåôä àéöèøéê ëãôé'
If so, it needed to write "v'Sam'o", lest we learn from there, since we need "ha'Arufah" (so it is not Shnei Kesuvim), like I explained.
TOSFOS DH Lul Katan Hayah Bein ha'Kevesh la'Mizbe'ach (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä ìåì ÷èï äéä áéï äëáù ìîæáç (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes this from another Lul.)
ôéøåù ëîéï àøåáä
Explanation: It was like a skylight.
åàéï æä àåúå ìåì ãàîøéðï áæáçéí (ãó ñá:) åáñåëä (ãó îè.) ùàåúå äåà áéï ëáù ìîæáç îîù ëãé ì÷ééí îöåú æøé÷ä ááùø
Observation: This is not the Lul that we say in Zevachim (62b) and in Sukah (49a), for that was truly between the ramp and the Mizbe'ach, in order to fulfill the Mitzvah of throwing meat [onto the Mizbe'ach];
åæä äéä îùåê ìöã ä÷øï ùì (îæøç) [ö"ì îæáç - öàï ÷ãùéí] åëáø ëìä øçá äëáù ùäåà è''æ àîä åäîæáç ùðéí åùìùéí åäëáù [ö"ì äéä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îîåöò ìîæáç:
This [Lul] was towards the corner of the Mizbe'ach, and the width of the ramp, which was 16 Amos, already finished. The Mizbe'ach was 32 Amos wide, and the ramp was in the middle of the Mizbe'ach.
TOSFOS DH Mah Nosar Sereifaso ba'Kodesh Af Zo Sereifaso ba'Kodesh
úåñôåú ã"ä îä ðåúø ùøéôúå á÷åãù àó æå ùøéôúå á÷ãù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the two versions.)
åäééðå ãìà ëø''à áøáé öãå÷ ãëéåï ãìàçø ùéøã èòåï ùøéôä àí ëï ìà ðòùéú îöåúå åàîàé àîøéðï áîúðé' [éøãå] ìùéúéï àéï îåòìéï
Explanation: This is unlike R. Eliezer b'Ribi Tzadok, for since after it descends, it must be burned, if so, its Mitzvah was not done. If so, why do we say in our Mishnah that when it descended to Shitin, Me'ilah does not apply?
åîùðé àôéìå úéîà ø' àìòæø áøáé öãå÷ äåà ãàé ÷ìè ëìåîø ù÷ìè îàåéø åìà éøãå îîù òì äøéöôä åáëé äàé âååðà àéï îöåúä áùøéôä åìäëé ÷àîø áîúðé' ãàéï îåòìéï
It answers that it is even like R. Eliezer b'Ribi Tzadok, if he caught, i.e. he caught from the air, and it did not truly descend on the floor. In such a case, there is no Mitzvah to burn. Therefore, our Mishnah says that Ein Mo'alin.
àéëà ãàîøé ìéîà îúðé' ø''à áø øáé öãå÷ åìà øáðï ãàé øáðï àîàé ÷àîø áîúðé' éøãå ìùéúéï àéï îåòìéï áäí îàé îòéìä ùééëà áäå åäìà äí éåøãéï ìúäåí åäéàê éëåì ìîòåì áäí
Version #2A: We should say that our Mishnah is like R. Eliezer bar R. Tzadok and not Rabanan. If it were Rabanan, why does our Mishnah say that [after] it descended to Shitin, Ein Mo'alin? What Me'ilah is relevant - it descended to the depth! How could one be Mo'el (benefit from it)?!
åîùðé ãàé ÷ìè
It answers [that Me'ilah is relevant] if he caught.
åòúä ìâéøñà æå ìà çùéá äàé ãéå÷à [ö"ì ëîå - öàï ÷ãùéí] ììéùðà ÷îà ìøáé àìòæø áøáé öãå÷
Observation: According to this text, we do not make the inference [that if it must be burned, Me'ilah applies in Version #1 according to R. Eliezer b'Ribi Tzadok.
àéëà ãàîø ìéîà ãîúðé' àúà ëøáé àìòæø áø öãå÷ åëâåï ãàé÷ìè ù÷ìè àú äééï ÷åãí ùéøã ìøéöôä
Version #2B: We should say that our Mishnah is like R. Eliezer bar R. Tzadok, e.g. it was caught, that he caught the wine before it descended to the floor;
ãàí éøã ìøéöôä äøéöôä î÷ãùú åöøéê ìùåøôå åàí ëï ìà ðòùéú îöåúä
If it descended to the floor, the floor is Mekadesh, and he must burn it. If so, its Mitzvah was not done!
åîùðé ìà ìòåìí ëø''à åàôéìå ìà àé÷ìè åîãøáðï
It answers that really, it is like R. Eliezer, and even if it was not caught, and [he requires burning] mid'Rabanan.
åôøéê åäà ÷øà ÷ðñéá ìéä ôéøåù åäà ø''à áø öãå÷ ãøéù ìä î÷øà åîùðé àñîëúà áòìîà äéà
It asks that he brought a verse. I.e. R. Eliezer bar R. Tzadok expounded from a verse, and answers that it is a mere Asmachta.
TOSFOS DH Dishun Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi
úåñôåú ã"ä ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos teaches where we put the ashes.)
ùäéå î÷èéøéï àú ä÷èøú òì îæáç äôðéîé åäéä ãùï òìéå åäéå ðåùàéï àåúå áî÷åí ùæåø÷éï áå äîåøàä åäðåöä øçå÷ é' àîåú îøâìé äëáù ëãîôøù áúîéã (ãó ëç:) îùåí ãëúéá åäùìéê åàéï äùìëä ôçåú [îòùøéí] àîä
Explanation: They burned the Ketores on the inner Mizbe'ach, and there were ashes on it, and they carried it to the place where they throw the crop and feathers [of Olas ha'Of], 10 Amos from the base of the ramp, like it explains in Tamid (28b), because it says "v'Hishlich", and casting is not less than 20 Amos. (Olas ha'Of is offered at the southeast corner of the Mizbe'ach, past the top of the ramp; the ramp was 30 Amos long.)
TOSFOS DH ha'Makdish Dishun ba'Tchilah
úåñôåú ã"ä äî÷ãéù ãéùåï áúçìä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this refers to Terumas ha'Deshen.)
éù îôøùéí áî÷ãéù àôø ëéøúå
Explanation #1: Some say that this refers to one who is Makdish ashes of his oven.
åàéï ðøàä ãàèå âøò îî÷ãéù æáì àùôúå ã÷àîø áñîåê ãîåòìéï åàí ëï îàé ÷à îùîò ìï äëà ãäà åãàé ãëì àãí éëåì ìä÷ãéù ìáã÷ äáéú
Rebuttal: Is this worse than one who is Makdish dung of his wasteheap? It says below that Me'ilah applies to it. If so, what was difficult here? Surely anyone can be Makdish to Bedek ha'Bayis!
ìëê ðøàä ìôøù ãîééøé áàãí ùðèì îúøåîú äãùï ìàçø ùäåøîä åä÷ãéùä îåòìéï áä îï äúåøä
Explanation #2: Therefore, it seems that we discuss a man who took Terumas ha'Deshen after it was taken off, and he was Makdish it. Me'ilah applies to it mid'Oraisa.
TOSFOS DH Torim she'Lo Higi'a Zmanan
úåñôåú ã"ä úåøéí ùìà äâéò æîðï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that there is no Me'ilah even mid'Rabanan.)
ãáòéðï áúåøéí ùéäå âãåìéí
Explanation: Turtledoves must be big.
åáðé éåðä ùòáø æîðï
Citation: And doves whose time passed.
ãáéåðéí âãåìéí ôñåìéí ëãàîøéðï áñåó ô' ÷îà ãçåìéï (ãó ëá.) ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï ôéøåù ìà îåòìéï ëìì åàôéìå îãøáðï àîøéðï ãìà îåòìéï ëìì
Explanation: For doves, big ones are Pasul, like we say in Chulin (22a) "one may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply." I.e. Me'ilah does not apply at all, even mid'Rabanan we say that there is no Me'ilah at all.
ãàéï ìôøù ãàéï îåòìéï îï äúåøä ÷àîø àáì îãøáðï àéëà îòéìä
Implied suggestion: Perhaps Me'ilah does not apply mid'Oraisa, but there is Me'ilah mid'Rabanan!
ãäà ìòéì âáé ãí ã÷àîø àéï îåòìéï òì ëøçê øåöä ìåîø àéï îåòìéï ëìì
Rejection: Above (11a) regarding blood, that it says that Me'ilah does not apply to it, you are forced to say that it means that Me'ilah does not apply at all;
ãàé îï äúåøä ãåå÷à ÷àîø îàé ÷àîø éöà ìðçì ÷ãøåï îåòìéï åëé ðîé éöà ìðçì ÷ãøåï àéï îåòìéï àìà îãøáðï ëãôé' ìòéì
If it is only mid'Oraisa, why does it say "when it went out to Nachal Kidron, Me'ilah applies to it"? Also when it went out to Nachal Kidron, Me'ilah is only mid'Rabanan, like I explained above (11a DH Mai)!
åëï âáé çèàåú äîúåú ã÷àîø àéï îåòìéï ø''ì àó îãøáðï ëãîùîò ìòéì áøéù ô''÷ (ãó á.)
Support: Also regarding Chata'os ha'Mesos, it says that Me'ilah does not apply, i.e. even mid'Rabanan, like it connotes above (2a).
åà''ë ù''î ëì äéëà ã÷úðé àéï îåòìéï ø''ì àôéìå îãøáðï
Inference: This shows that wherever it says (Shitah Mekubetzes - in a Mishnah) that Me'ilah does not apply, it means even mid'Rabanan.
TOSFOS DH R. Shimon Omer Torim she'Lo Higi'a Zmanan Mo'alin Bahen
úåñôåú ã"ä øáé ùîòåï àåîø úåøéí ùìà äâéò æîðï îåòìéï áäï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why old doves are unlike a Chatas whose year passed.)
ëãîôøù áâî' åáðé éåðä ùòáø æîðï ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï
Explanation: This is like the Gemara explains. And doves whose time passed, one may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply.
åìà ãîé ìçèàú ùòáøä ùðúä ãàîø ìòéì ãîåòìéï áä ÷åãí ëôøä
Implied question: Why is this unlike a Chatas whose year passed? It says above (10b-11a) that Me'ilah applies to it before Kaparah!
ãäúí îùåí ãàæéì ìøòéä åàéú ìä ôãéåï àáì äëà àéï ìòåôåú ôãéåï åìà àé÷øå ÷ãùé ä'
Answer: There, it is because it grazes, and it has Pidyon. However, here, there is no Pidyon of birds, and it is not called Kodshei Hash-m.
TOSFOS DH Bishlama Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon di'Chsiv v'Sam'o Etzel ha'Mizbe'ach
úåñôåú ã"ä áùìîà îæáç äçéöåï ãëúéá åùîå àöì äîæáç
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what we seek to learn about the inner Mizbe'ach.)
ìëàåøä îùîò ãäëé ÷àîø áùìîà ãéùåï îæáç äçéöåï àéï îåòìéï îùåí ãëúéá åùîå
Explanation #1 - Inference: It connotes that it says here "granted, ashes of the outer Mizbe'ach, Me'ilah does not apply, because it says "v'Sam'o".
îéäå àéï ìôøù ëê ãäà áãéùåï îæáç äçéöåï éù áå îòéìä ëãîùîò ìòéì ãôøéê åäøé úøåîú äãùï åëå'
Rebuttal: One should not explain like this, for ashes of the outer Mizbe'ach have Me'ilah, like it connotes that above (at the top of this Amud), that it asks "there is Terumas ha'Deshen [which has Me'ilah after the Mitzvah was done]!"
åàãøáä åùîå îùîò ùéù áå îòéìä ëã÷àîø ìòéì åëúéá äúí åùîå àöì [ö"ì äîæáç ù7
And just the contrary, v'Sam'o connotes that there is Me'ilah, like it says above 'and it is written there "v'Sam'o Etzel ha'Mizbe'ach"!'
ìëê ðøàä ìôøù ããéé÷ îîúðé' ã÷úðé ãéùåï îæáç äôðéîé ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï îùåí ãðòùä îöåúå ãäééðå ãéùåï àáì òã ùìà ðãùï îåòìéï áå ãàëúé ìà ðòùéú îöåúå ãîöåä ìãùðå
Explanation #2: Therefore, it seems to explain that he infers from our Mishnah, which taught "ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach - one may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply, because its Mitzvah was done", i.e. Dishun. However, before Dishun, Me'ilah applies, for its Mitzvah was not yet done, for it is a Mitzvah to remove ashes;
åãå÷à áîæáç äôðéîé àáì áîæáç äçéöåï îåòìéï áå àó ìàçø äãéùåï
And this is only for the inner Mizbe'ach, but the outer Mizbe'ach, Me'ilah applies even after Dishun;
åòìä ÷àîø áâîøà áùìîà îæáç äçéöåï îåòìéï áå àó ìàçø äãéùåï (îùåí ãëúéá åùîå ìåîø ãàó ëé ðòùéú îöåúå îåòìéï áå - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) ëãðô÷à ìï ìòéì îãëúéá åùîå
And regarding this, the Gemara said that granted, Me'ilah applies to the outer Mizbe'ach even after Dishun, like we derived above from "v'Sam'o";
àìà îæáç ôðéîé îðìï ãîöåä ìãùðå ãðéîà ãàéï îåòìéï îùòú ãéùåï åàéìê îùåí ãðòùéú îöåúå
However, the inner Mizbe'ach, what is the source that there is a Mitzvah of Dishun, that we should say that Me'ilah does not apply from the time of Dishun and onwards, for its Mitzvah was done?
åìà ðøàä ãà''ë îùîò ã÷åãí ãéùåï éù îòéìä áãùï îæáç äôðéîé
Objection: This is wrong, for if so, it connotes that before Dishun, Me'ilah applies to the ashes of the inner Mizbe'ach;
åæä àéðå ëãàîøéðï áôø÷ ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ãó ëå.) ã÷èøú îùúòìä úîøúå àéï áå îòéìä
And this is not so, like we say in Pesachim (26a) that Ketores, from when its smoke goes up, Me'ilah does not apply to it!
àìà ðøàä ìôøù ëê áùìîà îæáç äçéöåï ãëúéá åùîå ðô÷à ìï îéðéä ãäåé îöåä ìãùðå àìà îæáç äôðéîé îðìï ãîöåä ìãùðå åìàå (ãîòéìä ÷à öøéê) [ö"ì îîòéìä ÷à ôøéê - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ëìì
Explanation #3: Rather, it seems to explain as follows. Granted, the outer Mizbe'ach, that it is written v'Sam'o, we learn from this that it is a Mitzvah to do Dishun. However, the inner Mizbe'ach, what is the source that there is a Mitzvah of Dishun? [The Gemara] does not ask from Me'ilah at all.
åæä ãåç÷ ãäåä ìéä ìàéúåéé âáé îæáç äçéöåï åäøéí äãùï
Objection #1: This is difficult, for it should have brought "v'Herim ha'Deshen"!
åòåã áñîåê ã÷áòé (îëàï îãó äáà) îðåøä îðà ìï ìà ÷áòé îãéùåï ãäà ëúéá áäãéà (ùîåú ì) áäéèéáå àú äðøåú
Objection #2: Below (12a), it asks "what is the source for the Menorah?", it does not ask from Dishun, for it is written explicitly "b'Heitivo Es ha'Neros"!