brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. The Korban Tamid of the afternoon is brought before the Korban Pesach. The Torah states that the Tamid should be brought Bein ha'Arbayim, and that the Pesach should be brought b'Erev. 2. Rebbi Yochanan says that the Tefilah of Minchah should precede the Tefilah of Musaf. 3. Rebbi Yochanan says that according to Ben Beseirah, a Korban Pesach which is brought in the morning of Erev Pesach is Pasul, whether it is brought Lishmah or she'Lo Lishmah. 4. Rebbi Avahu says that according to Ben Beseirah, a Korban Pesach is Kosher only when it was designated in the afternoon of Erev Pesach. Abaye says that it may be designated even in the morning of Erev Pesach. Rav Papa says that it may be designated even on the previous night. 5. An animal may be placed in the barn with the other animals for Ma'aser Behemah on the night of its eighth day. 6. Two partners own an animal. One of them is Makdish his half, and then he buys the other half and is Makdish it as well. The animal may not be brought as a Korban. 7. If a person designated a Korban and became a Mumar or a Shoteh, even if he subsequently repents or regains his faculties, his Korban is Pasul. 8. A person ate Chelev, and designated a Korban for atonement. Subsequently, the Beis Din ruled (erroneously) that Chelev is permitted. The Korban is Pasul. 9. According to Ben Azai, if an Olah is brought she'Lo Lishmah, it is Pasul, like a Chatas and a Pesach.
1. Ben Beseirah maintains that the Korban Pesach may be brought in the morning. If it was delayed until the afternoon, the Tamid of the afternoon is brought first. 2. If a person delayed his Tefilah of Musaf until it was time for Minchah, he should recite the Tefilah of Musaf after the Tefilah of Minchah. 3. A Korban Pesach may be brought only in the afternoon of Erev Pesach. Since the Korban Pesach may be brought on that day, it may not be brought as a Shelamim even in the morning. If it is brought she'Lo Lishmah it is Pasul. 4. According to Ben Beseirah, a Pesach may not be brought in the morning of Erev Pesach. Rebbi Avahu maintains that it may not be designated until the afternoon, because a Korban which is designated at a time it is not fit to be brought as a Korban does not attain the Kedushah of a Korban. Abaye says that it may be designated in the morning of Erev Pesach, since it can be brought later on that day. Rav Papa says that it may be designated even the previous night, because the night is not considered Mechusar Zeman. 5. An animal less than eight days old may not be placed in the barn with the animals from which Ma'aser Behemah will be separated. Nevertheless, the previous night is not considered Mechusar Zeman. 6. At the time he was Makdish the first half of the animal, it did not have the Kedushah of a Korban since he owned only half of the animal. At that time the animal was not fit for the Kedushah of a Korban and the Kedushah could never be gained. 7. At the time he became a Mumar or a Shoteh his Korban could not be brought. Once an animal loses the Kedushah of a Korban it could never be regained. 8. When the Beis Din ruled that Chelev is permitted, his Korban was no longer fit to be brought. If he would have sinned at that time he would not have been obligated to bring a Korban, because an individual who sinned as a result of an erroneous ruling of Beis Din is Patur from bringing a Korban. 9. However, the Chachamim maintain that only a Chatas and a Pesach are Pasul if they are brought she'Lo Lishmah.
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