


(Mishnah): If one said "like the vows of Resha'im", the Nezirus or vow or oath takes effect (this will be explained);


If he said "like Nedarim of Tzadikim" it has no effect.


If he said "like their Nedavos (vows in which one takes no responsibility to compensate if the animal gets lost, stolen or blemished)", his Neder of Nezirus or a Korban takes effect.


(Gemara) Question: Perhaps he meant 'I do not vow, like Resha'im vow"!


Answer (Shmuel): He said "like Nedarim of Resha'im, behold, I" or "(like Nedarim...it is Alai (upon me)" or "...Heimenu (from it." All of these are Yados);


"Behold, I" accepts Nezirus. "It is Alai" to bring a Korban. "Heimenu" is a Shevu'ah (not to eat from a loaf).


Question: Perhaps "behold, I" accepts a fast!


Answer (Shmuel): The case is, a Nazir was passing in front of him.


Question: Perhaps "Heimenu" is a Shevu'ah to eat from it!


Answer: He said "Heimenu, I will not eat."


Objection: If so, what is the Chidush?


Answer: The Mishnah teaches that "like Nedrei Resha'im" suffices, even though he did not say "Shevu'ah".




(Mishnah): If one said "like Nedarim of Tzadikim", it has no effect. If he said "like their Nedavos", it takes effect.


Question: Our Tana distinguishes between a Neder and a Nedavah. Who is the Tana? It is not R. Meir, and not R. Yehudah!


(Beraisa - R. Meir): "It is better not to vow (than to vow and not pay)." Better than both of these, is not to vow at all. (Ran - the previous verse said "pay what you vow." Rosh - had our verse said only "it is better not to vow than to vow", we would explain 'than to vow and not pay.' "And not pay" is extra, so it is as if the verse discusses one who vows and pays, and one who vows and does not pay, and it says that it is better not to do either of these.)


(R. Yehudah): Better than both of these, is to vow and fulfill it.



Answer #1: Our Mishnah is like R. Meir. In the Beraisa he explains the verse, which discusses only Nedarim, but not Nedavos. (We bring a second answer on Daf 10a.)


Question: The Mishnah says that if he vowed "like Nedavos of Tzadikim", his Neder of Nezirus or a Korban takes effect!


Answer: It should say "his Nedavah of Nezirus or a Korban takes effect."


Question: One should not take a Neder, lest he not fulfill it. The same concern applies to Nedavos!


Answer: He can do like Hillel (and there is no concern);


(Beraisa): No one ever transgressed Me'ilah with Hillel's Olah (burnt-offering). He used to bring it to the Mikdash while it was Chulin, be Makdish it, and immediately offer it.




Question: This explains Nedavos of Korbanos. How can we explain Nedavos of Nezirus?


Answer: The Tana holds like Shimon ha'Tzadik, that there are praiseworthy cases of Nezirus;


(Beraisa): Shimon ha'Tzadik said that he never ate form the Asham of a Nazir Tamei, with only one exception.


Once, he saw a Nazir with beautiful hair, and asked him why he became a Nazir, which obligates shaving all his hair at the end.


The man - Once, I saw my reflection, and felt my Yetzer Ra getting haughty about my beauty. I realized that it threatened to destroy me! Therefore, I resolved to become a Nazir and shave off my hair l'Shem Shamayim.


Shimon ha'Tzadik kissed him, and said that there should be more Nezirim like him, for he epitomizes "Lehazir la'Shem" (l'Shem Shamayim).


Question (R. Mani): Presumably, he refrained from eating Asham Nazir Tamei because it is brought due to a sin. If so, he should not have eaten any Asham, for every Asham is for a sin!


Answer (R. Yonah): Normally, one accepts Nezirus to save himself from punishments for his sins. A Nazir Tamei must start again from the beginning. He now must abstain longer than he expected, and regrets his vow. This converts his Korbanos to be (like) Chulin ba'Azarah retroactively. (It is not truly Chulin, unless a Chacham permits his vow.)


Question: The same concern applies to Korbanos of a Nazir Tahor!


Answer: A Nazir Tahor knew how long he could abstain (without regret).