brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. A Korban brought more frequently takes precedence over a Korban brought less frequently. 2. If Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbos, the Musafim of Shabbos are brought before the Musafim of Rosh Chodesh. 3. A Korban with more sanctity takes precedence over a Korban with less sanctity . 4. A Chatas is brought before an Asham. An Asham is brought before a Todah. An Eil Nazir and a Todah are brought before a Shelamim. A Shelamim is brought before a Bechor. A Bechor is brought before Ma'aser. 5. A Korban Ma'aser is brought before a Korban ha'Of. A Korban ha'Of is brought before a Minchah. A Minchas Chotei is brought before a Minchas Nedavah. A Chatas ha'Of is brought before an Olas ha'Of. 6. There is a doubt about whether the blood of a Chatas is placed on the Mizbe'ach before the limbs of an Olah, or whether the blood of an Olah is placed on the Mizbe'ach before the limbs of a Chatas. 7. There is a doubt about whether the blood of an Olah is placed on the Mizbe'ach before the blood of an Asham. 8. A Todah is brought on the Mizbe'ach before an Eil Nazir, because four types of bread are brought together with the Todah. 9. If the Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim are taken out of the Azarah prior to the Zerikas ha'Dam, the Korban becomes Pasul. 10. If the flesh of Kodshim Kalim is taken out of the Azarah prior to the Zerikas ha'Dam, Rebbi Yochanan says that the Korban is valid. Reish Lakish says that it is Pasul.
1. The daily Tamid is offered before the Musafim of Shabbos because it is brought more frequently. 2. On the first of Tishrei, the Musafim of Rosh Chodesh are brought before the Musafim of Rosh Hashanah, because they are brought more frequently. 3. The blood of a Chatas is placed on the Mizbe'ach before the blood of an Olah because a Chatas provides atonement. Howerver, the limbs of an Olah are placed on the Mizbe'ach before the limbs of a Chatas, because an Olah is completely burned on the Mizbe'ach. 4. A Chatas has more sanctity than an Asham because its blood is placed four times on the four corners of the Mizbe'ach and the remaining blood is poured on the Yesod. An Asham has more sanctity than a Todah and an Eil Nazir because it is Kodshei Kodashim. A Todah and an Eil Nazir have more sanctity than a Shelamim because they are eaten for only one day and one night and bread is brought along with them. A Shelamim has more sanctity than a Bechor because its blood is placed twice on the Mizbe'ach on all four corners and it requires Semichah, Nesachim, and Tenufah. A Bechor has more sanctity than a Korban Ma'aser because it is Kadosh from birth and it is eaten by the Kohanim. 5. A Korban Ma'aser is brought before a Korban ha'Of because it is a Zevach. A Korban ha'Of is brought before a Minchah because its blood is placed on the Mizbe'ach. A Minchas Chotei is brought before other Menachos because it provides atonement. A Chatas ha'Of is brought before an Olas ha'Of. A person who is obligated to bring a Kan (which consists of a Chatas ha'Of and an Olas ha'Of) must sanctify the Chatas ha'Of first, before he sanctifies the Olas ha'Oh. 6. There is a doubt about whether the blood of the Chatas is brought on the Mizbe'ach before the limbs of the Olah because it atones, or whether the limbs of the Olah are brought first because they are completely consumed on the Mizbe'ach. There is also a doubt about whether the blood of the Olah is brought on the Mizbe'ach before the Eimurim of the Chatas because it is from a Korban which is completely consumed on the Mizbe'ach, or whether the Eimurim of the Chatas are brought first because they are from a Korban which atones. 7. There is a doubt about whether the blood of an Olah is placed on the Mizbe'ach before the blood of an Asham because it is from a Korban which is completely consumed on the Mizbe'ach, or whether the blood of an Asham is placed first on the Mizbe'ach because it provides atonement. 8. Only two types of bread are brought with an Eil Nazir. 9. There is no Chiyuv Me'ilah for the Eimurim of Kodshim Kalim until after the Zerikas ha'Dam. However, with regard to the Pesul of Yotzei, the Korban becomes Pasul even before the Zerikas ha'Dam. 10. Rebbi Yochanan says that the Korban is valid because after the Zerikas ha'Dam it may be taken out of the Azarah, since Kodshim Kalim may be eaten anywhere within the walls of Yerushalayim. Reish Lakish says that it is Pasul because until the Zerikas ha'Dam has been performed, the time to take the Korban out of the Azarah has not yet arrived.
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