הרי עלי ציפורים makes one a נזיר.
- True.
- False.
- With a messy head.
- Only if he is not a farmer.
- Machlokes A&B.
Why is נזיר in סדר נשים?
- Why not?
- Both start with נ.
- כל הרואה סוטה בקלקולה...
- Alphabetical after נדרים before סוטה.
- Put Mesechtas without Rashi together.
When there is a list of subjects the Tana first explains the last thing mentioned.
- True.
- False.
- Only in סדר נשים.
- All depends on circumstance.
- Machlokes all but C.
Why are ידות explained first?
- They came first.
- They are דאורייתא.
- We always explain the second thing first.
- הואיל ואתיין ליה מדרשא חביבין ליה
- Machlokes B&D.
One says אהא is a נזיר.
- True.
- False.
- If there was a נזיר passing in front of him.
- If he had that in mind.
- C&D.
One who says "I will be beautiful" is a נזיר.
- True.
- False.
- Unless he is passing a beautician.
- Only if he is holding his hair.
- Machlokes B&D.