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1. The Gemara discusses the story of Rav Zutra's mother.
2. The Gemara discusses the story of Rav Ukva bar Chama and Rami bar Chama's mother.
3. The Gemara concludes that Rav Ukva receives the estate.
4. The Gemara relates the story of Rav Amram Chasida's mother.
5. The Gemara relates the story of Rav Dimi bar Yosef's sister, who often thought she was going to die.


1. Before she married Rav Zevid, she gave all of her possessions to her son to ensure that Rav Zevid would not acquire her possessions. The Gemara concludes that this did not mean that she wanted her son to acquire her possessions, but rather that she wanted her son to keep them for her in case she got divorced (which indeed ended up happening), in which case she would repossess them.
2. When she was dying, she wrote one night that all of her possessions are to be given to Rami bar Chama, and the next day she wrote that all of her possessions are to be given to Rav Ukva bar Chama. She subsequently died.
3. Even though she gave Rami bar Chama the estate before Rav Ukva, a person on his deathbed has the right to retract any such gift (that would be able to be retracted in case he or she miraculously was cured) and bequeath it to someone else while still on the deathbed.
4. On her deathbed, she said that all of her loan documents that she had to collect were to be given to her son Amram. This was valid, as she was dying, and the words of a person on his deathbed are akin to a Kinyan. This is considered a gift to her son that is not considered part of his inheritance.
5. Whenever she thought she was going to die, she would send for Rav Dimi and bequeath him her orchard. When she got better the next day, she would take it back.

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