
(a)We learn the reason for the prohibition of shaving and washing one's clothes on Chol ha'Mo'ed from a similar Din with regard to the men of the Mishmar and the Ma'amad, who are forbidden to shave or to wash their clothes. On which day of the week are they nevertheless permitted to do so?

(b)What reason does Rabah bar bar Chanah give in the name of Rebbi Elazar for the prohibition of the men of the Mishmar and the Ma'amad shaving or washing their clothes (and which we now apply to the same prohibition on Chol ha'Mo'ed)?


(a)Rebbi Zeira asks whether someone who was looking for his lost article on Erev Yom Tov is permitted to shave and to wash his clothes. Considering he is an Ones, why should he be different than any of the other cases of Ones which our Mishnah permits?

(b)How does Abaye resolve the She'eilah?

(c)And how do we reconcile Abaye with Rebbi Asi Amar Rebbi Yochanan, who permits someone who has only one shirt, to wash it on Chol ha'Mo'ed. Why can we not say there too: 'Everybody's shaped cakes are forbidden, and Baytus shaped cakes are permitted'?

(d)Rav Ashi poses Rebbi Zeira's She'eilah slightly differently. He asks whether an expert barber, say, who lost an article on Erev Yom Tov, may have a haircut or wash his clothes on Chol ha'Mo'ed. What are the two sides of the She'eilah? Why should an expert be different than anybody else?


(a)The author of our Mishnah, which permits someone who arrives on Chol ha'Mo'ed from overseas, to shave and to wash his clothes, cannot be Rebbi Yehudah. Why not? What does Rebbi Yehudah say?

(b)Rava qualifies their Machlokes. What do they hold by someone who arrived ...

1. ... from a pleasure trip?

2. ... from a business-trip for his basic livelihood?

3. ... from a business-trip to earn more than he really needs to live on?

(c)What did Rebbi mean when he said 'Nir'in Divrei Rebbi Yehudah k'she'Yatza she'Lo bi'Reshus, v'Divrei Rabanan k'she'Yatza bi'Reshus'?


(a)On what grounds does Shmuel permit cutting the hair of a baby that is born on Chol ha'Mo'ed?

(b)What can we infer from there regarding a baby that is born before Yom Tov?

(c)Rebbi Pinchas queries Shmuel, based on the Beraisa which permits anyone who is permitted to shave on Chol ha'Mo'ed, to shave during Avelus. What does he infer from there?

(d)What reason does the Beraisa give for the custom of tearing Keri'ah on a Katan's clothes?


(a)What does Rebbi Pinchas now ask on Shmuel?

(b)How does Rav Ashi refute his Kashya?

(c)How does Rav Shisha Brei d'Rav Idi quote Shmuel causing Rebbi Pinchas to cite the same Beraisa as a proof (rather than as a Kashya)?

(d)How does Rav Ashi refute the proof?



(a)Why does an Avel not practice Avelus on Yom Tov or on Chol ha'Mo'ed? On what grounds does Simchas Yom Tov override Avelus?

(b)Is there any difference whether the Avelus began before Yom Tov or on Chol ha'Mo'ed?


(a)The Beraisa permits judging matters that involve either the death sentence, lashes or money-matters, on Chol ha'Mo'ed. How about on Yom Tov?

(b)What does the Tana then add regarding someone who fails to comply with the Beis-Din's rulings?

(c)How does Rav Yosef use this Beraisa to resolve the She'eilah of whether a Menudeh is obligated to practice his Niduy on Yom Tov or not?

(d)On what grounds does Abaye refute his Rebbe's proof?


(a)Abaye proves his point from the Reisha of the Beraisa 'Danin Dinei Nefashos'. What does he prove from there, based on a statement of Rebbi Akiva?

(b)What does Rebbi Akiva say, based on the Pasuk in Kedoshim "Lo Sochlu al ha'Dam"?


(a)Taking the issue one step further, Abaye asked Rav Yosef a Kashya from 'Me'aneh es Dino'. What does 'Me'aneh es Dino' mean?

(b)What did he ask Rav Yosef?

(c)What did Rav Yosef reply?

(d)Abaye then queried his own explanation from the Beraisa 'u'Menudeh she'Hitiru Lo Chachamim', implying that the Beis-Din rescinded every Niduy on Yom Tov. How did Rava explain the Beraisa, and answer Abaye's Kashya?


(a)We then ask whether a Metzora practices his Tzara'as on Yom Tov. What are the two ramifications of this She'eilah?

(b)How does Abaye try to resolve the She'eilah from our Mishnah, which includes a Metzora who is in the process of becoming Tahor, among those who are permitted to have a shave and to wash their clothes on Yom Tov?

(c)We refute his proof however, by saying 'Lo Miba'ei ... '. What does this mean?

(d)How does Rava ...

1. ... resolve the She'eilah from a Beraisa, which includes a Kohen Gadol in the Dinim of Tzara'as from the Pasuk in Tazri'a "v'ha'Tzaru'a"?

2. ... prove that a Kohen Gadol the whole year round is like an ordinary person on Yom Tov?

(e)What ios the Din of a regular Onen during the year?