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& Revach l'Neshamah -

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NEDARIM 83 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.


If a woman becomes a Nazir and she drinks wine and is mi'Tamei to Me'isim she is punished with Malkus.
If her husband annuls the Neder without her knowledge and she drinks wine and is mi'Tamei to Me'isim she is not punished with Malkus.
Nezirus can never be halfway. (1)
A woman who was a Nazir for half a term doesn't have to bring a Korban. (2)
If a woman who was a Nazir separates a Korban and her husband annulled the Neder she must being a Chatas ha'Of. (3)
A Chatas ha'Of is brought for a Safek.
If a husband annuls the Nezirus of his wife, the Isur to be mi'Tamei to a Me'is is included in the annulment because it is also Inu'y Nefesh.
A person shall contemplate in his heart that the one saying the Hesped or crying today will be the one they are saying a Hesped and crying for tomorrow.
If a woman makes a Neder not to benefit from Briyos her husband may not annul the Neder.
If someone makes a Neder not to benefit from Briyos she may benefit from Leket Shikchah and Pe'ah.
If someone makes a Neder that Kohanim and Leviyim may not benefit from him they may take the Te'rumos and Ma'aser from him forcefully.
If someone makes a Neder that certain Kohanim and Leviyim may not benefit from him the Te'rumos and Ma'aser shall be given to others.


1. A Nazir is never permitted to drink wine and yet forbidden to eat the seeds and peals of the grapes.
2. If the husband annuls the Neder halfway through the Nezirus she doesn't have to bring a Korban because a Korban is not brought for half of a Nezirus.
3. If she was Tamei when her husband annulled the Neder she brings the Chatas ha'Of but not the other Korbanos. Even though a Korban is not brought for half a Nezirus a Chatas ha'Of is an exception because it is brought mi'Safek.


If a woman makes a Neder not to benefit from Briyos Rava says that the husband is included in the Neder and she may only benefit from Leket Shikchah and Pe'ah. The Porat Yosef asks that everything that a woman acquires belongs to her husband so why is she allowed to benefit from Leket Shikchah and Pe'ah? As soon as she is Zocheh in it they belong to her husband! The Porat Yosef answers that the Tanah of our Moshnah is Rebbi Akiva who holds that if a woman finds a Metziah she may keep it and she doesn't have to give it to her husband; Leket Shikchah and Pe'ah has the same status as a Metziah and it doesn't belong to her husband according to Rebbi Akiva.


If a woman makes a Neder and the husband or father annulled the Neder without her knowledge and she deliberately transgressed the Neder she is Patur even though her intention was to do an Isur. About this the Pasuk says 'Hashem will forgive her because her father annulled it.' She is punished with Makus Mardus because she intended to do an Isur. (Rambam Hilchos Nedarim Perek 12:18)

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