brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
1. If the flesh of an Olah is not offered on the Mizbe'ach, the Kohanim do not receive the hide. 2. If an Olah was offered she'Lo Lishmah, the hide is given to the Kohanim even though the owner does not fulfill his obligation. 3. The hide of Kodshim Kalim is given to the owner. The hide of Kodshei Kodashim is given to the Kohanim. 4. If an Asham is sent out to pasture before it is sold, there is a disagreement about whether the proceeds are used for an Olas Kayitz ha'Mizbe'ach or for an Olas Yachid. 5. According to Rebbi Eliezer, if one sanctifies all of his property, and he owns animals which are fit for the Mizbe'ach, the male animals are sold for Olos and the females are sold for Shelamim. The proceeds are given to Bedek ha'Bayis. 6. According to Rebbi Yehoshua, the male animals are brought as Olos and the female animals are sold. The proceeds are used to buy Olos. 7. Rebbi Yehoshua maintains that although the male animals are brought for Olos, the hides are not given to the Kohanim. 8. The hide of an Olah left by a Ger who died without heirs is not given to the Kohanim. 9. The hides of Parim and Se'irim ha'Nisrafim are burned together with the Korban. 10. A Kohen who is a Tevul Yom, Mechusar Kipurim, or an Onen does not receive a portion of the hides of Kodshei Kodashim. 11. The bones of Ashamos and Olos are permitted. 12. If a Korban becomes Pasul before it is flayed, the Kohanim do not receive the hide. If it becomes Pasul afterwards, the hide is given to the Kohanim.
1. For example, if an Olah became Pasul before the Zerikas ha'Dam, the flesh of the Olah is not placed on the Mizbe'ach and the hide is not given to the Kohanim. 2. All Korbanos which are offered she'Lo Lishmah are valid, with the exception of a Chatas and a Pesach, but the owner does not fulfill his obligation. 3. Rebbi Yishmael derives from a Kal va'Chomer that the hide of Kodshei Kodashim belong to the Kohanim. If the Kohanim receive the hide of an Olah even though they do not receive the flesh, certainly they receive the hide of Kodshei Kodashim since they receive the flesh. 4. A Temuras Asham, and an Asham of a person who died or fulfilled his obligation with a different Asham, is sent out to pasture before it is sold. The proceeds are used to buy an Olah. According to one opinion, the Olah which is bought with the proceeds is an Olas Tzibur and the Nesachim are brought from the public funds. According to another opinion, the Olah is an Olas Yachid and the owner of the Asham must bring the Nesachim from his own funds. 5. According to Rebbi Eliezer, all of the property belongs to Bedek ha'Bayis, including the animals. However, when one sanctifies to Bedek ha'Bayis an animal fit for the Mizbe'ach, it must be brought on the Mizbe'ach. Accordingly, in this case, the animal must be sold for use as a Korban and the proceeds are given to Bedek ha'Bayis. 6. According to Rebbi Yehoshua, the owner had in mind that only items which are not fit for the Mizbe'ach should be given to Bedek ha'Bayis, while any animals fit for the Mizbe'ach should be brought as Korbanos. However, all of the animals must be brought for Olos, which are completely Kadosh, like Bedek ha'Bayis. The females, which are not fit for Olos, must be sold and the money used to buy Olos. 7. The hides which are not brought on the Mizbe'ach have the same status as the rest of his property and are given to Bedek ha'Bayis. 8. The property of a Ger who has no children is Hefker. Since the Olah is ownerless, the hide is not given to the Kohanim. 9. Only the hides of Parim and Se'irim ha'Nisrafim are placed on the Mizbe'ach as Korbanos. The hides of Ashamos and Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur are given to the Kohanim. The hides of Kodshim Kalim are given to the owner. 10. Since they receive no portion of the flesh of the Korbanos, they receive no portion of the hides either. 11. The flesh of the Asham is permitted to the Kohen to eat, and so, too, the bones are permitted to him to make utensils. The verse with regard to the Asham says "to him (the Kohen) it shall be," and it says with regard to the Olah "to him (the Kohen) it shall be," which teaches that just as the bones of the Asham are permitted, the bones of the Olah are permitted.with regard to the Asham. Asham. 12. According to Rebbi Chanina Segan ha'Kohanim, even if the Korban was found to be a Tereifah after it was flayed, the hide is given to the Kohanim. The Chachamim disagree, because even though the animal was found to be a Tereifah only after it was flayed, its status as a Tereifah existed before it was flayed.
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