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& Revach l'Neshamah -

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If witnesses testify that the now-married Na'arah was Mezanah while she was an Arusah, she is stoned at the entrance to her father's house.
If witnesses testify that a Na'arah who is presently an Arusah was Mezanah, she is stoned at the gate of the city.
If one is Motzi Shem Ra on a Bogeres that she was Mezanah while she was a Na'arah, he is not punished with Malkus nor does he pay the fine of 100 Kesef.
If a Na'arah was Mezanah after she entered the Chupah, she is punished with Chenek even though she did not yet have Bi'ah.
Tana Kama: If a Nasi or Kohen Gadol sinned prior to taking his position, he brings the Chatas of an ordinary person. (1)
Rebbi Shimon: The Nasi or Kohen Gadol brings the Chatas of an ordinary person only when he was aware of his sin prior to taking his position. (2)
A Nasi or Kohen Gadol who sinned after he was appointed brings an ox or a goat respectively for his Korban Chatas.
If a Na'arah ha'Me'orasah was Mezanah and she is now a Bogeres, she is punished with Sekilah. (3)
If her father does not have a house, the Na'arah ha'Me'orasah is stoned at the gate of the city. (4)
One who worshipped Avodah Zarah is stoned at the gate of the city where he worshipped the Avodah Zarah.
If the city is populated mostly by Nochrim, the person who worshipped Avodah Zarah is stoned at the entrance of the Beis Din.
Tana Kama: A person who is Motzi Shem Ra pays 100 Kesef and is punished with Malkus even if he did not have relations with her.
Rebbi Yehudah: A person who is Motzi Shem Ra is not punished with Malkus if he did not have relations with his wife. (6)


1. A Nasi or a Kohen Gadol who commits an Aveirah for which one is Chayav to bring a Korban Chatas brings a unique Chatas. However, if he sinned prior to taking his position, he brings the Chatas of an ordinary person.
2. However, if he became aware of his sin only after taking his position, he is completely exempt from bringing a Korban.
3. However, if the husband is Motzi Shem Ra on her, he is not punished with Malkus, nor does he have to pay 100 Kesef, since she is a Bogeres at the time of the Hotza'as Shem Ra.
4. If the city is populated mostly with Nochrim, she is stoned instead at the entrance of the Beis Din.
5. However, he does not have the right to eat the fruit from property that she inherited from her mother.
6. However, he does pay 100 Kesef even though he did not have relations with her.


If the father does not have a house, the Na'arah ha'Me'orasah who was Mezanah is stoned at the gate of the city. If the city is populated mostly with Nochrim, she is stoned instead at the entrance of the Beis Din. Tosfos asks, how can we stone her at the gate of the Beis Din? The law is that someone who is put to death by Beis Din must be stoned outside of the city. Tosfos answers that a city that is populated mostly by Nochrim does not have sanctity, and thus it is permissible to stone her inside the city.


A Kohen Gadol or a king who sinned prior to his appointment, even though he became aware of his sin only after he was appointed, brings the Chatas of an ordinary person. (Rambam, Hilchos Shegagos 15:10)

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