[51a - 48 lines; 51b - 49 lines]
1)[line 1]כמנחת תמידיןK'MINCHAS TEMIDIN- like the Minchas Nesachim that are offered in conjunction with the Korban Tamid of Shabbos; just as the Korbanos are Docheh Shabbos, so, too, are the Nesachim
2)[line 3]איפסיל ליה בלינהIFSIL LEI B'LINAH (PESULEI KORBAN: LINAH)
Linah is the term used when any parts of the Korbanos were not placed on the Mizbe'ach until the following morning. They become disqualified and may never be placed on the Mizbe'ach. Nosar, a type of Linah, defines parts of Korbanos that were not eaten during their allotted time (see Background to Menachos 46:18), that become disqualified and may never be eaten.
3)[line 5]הריני דןHAREINI DAN- I will learn (lit. judge) [through the method of Binyan Av - see Background to Zevachim 90:11]
4)[line 7]שלשת לוגין לעשרוןSHELOSHES LUGIN L'ISARON- three Lugin (approximately equal to 0.9, 1.035 or 1.8 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) per Isaron (2.16, 2.49 or 4.32 liters)
5)[line 8]או כלך לדרך זוO KALECH L'DERECH ZU- or perhaps turn this way, i.e. argue the following (this word can be read two ways: (a) KALECH - turn away [from that argument] and go to [the following argument] (Kalech is a contraction of "Kaleh" - "stop," and "Lech" - "go to" - RASHI to Chagigah 14a DH Kalech); (b) According to the reading KELACH - go, you, to [the following argument] (Kelach is a contraction of "Lecha" - "go," and "Lach" - "you" - RASHI to Shabbos 145b DH Kelach)
6a)[line 11]ת(ב)ש''טT(B)Sh"T- this is a mnemonic device that stands for the topics that are in common between Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nesachim, as follows:
1.T (the letter "Tav") refers to the fact that both Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nesachim are Tedirin (or Temidin) - offered on a frequent, constant basis. The Minchas Chavitin is offered every morning and afternoon, and the Minchas Nesachim is offered constantly with the Korban Tamid, every morning and afternoon. The Minchas Nedavah is not constant, but depends upon the pledge of the person who decides to offer it.
2.(B (the letter "Beis") refers to the fact that both Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nesachim are Ba'im Chovah - they are obligatory offerings, the Minchas Chavitin is the obligation of the Kohen Gadol and the Minchas Nesachim is the obligation of the community. The Minchas Nedavah is voluntary. The BIRKAS HA'ZEVACH removes this letter and these words from the Gemara.)
3.Sh (the letter "Shin") refers to the fact that both the Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nesachim are Dochah ("push aside") Shabbos. Minchas Nedavah is not Dochah Shabbos.
4.T (the letter "Tes") refers to the fact that both the Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nesachim are Dochah ("push aside") Tum'ah. Minchas Nedavah is not Dochah Tum'ah.
b)[line 11]תדירTADIR- frequent, constant
c)[line 12](באה חובה)(BA'AH CHOVAH)- (are obligatory)
d)[line 12]דוחה שבתDOCHAH SHABBOS- "push aside" Shabbos
e)[line 12]דוחה טומאהDOCHAH TUM'AH- ("push aside") Tum'ah
7a)[line 14]יג(י)''לYAG(I)"L- this is a mnemonic device that stands for the topics that are in common between Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nedavah, as follows:
1.Y (the letter "Yud") refers to the fact that both Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nedavah are Menachos of Yechidim - individuals. The Minchas Chavitin is the Minchah of the Kohen Gadol and the Minchas Nedavah is the Minchah of any individual who pledges a voluntary Minchah. The Minchas Nesachim, however, is the Minchah of the community.
2.G (the letter "Gimel") refers to the fact that both Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nedavah are Ba'in bi'Glal Atzman - they are offered by themselves, as opposed to the Minchas Nesachim, which is offered along with (and because of) a Korban.
3.(Y (the letter "Yud") refers to the fact that both the Minchas Chavitin and the Minchas Nedavah are offered without Yayin - wine. The Minchas Nesachim is offered with wine. The SHITAH MEKUBETZES #5 removes this letter and this word from the Gemara.)
4.L (the letter "Lamed") refers to the fact that both the Minchas Chavitin and Minchas Nedavah are offered with Levonah. The Minchas Nesachim is not offered with Levonah.
b)[line 14]יחידYACHID- individual, personal
c)[line 14]בגלל עצמהBIGLAL ATZMAH- by itself
d)[line 15](יין)(YAYIN)- (wine)
e)[line 15]לבונהLEVONAH- frankincense or oliban, a gum resin from trees of present-day Arabia and India
8)[line 25]מנחה הבאה עשרוןMINCHAH HA'BA'AH ISARON- a Minchah that consists of one Isaron of flour
9a)[line 28]אמרת "בשמן" להוסיף לה שמןAMRAT "'BA'SHEMEN" L'HOSIF LAH SHEMEN- the Beraisa states (line 4) that the word "ba'Shemen" teaches that the Minchas Chavitin needs extra oil
b)[line 29]והדר תני, "נאמר כאן שמן, ונאמר במנחת נדבה שמן"V'HADAR TANI "NE'EMAR KAN 'SHEMEN' V'NE'EMAR B'MINCHAS NEDAVAH 'SHEMEN'"- and afterwards the Beraisa states (line 9) that there is a possibility of learning Minchas Chavitin from Minchas Nedavah, which does not have extra oil
10)[line 32]ובדינאUV'DINA- and [the part of the Gemara that seemed to be part of the same Beraisa (line 9), in which the possibility of using] the method of Binyan Av [was employed]
11)[line 36]לקבועLIKVO'A- to require [that the Minchah be brought with at least one Log of olive oil]
12)[line 40]תיהוי נמיTEHEVEI NAMI- let it indeed [be teaching that oil is required]
13)[line 47]יש לי בדיןYESH LI B'DIN- I can learn it through a Binyan Av (as above)
14)[line 47]ודן דינא לא אתיא ליהV'DAN DINA LO ASYA LEI- and we attempt to learn the Binyan Av, but it does not come through
15)[line 4]יורשיןYORSHIN- heirs [of the Kohen Gadol, (a) i.e. his sons who received a share of his estate (RASHASH); or (b) specifically, his son who is worthy of being appointed in his stead - SEFAS EMES, CHAZON ISH 34:3]
16)[line 4]שלימה היתה קריבהSHELEIMAH HAYESAH KEREIVAH- it was offered completely, i.e. one Isaron in the morning and one Isaron in the afternoon (RASHI)
17)[line 7]"וְהַכֹּהֵן הַמָּשִׁיחַ תַּחְתָּיו מִבָּנָיו יַעֲשֶׂה אֹתָהּ...""VEHA'KOHEN HA'MASHI'ACH TACHTAV MI'BANAV YA'ASEH OSAH..."- "And the Kohen from his sons who is anointed in his stead shall offer it..." (Vayikra 6:15)
18)[line 10]משל עולםMI'SHEL OLAM- from the community (lit. the world)
19)[line 27]חוקה לעולם תהאCHUKAH L'OLAM TEHEI- this statute shall be forever, i.e. this Minchah is meant to be offered in all generations, and not just for the days of the Milu'in
20a)[line 29]עליונהELYONAH- (lit. the upper one) the Minchas Chavitin, which is mentioned first (above - Vayikra 6:15)
b)[line 29]תחתונהTACHTONAH- (lit. the lower one) the Minchas Nedavah of a Kohen, which is mentioned second (below - Vayikra 6:16)
21)[line 45]דאורייתא מדציבורD'ORAISA MID'TZIBUR- [the obligation] from the Torah was for the community [to provide the funds for it, from the Terumas ha'Lishkah - see Background to Menachos 46:28a]
22)[line 45]מידחקא לישכהMIDCHAKA LISHKA- the funds of the Terumas ha'Lishkah were depleted (lit. the Lishkah was hard-pressed)
23)[line 46]דלגבי מיורשיםD'LIGVEI MI'YORSHIM- that it should be collected from the heirs
24)[line 47]קא פשעי בהKA FASH'EI VAH- they (the heirs) neglected their obligation
25)[line 47]אוקמוה אדאורייתאUKMUHA AD'ORAISA- they (the Rabanan) returned the requirement to the Torah requirement, i.e. that the funds be provided by the Terumas ha'Lishkah
26)[line 47]שלא יהא מועלין באפרהSHE'LO YEHEI MO'ALIN B'AFARAH - that Me'ilah should not apply to the ashes of the Parah Adumah (ME'ILAH) (PARAH ADUMAH)
See Background to Menachos 47:10 and Background to Menachos 27:17.