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& Revach l'Neshamah -

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If a woman becomes a Nezirah and she drinks wine or became Teme'ah to Mesim she is punished with Malkus.
If the husband annuls the Nezirus of his wife without her knowledge and she drinks wine or becomes Teme'ah to Mesim she is not punished.
Rebbi Yehudah says that since she was unaware that her husband annulled the Nezirus she is punished with Makos Mardus. (1)
If a person eats the Korban Pesach with an Achilah Gasah he is Yotzei but it is not a Mitzvah Min ha'Muvchar.
The daughters of Lot had a Mitzvah in mind while Lot's intention was for the Aveirah.
Although Lot was drunk after the Ma'aseh he was aware of what happened. (2)
An Amoni and Moavi are forbidden forever from marrying into Klal Yisrael.
Tamar was Mezaneh and Kings and Nevi'im descended from her while Zimri was Mezaneh and caused thousands to die. (3)
An Aveirah Lishmah is equal to a Mitzvah she'Lo Lishmah.
A person should always occupy himself with Torah and Mitzvos even if it is she'Lo Lishmah. (4)
Even the good of a Rasha is bad for a Tzadik.
Balak merited Ruth descending from him for the 42 Korbanos that he brought. (5)


1. Makos Mardus are Malkus mid'Rabanan.
2. Therefore he should have avoided drinking wine the second night.
3. Tamar was Mezaneh l'Shem Shamayim and Zimri was not.
4. Because when one starts doing Mitzvos she'Lo Lishmah he will end up doing them Lishmah.
5. Ruth was the granddaughter of Eglon the King of Mo'av.


Rebbi Yehudah says that if the husband annuls the Nezirus of his wife without her knowledge and she drinks wine or becomes Teme'ah to Mesim she is punished with Makos Mardus. Tosfos says that even though regular Malkus is only 39 lashes there is no limit for the lashes of Makos Mardus and the Malkus are continued until death or until he takes on to do the Mitzvah. However that is true only in a case that it is still possible for the person to rectify his wrongdoing. In a case that the wrongdoing can no longer be rectified she does not receive more than 39 lashes.


If a woman makes a Neder and her father or husband annuls her Neder and the annulment is unknown to her and she transgresses the Neder deliberately she is Patur. Even though she intended to do an Isur since it turned into a Heter she is Patur and she is punished with Makos Mardus since she intended to do an Isur. (Rambam Hilchos Nezirus 12:18)

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