There was a snake that ate _____storehouses of straw.
If a man saw people eating his figs, and said "the figs are forbidden to them like a Korban"; he found that his father and brothers were among those eating. Who is Assur if he said "I would have said 'they are all forbidden except for father''?
Everyone but his father.
No one.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes B&C.
What are שבועות שגגות?
One swears he did a שגגה.
Both honestly believe the truth of their words.
They swore by accident.
He thought he could swear to bring an אשם.
Machokes B&D.
Nowadays, one swears not to eat meat all year. He uses שבתות ובי"ט as an opening. When may he eat meat?