NEDARIM 85 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.

[85a - 21 lines; 85b - 20 lines]

1)[line 4]במתנות שלא הורמוB'MATANOS SHE'LO HURMU- referring to Terumos and Ma'asros that were not yet separated

2)[line 9]דלא לישהי לטיבליהD'LO LISH'HI L'TIVLEI- in order that he should not leave Tevel in his possession without first separating Terumos and Ma'asros

3)[line 16]שמא תעדיףSHEMA TA'ADIF- lest she produce for him a larger quantity than she is obligated to give him. The Mishnah in Kesuvos (5:9) states that a woman must produce the weight of five Sela'im of Shesi (spun warp thread, the longitudinal thread of the loom, which is thinner and harder to make than the woof thread, the latitudinal thread) in Yehudah, which is the equivalent of ten Sela'im of Shesi in the Galil, or the weight of ten Sela'im of Erev (woof) in Yehudah, which is the equivalent of twenty Sela'im of Erev in the Galil.

4)[line 20]אדם מקדיש דבר שלא בא לעולםADAM MAKDISH DAVAR SHE'LO BA L'OLAM

There is a Machlokes Tana'im as to whether a person can designate as Hekdesh (consecrate) anything that has not as yet emerged into the world, such as the fruits of a tree or the goods to be produced by his wife. The same applies to making a Neder to prohibit items.


5)[line 1]והמותרHA'MOSAR- the amount that one's wife produces over and above the amount prescribed in the Mishnah (Kesuvos ibid.)

6)[line 16]יקדשו ידי לעושיהןYEKADESHU YADAI L'OSEIHEN- "my hands shall be consecrated to their Maker (RASHI to Kidushin 63a, TOSFOS DH Yikadshu), such that what they produce will be Hekdesh." [By making a Neder in this fashion, the Neder can take effect on products of the hands that the hands have not yet produced and do not yet exist, since the Neder takes effect on the hands, which do exist already.]