brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
& Revach l'Neshamah -
NEDARIM 82 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah. |
If a woman makes a Neder of Netulah Ani mi'Yehudim if the husband annuls the Neder she is permitted to her husband and forbidden to everyone else. (1) The entire Perek is in accordance with Rebbi Yosi. If a wife makes a Neder that she is forbidding her Hana'ah on Ploni the husband may not annul the Neder. If a wife makes a Neder that she is forbidding on herself Hana'ah from Ploni the husband may annul the Neder. (2) If a wife makes a Neder forbidding the fruit of a certain Medinah or of a certain storekeeper the husband may not annul the Neder. (3) If a wife makes a Neder forbidding the fruit of a certain storekeeper, if he is the only storekeeper that extends them credit the husband may annul the Neder. Shmuel says that if a woman makes a Neder forbidding two breads and one of the breads is difficult for her to not eat and the other one is not he may annul the Neder for both of them. Rebbi Yochanan says that he only may annul the Neder of the one that is difficult for her not to eat.
1. According to Rebbi Yosi it is a Neder Beino l'Beinah and therefore the annulment is only valid for the husband not for other people in the event of a divorce. 2. This is in accordance with the Rabanan who hold that it is regarded as a Neder of Inuy Nefesh. 3. This is in accordance with Rebbi Yosi who holds that he may not annul the Neder as a Neder of Inuy Nefesh but he may annul the Neder as a Neder of Beino l'Beinah.
INUY NEFESH AND NOT INUY NEFESH If a woman makes a Neder forbidding two breads and one of the breads is difficult for her not to eat and the other one is not, Shmuel says that he may annul the Neder for both of them. The Nimukei Yosef asks that the Tosefta says that a woman who makes a Neder forbidding a Kikar that is bad, it is regarded as Inuy Nefesh and the husband may annul the Neder. The Nimukei Yosef answers that the Kikar of the Tosefta is regarded as bad by others but not by her and therefore it is considered Inuy Nefesh. The Taz answers that the Kikar of the Tosefta is bad for her health however she enjoys eating it and that is why it is regarded as Inuy Nefesh.
TWO KIKAROS If a woman makes a Neder forbidding two breads and regarding one of the breads it is Inuy Nefesh for her not to eat it and regarding the other one it is not Inuy Nefesh not to eat it. If the husband annuls both of them, the annulment is only valid with regards to the one that is Inuy Nefesh. (Shulchan Aruch YD 234:63)
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