THE ARGUMENT ABOUT A NAZIR OLAM (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 2 Daf 3a)
ëùí ùëéðåé ðæéøåú ëðæéøåú ëê ëéðåé ùîùåï ëùîùåï
Just like Kinuy Nezirus are like Nezirus, Kinuy [Nezirus] Shimshon are like [Nezirus] Shimshon.
äééãéï àéðåï ëéðåé ùîùåï
Question: What are Kinuyei Shimshon?
àîø ø' àáéðà ùîùåê ùîùåø ùîùåõ
Answer (R. Avinah): Shimshuch, Shimshur, and Shimshutz.
îï (äëà) [ö"ì úðé - ñôø ðéø] äëáéã ùòøå
Question: Who taught [in our Mishnah] 'if his hair became too long [he may lighten it]...'?
Answer: It is Rebbi.
(ãîø) [ö"ì îø - ñôø ðéø] ø' éøîéä îùåí ø' àéîé ãáøé ø' ðæéø òåìí îâìç àçã ìùðéí òùø çãù
(R. Yirmeyah citing R. Imi): Rebbi holds that a Nazir Olam shaves once in 12 months. (We explained this like SEFER NIR.)
ãáøé çëîéí ôòîéí ùäåà îâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí ôòîéí ùäåà îâìç àçú ìé"á çãù
Chachamim (other Amora'im, hold that Rebbi holds that) sometimes he shaves once in 30 days, and sometimes he shaves once in 12 months.
ø' äéìà áùí ø' àñé îúðéúà àîøä ëï äøéðé ðæéø ëùòø øàùé åëòôø äàøõ åëçåì äéí äøé æä ðæéø òåìí åîâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí
Support (for Chachamim - R. Heila citing Rav Asi - Beraisa): If one said 'I am a Nazir like the hair on my head', 'like the earth of the ground', or 'like the sand of the sea', he is a Nazir Olam, and shaves once every 30 days;
ø' àåîø àéï æä îâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí àìà àçú ìé"á çãù åàé æäå ùîâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí äàåîø äøé òìé ðæéøåú ëùòøåú øàùé åëòôø äàøõ åëçåì äéí
Rebbi says, he does not shave every 30 days, rather, once in 12 months. Who shaves once in 30 days? It is one who says 'are Alai Neziros like the hair on my head', 'like the earth of the ground', or 'like the sand of the sea.'
Note: This Beraisa is essentially Mishnah 4 below, just the Mishnah does not say 'rather, once in 12 months.'
àîø ø' æòéøà áñúí çìå÷éï
(R. Zeira): [Rebbi and the first Tana] argue Stam.
îä ðï ÷ééîéï
Question: What is the case?
àí áàåîø îìà ùòøé ëì òîà îåãéé ùîâìç ìàçø ùðéí òùø çãù
If he said 'like the full [amount] of my hair', all agree that he shaves after 12 months (he refers to a long Nezirus)!
àí áàåîø ëîéðééï ùòøåú øàùé ëì òîà îåãéé ùîâìç àçã ìùìùéí éåí
If he said 'like the number of hairs on my head', all agree that he shaves once in 30 days!
àìà ëé ðï ÷ééîéï áàåîø ëùéòø ø' àåîø îìà øàùé åøáðéï àîøéï ëàåîø ëîéðééï ùòøåú øàùé
Answer: Rather, the case is, he said 'like the hair.' Rebbi says that [he means] 'the full [amount] of my hair', and Rabanan say that he is like one who says 'like the number of hairs on my head.' (We explained this like RIDVAZ.)
(åëàï ìîä àéï äàéù ðåãø ùàéðå àìà ëîæøæ òöîå îï äàñåøéï - äâ"ø îàéø ùîçä îåç÷å îëàï åâåøñå ìòéì) åòåã îï äãà
Support: Also the following [shows that Chachamim agree that a Stam Nazir Olam shaves once in 12 months];
äåñéó øáé éäåãä (àí àîø [ãó â òîåã á] ëîì÷èé ÷éõ åëùáéìé ùîéèä åëëåëáéí ùáø÷éò) [ö"ì ëîðéï îì÷èé ÷éõ åëîðéï ùéáìé - ðåòí éøåùìîé] äøé æä ðæéø òåìí åîâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí
(Beraisa): R. Yehudah added, [if he said 'I am a Nazir] like the number of piles of figs [gathered to dry them], or like the sheaves of Shemitah (left on the ground), he is a Nazir Olam, and he shaves once in 30 days [because this is like a count. If every Nazir Olam shaves once in 30 days, what does R. Yehudah add?!]
àéï úéîø ø' éäåãä ëøáðéï ëøáé äåà äåñéó ø' éäåãä
Rebuttal: Who says that R. Yehudah holds like Rabanan? [Perhaps] according to Rebbi, R. Yehudah adds [that in this case, he shaves once in 30 days]!
àáùìåí ðæéø òåìí äåä åîâìç àçú ìùðéí òùø çãù
(Beraisa): Avshalom was a Nazir Olam, and he shaved once in 12 months. (It seems that in R. MEIR SIMCHAH's text, Rebbi taught this Beraisa.)
îàé èòîà îùåí ðæéøåú
What is the reason [why Rebbi says here, he shaves once in 30 days]? It is because [he said that he accepts] 'Nezirus' [like the number...]
ååééãà àîøä òì øáðéï ùäåà îâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí
Question: What is the source that according to Rabanan, [a Nazir Olam] shaves once in 30 days?
äãà äéà ãúðéðï äøéðé ðæéø îìà äáéú àå îìà ä÷åôä áåã÷éï àåúå
Answer: It is the following Mishnah: 'I am a Nazir this house-full', or 'this box-full', we check him (ask him what he meant):
åúðé òìä ùäåà îâìç àçú ìùìùéí éåí åäà àîø ùäåà îâìç à' ìé"á çãù
It was taught about this, he shaves once in 30 days. [Rebbi] holds that he shaves once in 12 months! (Rather, this shows that Rabanan argue with Rebbi; R. Ze'ira is refuted. We explained this Sugya based on R. MEIR SIMCHAH.)
îðä ùùä çãùéí åðèîà îåðä òåã ùùä çãùéí àå çåæø åîåðä ùðéí òùø çãù
Question: If he counted six months and became Tamei - does he count another six months [and shave], or does he return and count 12 months [before shaving]?
äùìéí ðæéøåúå åìà äñôé÷ ìâìç òã ùòáøå òìéå ùðéí ùìùä éîéí åðéèîà
Question: If he finished his Nezirus, and before he shaved, two or three days passed and he became Tamei [does this destroy his count, and he must count Nezirus again]?
ø' îðé áòé îëéåï ùìà ÷éãù ùòøå áãí îé îúéøå ìâìç
Objection (R. Mani): Since he was not Mekadesh his hair with blood [of Korbanos], what permits him to shave?!
(äøéðé ðæéø ìàçø ë' éîéí ðæéø òåìí ðæéø îëáø îàçø ùéù áéãå ìâìç ðæéø) äøéðé ðæéø ìàçø (òùøéí) [ö"ì ì' - ÷øáï äòãä] éåí ðæéø òåìí îëáø îàçø ùéù áéãå ìâìç ðæéø àå îàçø ùàéìå ðéèîà åàéï ìå îäéëï ìñúåø àéðå ðæéø
Question: 'I am a Nazir after 30 days Nazir Olam, and a Nazir already (from now)' - since he is able to shave [on day 30, before Nezirus Olam begins], he is a Nazir [now] - or, since if he will become Tamei, he has no place (time) to cancel [his count and count a new 30 days], he is not a Nazir?
äøéðé ðæéø ìàçø [ãó ã òîåã à] ùìùéí éåí ðæéø (ùîùåï ðæéø) [ö"ì åðæéø ùîùåï - äâ"ø îàéø ùîçä] îëáø
Question: 'I am a Nazir after 30 days, and a Nazir Shimshon already (now, what is the law)?
àîø ø' çéððà îñúáøà ùúãçä ðæéøåú úåøä ìðæéøåú ùîùåï
Answer (R. Chinena): Presumably, [Nezirus Shimshon takes effect immediately, and after 30 days] Nezirus Torah (all the Isurim apply to it) overrides Nezirus Shimshon (which does not forbid Tum'ah. He can even shave after 30 days of Torah Nezirus, since he accepted it before he said that he accepts Nezirus Shimshon. We explained this like R. MEIR SIMCHAH.)
îä èòîà [áîãáø å ëà] ëï éòùä òì úåøú ðæøå àú ùðæéøåúå úåøä éöàä ðæéøåú ùîùåï ùàéðä úåøä.
What is the source? "Ken Ya'aseh Al Toras Nizro" - this excludes Nezirus Shimshon, which is not Torah Nezirus.