brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. The Minchas Chavitin must be baked in a Kli Shares. Therefore, if it is left overnight, it becomes Pasul with Linah. 2. Three Lugin of oil is added to the Isaron of flour of a Minchas Chavitin. 3. A Minchas Chavitin and a Minchas Nesachim are offered even on Shabbos, and even b'Tum'ah, but not a Minchas Nedavah. 4. Rebbi Shimon says that if the Kohen Gadol died and a replacement was not yet been appointed, the Chavitin is brought from the Terumas ha'Lishkah. Rebbi Yehudah says that it is brought by the heirs of the Kohen Gadol. 5. Aharon and his sons brought separate Minchos Chavitin on the day they were anointed. 6. If a Kohen Gadol brought the Chavitin in the morning and subsequently died, the newly appointed Kohen Gadol does not bring a new half-Isaron, and he does not bring the other half-Isaron of the first Kohen Gadol. 7. The Minchah of a Kohen is completely consumed on the Mizbe'ach. An Isur Lav prohibits eating from the Minchah. 8. If a Nochri sends a Korban to the Beis ha'Mikdash without Nesachim, or if a Ger died and left a Korban without Nesachim, the Nesachim are brought from the Terumas ha'Lishkah. 9. There is no Chiyuv Me'ilah for one who benefits from the ashes of a Parah Adumah.
1. Consequently, even when it is baked on Shabbos, it is as if it was baked on Erev Shabbos and it can become Pasul with Linah. 2. The law of a Minchas Chavitin is derived from the law of a Minchas Nesachim, which requires three Lugin of oil per Isaron of flour. 3. A Minchas Chavitin and a Minchas Nesachim are offered every day. Since they must be offered at a fixed time, they are offered on Shabbos and b'Tum'ah. A Minchas Nedavah is not offered at a fixed time, and therefore it may not be offered on Shabbos or b'Tum'ah. 4. When the Chavitin is brought from the Terumas ha'Lishkah or from the heirs of the Kohen Gadol, an entire Isaron is brought at once. 5. Aharon, as the Kohen Gadol, was obligated to bring a Minchas Chavitin every day, while his sons, who were Kohanim Hedyotos, brought a Minchas Chavitin only on the day they were anointed. 6. If a new Kohen Gadol is appointed on the day of the death of the original Kohen Gadol, he offers an entire Isaron and divides it in half. He must bring half of the Isaron in the evening and the other half must be destroyed along with the other half of the Isaron of the first Kohen Gadol. 7. The Minchas Chavitin of the Kohen Gadol and the Minchas Nedavah of a Kohen are completely consumed on the Mizbe'ach, unlike the Minchas Nedavah of a Yisrael, which is only partially consumed on the Mizbe'ach. 8. If a Nochri sent a Korban with Nesachim, or if a Ger died without heirs and left Nesachim, the Nesachim are brought with the Korban. If the Nochri or Ger left no Nesachim, the Neshachim are brought from the Terumas ha'Lishkah. 9. There is a Chiyuv Me'ilah for one benefits from a Parah Adumah, because the Torah calls it a Chatas. There is no Chiyuv Me'ilah for one who benefits from the ashes of the Parah Adumah.
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