1) TOSFOS DH ha'Lomed Torah b'Taharah Nosei Ishah v'Achar Kach Lomed Torah
úåñôåú ã"ä äìåîã úåøä áèäøä ðåùà àùä åàçø ëê ìåîã úåøä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere it is better to learn first.)
áôø÷ ÷îà ã÷éãåùéï (ãó ëè:) àéëà ìîàï ãàîø àéôëà åàîøéðï ìà ôìéâé äà ìï åäà ìäå
(a) Reference: In Kidushin (29b) there is an opinion that says oppositely, and we say that they do not argue. This is for us (in Bavel), and this is for them (in Eretz Yisrael. Tosfos there brings two opinions about in which place it is better to learn first.)
2) TOSFOS DH u'Micha'el Sar ha'Gadol Omed u'Makriv Alav Korban
úåñôåú ã"ä åîéëàì ùø äâãåì òåîã åî÷øéá òìéå ÷øáï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two Midrashim that argue about what Micha'el offers.)
îãøùåú çìå÷éï éù îé ùàåîø ðùîåúéäï ùì öãé÷éí åéù îé ùàåîø ëáùéí ùì àù
(a) Observation: There are differing Midrashim. One says that he is Makriv Neshamos of Tzadikim, and one says that he offers lambs of fire.
åäééðå ãàîøéðï áùîåðä òùøä áòáåãä åàùé éùøàì åúôìúí îäøä áàäáä ú÷áì áøöåï
(b) Remark: [The first Midrash] explains why we say in Shemoneh Esre in Birkas Retzei "v'Ishei (people, i.e. Neshamos of) Yisrael u'Sfilasam Meherah b'Ahavah Sekabel b'Ratzon";
åéù àåîøéí ã÷àé àãìòéì åäùá àú äòáåãä ìãáéø áéúê åàùé éùøàì. ìà îöàúé éåúø:
1. And some say that [v'Ishei Yisrael] refers to the previous words "v'Hashev Es ha'Avodah li'Dvir Beisecha v'Ishei (the Korbanos of) Yisrael."