It cannot be tested to see if this color comes from Techeles or Kala Ilan.
It cannot be tested to see if the wool was dyed Leshmah.
It cannot be tested to see if the wool was dyed by a Yisrael, a Kusi, or an Akum.
Answers A and B.
Answers A and C.
Why would we have supposed that Kohanim are Peturim from Tzitzis?
Because it’s a Mitzvas Asei Shehazman Gerama.
Since Kohanim are Shluchei D’Rachmana, their clothing is not called Bigdei”chem”; “your” clothing.
They are not commanded in Kelayim since they wear Kelayim in the Bigdei Kehunah. So they are also not commanded in Tzitzis, said next to it in the Pasuk.
The discussion is about the Meil, which had four corners.
A Tzitzis Beged would be an extra article of clothing, that invalidates the Avodah (Yitur Begadim).
Which two Mitzvos are related, in the sense that doing one causes the person to remember the second?
Tzitzis and Kree’as Shema.
Kree’as Shema and Kelayim.
Shaatnez and Kree’as Shema.
Kelayim and all of the Mitzvos.
Kree’as Shema and all of the Mitzvos.
What are benefits of Tzitzis?
A person who is Zariz in Tzitzis is Zocheh and Mekabel P’nei Hashechinah.
It reminded Dovid of his Kesher with Hashem while in the bathhouse.
It reminds a person of the Kisei Hakavod.
Answers A and C.
Answers B and C.
How do we see that Chavivin Yisrael?
Because we have a Bris Kodesh that is always part of us.
That we were given a quick and easy way to think about the Kisei Hakavod.
That we remember Hashem one hundred times a day.
That we are given good smelling spices and tasty foods to honor Shabbos.