מנחות come from grain planted in a ________ field.
- southern
- northern
- eastern
- western
- any
How many days before פסח do we plant?
- 30.
- 60.
- 70.
- 90.
- Depends on the field.
When the גזבר checks the grain does he oil his hand first?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only for barley.
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.
If most of the wheat becomes wormy we can't use it this refers to __________ .
- most of each wheat kernel
- most of the kernels
- תיקו
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.
If one was הקדישן wormy flour, is he lashed.
- True.
- False.
- תיקו
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת B&C.
If wood was wormy if there is a dry non wormy part it may be used.
- True.
- False.
- תיקו
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת B&C.