brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. A Sukah must have two full walls, plus a third wall of at least a Tefach. 2. If the blood of a Korban was placed on the Mizbe'ach at least once, b'Di'eved it suffices even for a Korban Chatas, according to Beis Hillel. Beis Shamai disagrees. 3. If even one of the placements of the blood of a Chatas Penimis (the blood of which must be placed on the Mizbe'ach in the Heichal) is omitted, the Korban is Pasul. 4. The blood of the Par Yom ha'Kipurim is sprinkled in front of the Kapores. It is sprinkled up one time and down seven times. 5. The blood of a Korban is never placed partially on the top half of the Mizbe'ach and partially on the bottom half. 6. If the blood of a Chatas was placed once on the Mizbe'ach, the Eimurim may be placed on the Mizbe'ach and the meat may be eaten by the Kohanim, according to Beis Hillel. Beis Shamai disagrees. 7. According to Beis Hillel, if the Kohen has a Machshavas Pigul when he places the blood of a Korban Chatas on the Mizbe'ach for the first time, the Korban is Pigul. Beis Shamai disagrees. 8. The last three placements of blood of a Chatas on the Mizbe'ach may not be done at night, by a non-Kohen, and if done outside the Azarah there is a Chiyuv Kares. 9. The last three placements of blood of a Chatas on the Mizbe'ach may be done even after the death of the owner. 10. If the blood of a Chatas sprays from the neck of the animal, from the Yesod, or from the Keren of the Mizbe'ach onto a garment, it is not necessary to wash the garment. 11. Rebbi Nechemyah says that if one takes leftover blood, after it was placed on the Mizbe'ach, and brings it outside the Azarah, he is Chayav Kares.
1. A Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai teaches that the third wall of a Sukah may be only one Tefach. 2. According to Beis Shamai, the blood of a Korban Chatas must be placed on the Mizbe'ach at least twice. 3. The blood must be placed on the four corners of the Mizbe'ach in the Heichal. 4. When the blood is sprinkled up, the Kohen holds his hand downward. When the blood is sprinkled down, the Kohen holds his hand upward. 5. After the blood of a Korban Chatas is placed on the top corners of the Mizbe'ach, the leftover blood is poured on the Yesod at the bottom of the Mizbe'ach. The pouring of the blood on the Yesod does not affect the validity the Korban; the Korban is valid even if the leftover blood is not poured on the Yesod. 6. According to Beis Shamai, only after two placements of the blood of the Chatas on the Mizbe'ach have been done may the Eimurim be placed on the Mizbe'ach and the flesh be eaten by the Kohanim. 7. Beis Shamai maintains that since the blood must be placed at least twice on the Mizbe'ach, the Korban becomes Pigul only if the Kohen has a Machshavas Pigul for the first two placements of the blood on the Mizbe'ach. 8. If the blood of the Chatas has been placed once on the Mizbe'ach, the Chatas is valid. Nevertheless, the final three placements must be done with many of the same laws of the first placement. 9. Although a Chatas may not be brought after the death of its owner, once the first placement of the blood on the Mizbe'ach had been done, the final three placements may be done even after the death of the owner. 10. The only blood which must be washed off of one's garment is blood which will be placed on the Mizbe'ach but has not yet been placed. 11. Rebbi Nechemyah says that leftover blood is no different from Eimurim brought outside the Azarah, for which there is a Chiyuv Kares.
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