brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
MENACHOS 15 (14 Elul) - This Daf has been dedicated in honor of the Yahrzeit of Yisrael (son of Chazkel and Miryam) Rosenbaum who passed away on 14 Elul, by his son and daughter and their families. |
1. If one of the Bazichin of the Lechem ha'Panim became Tamei, according to Rebbi Yehudah both may be offered b'Tum'ah. The Chachamim disagree. 2. If the majority of one of the Shevatim is Tamei, all of the Shevatim may offer the Korban Pesach b'Tum'ah. 3. If one of the two loaves of the Shtei ha'Lechem or one of the two sets of loaves of the Lechem ha'Panim became Tamei, according to Rebbi Yehudah all of the loaves must be burned. The Chachamim disagree. 4. If the Kohen slaughters a Todah, or the two Kivsei Atzeres, with intent to eat from the Korban on the following day, the Korban and its loaves are Pigul. 5. If the Kohen slaughters a Todah, or the two Kivsei Atzeres, with intent to eat from the loaves on the following day, the loaves are Pigul, but the Korban is not Pigul. 6. If the Kohen slaughtered a Todah, or the two Kivsei Atzeres, with intent to eat an half an olive's size from the Korban, and half an olive's size from the loaves, on the following day, the loaves are Pigul, but the Korban is not Pigul. 7. If one plants Zera'im in the vineyard of his friend, the Zera'im are Kil'ayim and are forbidden, but the grapes are permitted. 8. Rebbi Meir says that if the Kohen slaughters a Korban with intent to eat from the Korban on the following day, the Korban and the Nesachim are Pigul. If the Kohen intends to bring the Nesachim the following day, only the Nesachim are Pigul. The Rabanan disagree. 9. According to Rebbi Meir, after the Korban has been slaughtered, the Nesachim of the Korban or the Log Shemen of the Metzora may not be used for a different Korban. The Rabanan disagree. 10. Rebbi Meir says that if the Kohen slaughters an Asham Metzora with intent to eat from the Korban on the following day, the Korban and the Log Shemen are Pigul. The Rabanan disagree.
1. Although the Tzitz atones for the Pesul of Tum'ah, the Chachamim maintain that only the actual Bazichin which became Tamei may be offered b' Tum'ah. According to Rebbi Yehudah, a Korban Tzibur is never divided; if one of the Bazichin became Tamei, all of the Bazichin may be offered b'Tum'ah. 2. If the majority of the "Kahal" is Tamei, a Korban Pesach may be offered b'Tum'ah. According to Rebbi Yehudah, one Shevet is considered to a Kahal and may bring the Korban Pesach b'Tum'ah. Since a Korban Tzibur is never divided, all of the Shevatim may bring the Korban Pesach b'Tum'ah. 3. The Chachamim maintain that only the loaves which are Tamei are burned, and the other loaves may be eaten. According to Rebbi Yehudah, however, a Korban Tzibur is never divided, and thus if one loaf becomes Pasul, all of the loaves are considered Pasul and must be burned. 4. The loaves are ancillary to the Korban, as they are brought as an accessory to the Korban. Therefore, when the Korban is Pigul, the loaves also are Pigul. 5. The Korban is not an accessory to the loaves. Therefore, only the loaves are Pigul, but not the Korban. 6. Since the Machshavah of Pigul on the Korban involved less than the size of an olive, the Korban is not Pigul. However, the loaves are Pigul, because the two half-olive sizes combine for the Shi'ur of one olive. 7. One does not have the power to prohibit the property of another. Therefore, the grapes remain permitted even if they grew more than 1/200th of their growth while the Zera'im were planted in the vineyard. 8. According to Rebbi Meir, if the Nesachim were sanctified in a Kli and were offered on the same day as the Korban, they become Pigul along with the Korban. According to the Rabanan, even if the Nesachim were offered on the same day, they do not become Pigul, because they could be used for a different Korban. 9. According to Rebbi Meir, Nesachim and a Log Shemen are no different from the loaves of a Todah. Once the Korban is slaughtered, they may not be used for a different Korban. 10. According to Rebbi Meir, the blood of the Asham permits the Kohen to place the Shemen on the Behonos of the Metzora. Accordingly, if the Log Shemen is offered on the same day as the Asham, it is Pigul. According to the Rabanan, even if the Log Shemen is brought on the same day, it does not become Pigul, because it may be used for a different Asham.
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