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1. When the Ketores is placed in the grinder of Hekdesh it becomes susceptible to becoming Pasul from contact with a Tevul Yom.
2. When someone is Makdish a Minchah, the Din of Me'ilah immediately applies.
3. When a Minchah is brought in the Azarah and placed in a Kli Shares, it becomes susceptible to becoming Pasul from a Tevul Yom or Mechusar Kipur or through being left overnight.
4. When a Kometz or Levonah of a Minchah, or Ketores is placed in a Kli Shares, it becomes susceptible to becoming Pasul from a Tevul Yom or Mechushar Kipur or through being left overnight.
5. Korbenos Tzibur and the Ketores may be redeemed even though they are Kadosh with Kedushas ha'Guf.
6. If someone is Makdish the value of a ram in order to use its value for an Olah, the ram is Kadosh with Kedushas ha'Guf.
7. If the ox or goat of Yom Kipur, or the goat of Avodah Zarah was lost and other animals were separated in its place, the original animals are allowed to die according to Rebbi Yehudah. Rebbi Elazar and Rebbi Shimon disagree.
8. A Parah Adumah may be redeemed if it becomes Pasul in any way, or if it died, or was Shechted in the wrong place, or a nicer one was found.
9. If the Parah Adumah was Shechted in the proper place it may no longer be redeemed according to the Tana of the Beraisa. Rebbi Shimon disagrees.
10. Rebbi Shimon maintains that something which is forbidden for one to derive benefit from is not susceptible to Tum'as Ochlin, with the exception of a Parah Adumah.
11. There is a disagreement if Temidim which are not needed by the Tzibur may be redeemed without a Mum.


1. The grinder used in the preparation of the Ketores is a Kli Shares. Therefore, the Ketores becomes Kadosh with Kedushas ha'Guf and is susceptible to becoming Pasul from contact with a Tevul Yom.
2. Although the Minchah has not yet been placed in a Kli Shares and is only Kadosh with Kedushas Damim, nevertheless the law of Me'ilah applies.
3. When a Minchah is placed in a Kli Shares, it becomes Kadosh with the greater Kedushah of Kedushas ha'Guf. Therefore, if a Tevul Yom or Mechushar Kipur comes into contact with it, or if it is left overnight, it is Pasul.
4. Ketores does not become Pasul when left overnight after it is placed in the grinder of Hekdesh, even though it is Kadosh with Kedushas ha'Guf, because its appearance undergoes no change. However, the Rabanan decreed that when it is placed in a utensil at the time it is placed on the Mizbe'ach, it becomes Pasul by being left overnight, so that one not confuse it with other Kodshim which were placed in a Kli Shares.
5. Normally, something that is Kadosh with Kedushas ha'Guf may not be redeemed without a Mum. However, the Beis Din makes an unspoken stipulation that Hekdesh of a Tzibur is conditional, and if it is not needed it is Kadosh only for its value and not with Kedushas ha'Guf.
6. The animal must be used for a Korban and may not be sold, since it is fit to be brought on the Mizbe'ach. However, if the person said that he will use its value to buy Nesachim, the ram does not have Kedushas ha'Guf and may be sold.
7. Rebbi Elazar and Rebbi Shimon maintain that the animals must be put out to graze until they develop a Mum. They then are sold and the proceeds are used for Olos Nedavah.
8. A Parah Adumah may be redeemed even if it is not Pasul in any way. Beis Din's sanctification of the Parah Adumah is done with an unspoken stipulation that the Hekdesh will be conditional, because the Parah Adumah is very expensive (despite of the fact that the Shechitah of a Parah Adumah is a rare event).
9. The Tana of the Beraisa maintains that it is a disgrace for a Parah Adumah -- which was prepared properly -- to be allowed to become Chulin. Therefore, if it was slaughtered properly it may not be redeemed.
10. Rebbi Shimon maintains that a Parah Adumah is an exception because it may be redeemed even after it was slaughtered in the proper place (and would be permitted to be eaten). Anything which could be redeemed is considered as though it was already redeemed, and therefore it is susceptible to Tum'as Ochlin.
11. Although, normally, a Korban may not be redeemed without a Mum, the Rabanan maintain that Temidim that are left over at the beginning of Nisan may be redeemed. Since the Tamid is a Korban Tzibur, Beis Din makes the Kedushas ha'Guf of a Korban Tzibur conditional. Rebbi Shimon maintains that the Beis Din does not make the Kedushas ha'Guf conditional.

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