THE EARLIEST ONE MAY BE MEGALE'ACH (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 1 Daf 11a)
îúðé' îé ùàîø äøéðé ðæéø îâìç éåí ùìùéí åàçã åàí âéìç éåí ùìùéí éöà
(Mishnah): If one said 'I am a Nazir', he shaves (and brings Korbanos Nazir) on the 31st day. If he shaved on day 30, he was Yotzei;
äøéðé ðæéø ùìùéí éåí àí âéìç éåí ùìùéí ìà éöà:
If he said 'I am a Nazir for 30 days', and shaved on day 30, he was not Yotzei.
âî' äãà îñééò ìáø ÷ôøà àí âéìç éåí ùìùéí ìà éöà
(Gemara): (Our Mishnah says that l'Chatchilah, he shaves on day 31.) This supports Bar Kapara, who [requires 30 full days - above, 4a] and says that if he shaved on day 30, he was not Yotzei.
äãà îñééò ìø' éåðúï àí âéìç éåí ùìùéí éöà
(It also says that if he shaved on day 30, he was Yotzei.) This supports R. Yonason, who says that if he shaved on day 30, he was Yotzei!
äà úøúéé
Question: The Mishnah contradicts itself!
ìéú äéà àìà çãà æå òãåú éåãòéï äéå ùäåà àñåø ìâìç àìà ùäï ñáåøéï àí âéìç éåí ùìùéí ìà éöà àí áà ìäòéã àí âìç éåí ùìùéí éöà
Answer: It is only like one of them (Bar Kapara). This testimony (of R. Papiyus in the coming Mishnah - if one accepted to be a Nazir twice, if he shaved for the first on day 30, he shaves for the second on day 60) they knew, that it is forbidden [to shave on day 30], but they thought that if he shaved on day 30, he was not Yotzei. He testified that if he shaved on day 30, he was Yotzei;
øáé àéîé äåä ìéä òåáãà åâéìç éåí ùìùéí åäåä ìéä òåáãà åâéìç ìéåí ì"à
A case occurred with R. Imi (he became an Avel), and he shaved on day 30. [Another] case occurred, and he shaved on day 31.
àîø øáé æøé÷à îï îúðéúà éìéó ìä øáé àéîé ãúðéðï úîï îé ùðæø ùúé ðæéøåú îâìç àú äøàùåðä éåí ùìùéí åàçã [ãó éà òîåã á] åäùðééä éåí ùùéí åà'
(R. Zerika): R. Imi learned from [the coming] Mishnah. It was taught there, if one accepted two Neziriyos, he shaves for the first on day 31 and for the second on day 61. (SEFER NIR asks why he did not learn from our Mishnah. Perhaps he learned from the Seifa there - even if he shaved the first on day 30, he should shave the second on day 31. - PF)
àîø øáé éåñé úîï ìùòáø åëà ìëúçéìä
Rebuttal (R. Yosi): There, [day 30 is Kosher] b'Di'eved. Here, [R. Imi] acted l'Chatchilah! (Rather, Aveilus is mid'Rabanan, therefore it is more lenient.)
øáé éøîéä äåøé ìø' éöç÷ òèåùéà åàéú ãàîøé ìøáé çééä áø øá éöç÷ òèåùéà ìâìç éåí ùìùéí îï îúðéúà ùîåðä éîéí áèìå îîðå âæéøú ùìùéí
R. Yirmeyah ruled for R. Yitzchak Atushiya, and some say for R. Chiyah bar Rav Yitzchak Atushiya, to shave on day 30, based on a Mishnah. [If one became an Avel] eight days before the Regel, the decree of [Aveilus] of Sheloshim is Batel [and he may shave on Erev Yom Tov, because Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo;
äéà ùîéðéú äéà éåí ùìùéí
Day eight and day 30 are the same. (For both, we say Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo.)
àîø øáé éåñé ùðééà äéà úîï ùîôðé ëáåã äøâì äúéøå
Rebuttal (R. Yosi): There is different. They permitted due to honor of the Regel.
úãò ìê ãîø øáé çìáå áø çåðä áùí øáé éåçðï çì éåí ùîåðä ùìå ìäéåú áùáú îâìç òøá ùáú
Proof #1: R. Chelbo citing R. Chunah citing R. Yochanan said that if day eight fell on Shabbos (and it is Erev Yom Tov), he shaves on Erev Shabbos;
àéï úéîø ùìà îôðé ëáåã äøâì äúéøå îòúä àôéìå çì éåí ì' ùìå ìäéåú áùáú îâìç áòøá ùáú
If you will say that it is not due to honor of the Regel (rather, because Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo), if so, even if day 30 fell on Shabbos (not Erev Yom Tov), he should shave on Erev Shabbos (and this is not so)!
åòåã îï äãà ãàîø øáé éåçðï òì ëì äîúéí ëåìï ùåìì ìàçø ùáòä åîàçä ìàçø ì'
Proof #2: R. Yochanan said that for all Mesim, one may be Sholel (connect the sides of a garment torn due to the Mes in an inferior way) after seven days, and properly sew it after 30 days;
åéùìåì éåí ùáòä åéàçä éåí ì'
[If we apply Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo], he should be Sholel on day seven, and properly sew it on day 30!
àîø øáé çâé (ãé äåà) [ö"ì ãéäà - ñôø ðéø] ùîåòúà ëï åùîåòúà ëï:
Rebuttal (R. Chagai): The matter is not clearcut (either way). The teaching is so (sometimes Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo), and the teaching is so (sometimes Ein Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo! We explained this like SEFER NIR.)
WHEN ONE NEZIRUS CAN COUNT FOR ANOTHER (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 2 Daf 11b)
îúðé' îé ùðæø ùúé ðæéøéåú îâìç àú äøàùåðä éåí ùìùéí åàçã åàú äùðééä éåí ùùéí åàçã
(Mishnah): If one accepted to be a Nazir twice, he shaves for their completion on day 31 and day 61.
ùàí âéìç àú äøàùåðä éåí ùìùéí îâìç àú äùðééä éåí ùùéí åàí âéìç éåí ùùéí çñø àçã éöà
If he shaved for the first on day 30, he shaves for the second on day 60. If he shaved on day 59, he was Yotzei.
æå òãåú äòéã øáé ôôééñ òì îé ùðæø ùúé ðæéøéåú ùàí âéìç àú äøàùåðä éåí ùìùéí îâìç àú äùðééä éåí ùùéí åàí âéìç éåí ùùéí çñø àçã éöà
R. Papiyus testified this law, that if he shaved the first on day 30, he shaves for the second on day 60. If he shaved on day 59, he was Yotzei.
ùéåí ùìùéí òåìä ìå îï äîðééï:
This is because the 30th day is counted [also for the second Nezirus].
âî' äùìéí ðæéøåúå äøàùåðä åáà ìäéùòï òì äùðééä [ö"ì åîöàå ôúç ìøàùåðä òìú ìå øàùåðä ùðééä - ÷äéìú éò÷á]
(Gemara): If one finished his first Nezirus, and comes to count the second, and he found a Pesach (a reason to consider it a mistake) for the first, the first [Nezirus and Korbanos] count for the second;
ìà îöàå ôúç ìøàùåðä òã ùîöàå ôúç ìùðééä òìú ìå ùðééä øàùåðä
If he did not find a Pesach for the first before he found a Pesach for the second, the second counts for the first. (The Gemara will explain this.)
[ãó éá òîåã à] îä ðï ÷ééîéï
Question: What is the case?
àí áàåîø äøéðé ðæéø ùúéí ðãø ùáèì îçöéúå áèì àú ëåìå
If he said 'I am a Nazir twice', a vow that is partially Batel is totally Batel!
àí áàåîø äøéðé ðæéø ùìùéí éåí àéìå ùìùéí éåí àéìå ìà áãà òìú ìå ùðééä øàùåðä
If he said 'I am a Nazir these 30 days, [and] these (the following) 30 days', in this case we would not say that the second counts for the first (since he specified that the second begins 30 days after his vow)!
àìà ëé ðï ÷ééîéï áàåîø äøéðé ðæéø åðæéø áàåîø àéìå ìðæéøåú
Answer #1: The case is, he said 'I am a Nazir, and a Nazir' [and] he said 'these [Korbanos] are for Nezirus.'
àáì àí àîø àéìå ìðæéøåúé åàéìå ìðæéøåú àçøú ìà áãà òìú ìå ùðééä øàùåðä
However, if he said 'these [Korbanos] are for my Nezirus, and these are for another Nezirus', in this case we would not say that the second counts for the first.
àîø øáé ìòæø äùìéí ðæéøåúå ìøàùåðä îëéåï ùäáéà ÷øáï åâéìç [ö"ì ìà - ÷øáï äòãä] òìú ìå øàùåðä ùðééä
Answer #2 (R. Lazar): If he finished his first Nezirus, once he brought a Korban and shaved, the first does not count for the second. (However, before he brought a Korban, it can count, even if he said 'these are for my Nezirus, and these are for another Nezirus', unlike we said above.)
øáé éò÷á áø àçà ô÷éã ìçáøééà àéï ùîòúåï îéìä îøáé àìòæø äååï éãòéï ãøáé éåçðï ôìéâ òã ùéáéà ëì ÷øáðåúéå
R. Yakov bar Acha commanded Talmidim - if you hear something from R. Elazar, know that R. Yochanan disagrees, [and holds that the first can count for the second] until he brings all his Korbanos.
ëøáðéï áøí ëøáé ùîòåï àôéìå ìà äáéà àìà ÷øáï à'
Explanation: [R. Yochanan holds] like Rabanan. However, according to R. Shimon, [all agree that the first does not count for the second] even if he brought only one Korban [since all the Isurim of the first Nezirus ended].
äôøéù ùúéäï ëàçú àéï áéãå àìà à'
(Beraisa): If he separated both [sets of Korbanos, and offered them] at once [after finishing both Neziriyos], only one of them counts for him. (The second does not start until he brings Korbanos for the first.)
äôøéùä æå áôðé òöîä åæå áôðé òöîä åäáéà ùì æå áæå åùì æå áæå ìà éöà
If he separated each [set of Korbanos] by itself, and he brought [Korbanos] of this [the first Nezirus] for this (the second Nezirus), or of this (the second) for this (the first), he was not Yotzei.
äà ì÷ãù ÷ãùä
Inference: However, [both sets of Korbanos] became Kadosh.
ìà ëï úðé ø' çééä ÷øáðå ìä' òì ðæøå ùé÷ãåí ðæøå ì÷øáðå åìà ùé÷ãåí ÷øáðå ìðæøå
Question: Didn't R. Chiyah teach "Korbano la'Shem Al Nizro" - his Nezirus must precede his Korban, and not that his Korban preceded his Nezirus?! (Here, he offered the second set for the first Nezirus, so it became Kadosh before he started the second Nezirus!)
ùðééà äéà ùòåîã áðæéøåúå
Answer: Here is different, for he was amidst Nezirus. (He already accepted both Neziriyos. If not for the first, the second would have begun already! We explained this entire Sugya like KEHILAS YAKOV Nazir 18/19. The GRIZ (13a) adds here, that if he permitted the first, it counts for the second! Therefore, he can separate now even for the latter Nezirus. It is unlike separating for Nezirus that one accepted 'after 30 days.')
ðéçà ùðééä øàùåðä øàùåðä ùðééä
Question: (The Seifa of the Beraisa discusses bringing either set of Korbanos for the other Nezirus.) Granted, he can bring the second [set] for the first. [How can he bring] the first for the second? (The second does not begin until he brings Korbanos for the first. The Beraisa said that he was not Yotzei. If so, the second never began!)
à"ø éåãä åäãà îñééò ìøáé àìòæø
Answer (R. Yehudah): This supports R. Elazar [who said that if he finished his first, once he brought a Korban and shaved, the first finished, and he began the second. He brought the remaining two Korbanos of the first for the second.]
ìà ëï øáé éò÷á áø àçà îô÷ã ìçáøééà àéï ùîòúåï îéìä îøáé àìòæø äååï éãòéï ãøáé éåçðï ôìéâ òã ùéáéà ëì ÷øáðåúéå
Question: Didn't R. Yakov bar Acha command Talmidim - if you hear something from R. Elazar, know that R. Yochanan disagrees, until he brings all his Korbanos!
åñáøéï îéîø ëøáðéï åëà ëøáé ùîòåï àðï ÷ééîéï
Answer: [R. Yochanan holds] like Rabanan. Here, we say according to R. Shimon (the Beraisa is like him).
øáé çéððà áùí øáé ôéðçñ úéôúø áðæéøåúå åáðæéøåúå ùì áðå áãà òìú ìå ùðééä [ãó éá òîåã á] øàùåðä
Answer #2 (to question (e) - R. Chinena citing R. Pinchas): The case is, he conducted his Nezirus and Nezirus Beno. (When his son is born, he interrupts his Nezirus and begins Nezirus Beno without bringing Korbanos. If he found a Pesach for Nezirus Beno,) in this case [what he counted for] the second (Nezirus Beno) counts for the first. (We explained this like KORBAN HA'EDAH, with changes.)
àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï ìà ëï ñáøðï îéîø áàåîø äøéðé ðæéø áãéï äéä ùìà éäà ðæéø àìà àçú àú äåà ùäçîøúä òìéå ùéäà ðæéø ùúéí
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): Is it not logical to say that it is when he said 'I am a Nazir, [I am a Nazir]', it is proper that he be a Nazir only when (he repeated it to strengthen the matter), but you are stringent on him that he be a Nazir twice;
ìà ãééê ùäçîøú òìéå ùéäà ðæéø ùúéí àìà ùàú àåîø àéï áéãå ëìåí:
Is it not enough that you are stringent on him that he be a Nazir twice, but do you want to say that [if after finishing Nezirus, he permitted it], he does not have anything (it did not count for the second Nezirus?! Rather, surely it counts, whether or not he brought Korbanos! We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)
ONE WHO BECAME TAMEI ON DAY 30 (Yerushalmi Perek 3 Halachah 3 Daf 12b)
îúðé' îé ùàîø äøéðé ðæéø ðéèîà éåí ùìùéí ñåúø àú äëì
(Mishnah): If Reuven said 'I am a Nazir'; and he became Tamei on day 30, he cancels everything (all the days he counted);
åøáé àìéòæø àåîø ìà ñúø àìà ùáòä
R. Eliezer says, he cancels only seven.
äøéðé ðæéø ùìùéí éåí ðéèîà éåí ùìùéí ñúø àú äëì:
If he said 'I am a Nazir for 30 days', and he became Tamei on day 30, he cancels everything.
âî' øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï îîöåøò ìîã øáé àìéòæø ùëï îöéðå áéï úâìçú ìúâìçú ùáòä
(Gemara - R. Avahu citing R. Yochanan): R. Eliezer learns from a Metzora. We find [only] seven days between one shaving and another. (This shows that shaving seven days growth of hair is called shaving. Also here, he can shave Tiglachas Taharah seven days after Tiglachas Tum'ah. He cancels (i.e. must repeat) seven days of Nezirus Taharah, above the seven days he must wait in order to become Tahor and shave Tiglachas Tum'ah.)
åìîä ìà éìéó ìä îðæéø èîà
Question: Why does he not learn from Nazir Tamei? (If bandits shaved him, he must wait seven days to do Tiglachas Tum'ah.)
îöåøò îâìç åçåæø åîâìç ðæéø èîà àéðå îâìç åçåæø åîâìç
Answer: A Metzora, [l'Chatchilah] he shaves and shaves again (on day seven). A Nazir Tamei, [l'Chatchilah] he does not shave and shave again [for Tum'ah. He should shave once for Tum'ah, and after counting a full Nezirus, he shaves Tiglachas Taharah.]
øáðéï ã÷éñøéï àîøéï áôéøåù ôìéâéï ø' éåçðï àîø îîöåøò ìîã øáé àìéòæø øáé àìòæø àåîø îðæéø èîà ìîã ø' ìéòæø
(Rabanan of Kisarin): [Amora'im] explicitly argue about this. R. Yochanan says, R. Eliezer learns from Metzora. [The Amora] R. Elazar says, R. Eliezer learns from Nazir Tamei.
(åäà øáé àìéòæø îä ùðä) [ö"ì îä øáðï îäùðéï - ñôø ðéø] áéï ðæéø ùðæø ñúí ìðæéø ùôéøù
Question: According to Rabanan, what is the difference between a Nazir who vowed Nezirus Stam, and a Nazir who specified [30 days? R. Eliezer holds that only in the latter case, if he became Tamei on day 30, he canceled everything.]
áùòä ùðæø ñúí îéøè àéðå ñåúø åäùáéòé ùìå òåìä ìå îï äîðééï åáùòä ùôéøù àí äéä îåøè ñåúø åàéï äùáéòé ùìå òåìä ìå îï äîðéï:
Answer: When he vowed Stam, a Miret (one whose hair does not grow, if he became Tamei on day 30) he does not cancel (a normal person cancels, in order to shave the proper growth of hair. Since he will not grow hair, there is no reason to cancel.) And his seventh day [when he becomes Tahor] counts towards his number of days. (Normally, Tum'ah cancels, so he does not count until he brings Korbanos on day eight. Here, he needs only to grow hair.) If he specified [30 days, even] a Miret cancels, and his seventh day does not count. (We explained this Sugya like SEFER NIR.)