
DO CONVERTS BRING AND RECITE? (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 1 Halachah 4 Daf 3a)

îúðé' àìå îáéàéí åìà ÷åøéï äâø îáéà åàéðå ÷åøà ùàéï éëåì ìåîø [ãáøéí ëå â] àùø ðùáò ä' ìàáåúéðå ìúú ìðå åàí äéúä àîå îéùøàì îáéà å÷åøà.


(Mishnah): The following bring and do not recite - a convert brings and does not recite, for he cannot say "Asher Nishba Hash-m la'Avoseinu Lases Lanu." If his mother was from Yisrael, he brings and recites.

åëùäåà îúôìì áéðå ìáéï òöîå àåîø àìäé àáåú éùøàì åëùäåà ááéú äëðñú àåîø àìäé àáåúéëí åàí äéúä àîå îéùøàì àåîø àìäé àáåúéðå:


When [a convert] prays by himself, he says 'Elokei Avos Yisrael.' When he is in the Beis ha'Keneses, he says 'Elokei Avoseichem.' If his mother was from Yisrael, he says 'Elokei Avoseinu.'

âî' øáé éåðä åøáé éñà úøåéäåï áùí øáé ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ ááðé ÷éðé çåúï îùä äéà îúðéúà.


(Gemara - R. Yonah and R. Yosa, both citing R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): Our Mishnah [says that if his mother was from Yisrael, he brings and recites] It discusses descendants of the Kini (Yisro), Moshe's father-in-law. (If not, he cannot recite, for he did not receive land.)

[ö"ì åäúðé - ùòøé úåøú àøõ éùøàì] åáðé ÷éðé çåúï îùä îáéàéï å÷åøéï ãëúéá [áîãáø é ëè] ìëä àúðå åäèáðå ìê.


Support (Beraisa): Bnei Kini, Moshe's father-in-law, they bring and recite, for it says "Lechah Itanu v'Hetavnu Lach" (they received land).

øáé çæ÷éä áùí ø' ìòæø ìà àîø ëï [ãó ä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àìà îä èòí àîøå äàôéèøåôéñ åäòáã åäùìéç åäàùä åèåîèåí åàðãøåâðéñ îáéàéï åìà ÷åøéï ùäâø äøé àîåø áôøùä.


R. Chizkiyah citing R. Lazar did not say so. Rather, [R. Shmuel explained] why did they say [in the coming Mishnah] that an overseer, slave, Shali'ach, woman, Tumtum and Androginus bring and do not recite? (Since they did not inherit land, they cannot recite. We should say that they are excluded also from bringing!) It is because a convert is written in the Parshah (Devarim 26:11, at the end of Parshas Bikurim - "Atah veha'Levi veha'Ger").

àîø øáé ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ úéôúø áääï âø ãäëà ááðé ÷éðé çåúï îùä. åáðé ÷éðé çåúï îùä îáéàéï å÷åøéï.


Rebuttal (R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): The convert here is from Bnei Kini, Moshe's father-in-law. Bnei Kini, Moshe's father-in-law, they bring and recite.


Note: There is an implied question. Since they recite, this shows that Bnei Gerim can say "la'Avoseinu." If so, why does the Seifa stipulate 'if his mother was from Yisrael'?

àîø øáé éåñé ÷ééîä áðéîï áø òùúåø ÷åîé øáé çééä áø áà áâåé ùáà áòáéøä òì áú éùøàì äéà îúðéúà.


Answer (R. Yosi, citing Binyamin bar Ashtor, in front of R. Chiya bar Ba): Our Mishnah discusses a Nochri who transgressed and had Bi'ah with a Bas Yisrael. (It teaches that even though his father is a Nochri, he brings and recites.)

øáé éåðä ìà àîø ëï àìà øáé [ö"ì æòéøà - ø"ù ñéøéìéå] ùîò ìàéìéï ãáé áø òùúåø ãàéðåï âøéí áðé [ãó â òîåã á] âøéí àåîøéí àìäé àáåúéðå.


R. Yonah did not say so. Rather, R. Ze'ira heard people of Bar Ashtor's house, who were Gerim Bnei Gerim, saying 'Elokei Avoseinu';

åäà úðéðï àí äéúä àîå îéùøàì àåîø àìäé àáåúéðå äà âøéí áðé âøéí ìà.


Question: Our Mishnah says that if his mother was from Yisrael, he says 'Elokei Avoseinu.' This implies that Gerim Bnei Gerim do not say so!

àîø ø' éåñé ÷ééîä áðéîéï áø òùúåø ÷åîé øáé çééà áø áà øáé çæ÷éä áùí øáé çééà áø áà ÷ééîä áø òùúåø ÷åîéðï áâåé ùáà áòáéøä òì áú éùøàì äéà îúðéúà.


Answer: R. Yosi says that Binyamin bar Ashtor answered in front of R. Chiya bar Ba, and R. Chizkiyah citing R. Chiya bar Ba said that Binyamin bar Ashtor answered in front of us 'our Mishnah discusses a Nochri who transgressed and had Bi'ah with a Bas Yisrael.' (Also Gerim Bnei Gerim say so, even though their mother is not a Bas Yisrael. We explained this like RIDVAZ.)

øáé æøé÷ï àîø øáé æòéøà áòé ëìåí äåà îúëååéï ìà ìàáøäí éöç÷ åéò÷á åëé àáøäí éöç÷ åéò÷á àáåúéäí äéå [ëìåí] ðùáò ä÷ãåù áøåê äåà (àìà ìæëøéí ùîà ìð÷éáåú) [ö"ì ìâøéí àìà ìàøáåú - äâø"à]


Question (R. Zerikan citing R. Ze'ira): (Why may Gerim Bnei Gerim recite?) Does not ["Asher Nishba Hash-m la'Avoseinu"] refer to Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov?! Were Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov their (converts') fathers?! Did Hash-m swear to converts?! Rather, [He swore only to] the Avos! (We explained this like GRA.)

[ãó ä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úðé áùí øáé éäåãä âø òöîå îáéà å÷åøà îä èòí [áøàùéú éæ ä] ëé àá äîåï âåéí ðúúéê.


(Beraisa - in the name of R. Yehudah): A convert himself brings and recites. What is the reason? "Ki Av Hamon Goyim Nesaticha";

ìùòáø äééú àá ìàøí åòëùéå îëàï åàéìê àúä àá ìëì äâåéí.


[Hash-m told Avraham] before, you were father to Aram. From now and onwards, you are father to all nations.

øáé éäåùò áï ìåé àîø äìëä ëøáé éäåãä.


(R. Yehoshua ben Levi): The Halachah follows R. Yehudah.

àúà òåáãà ÷åîé ãøáé àáäå åäåøé ëøáé éäåãä:


A case occurred in front of R. Avahu, and he ruled like R. Yehudah (regarding Tefilah; Bikurim did not apply in the days of the Amora'im, after the Churban - SEFER NIR.)