(a)The Mishnah discusses someone who makes a Neder forbidding on himself cooked foods. What does he say?
(b)He is permitted to eat food that is roasted and Shaluk. What is 'Shaluk'?
(c)What is the definition of 'Ma'aseh Kedeirah'?
(d)If a person declares 'Konam Tavshil she'Eini Ocheil', which kind of 'Ma'aseh Kedeirah is he forbidden to eat, and which kind is he permitted?
(e)Why is that?
(a)The Mishnah discusses someone who makes a Neder forbidding on himself cooked foods. He says - 'Konam Mevushal alai'.
(b)He is permitted to eat food that is roasted and Shaluk - (over-cooked).
(c)'Ma'aseh Kedeirah' is - cooked food that people tend to eat with bread (See also Tos. Ym-Tov).
(d)If a person declares 'Konam Tavshil she'Eini Ocheil', he is forbidden to eat soft (liquidy) 'Ma'aseh Kedeirah' (See Tos. Ym-Tov), but not if it is hard ...
(e)... because once it becomes hard, people do not generally eat it together with bread.
(a)The Tana also permits him to eat Beitzah T'ramita and Dala'as ha'Remutzah. What is ...
1. ... 'Beitzah T'ramita'?
2. ... 'Dala'as ha'Remutzah'?
(b)Why does one prepare a pumpkin in this way?
(a)The Tana also permits him to eat ...
1. ... Beitzah T'ramita - an egg that is heated in boiling water and that one does not allow to become hard (See Tos. Ym-Tov), and ...
2. ... 'Dala'as ha'Remutzah' - a pumpkin that has been heated on hot ashes ...
(b)... a preparation that renders it sweet.
(a)What kind of food made from flour is a person who declares a Neder on Ma'aseh Kedeirah forbidden to eat?
(b)Why is that?
(a)A person who declares a Neder on Ma'aseh Kedeirah is forbidden to eat - food made from flour - that has been heated in a dish (See also Tos. Yom-Tov) ...
(b)... because that is what the Noder had in mind when he made the Neder.
(a)What is the hard and fast rule that governs all these Halachos?
(b)What will the Din therefore be if someone makes a Neder not to eat Mevushal in a place where ...
1. ... they call roast 'Mevushal', or vice-versa?
2. ... the majority of people call roast 'Mevushal', but a minority don't?
3. ... everybody calls roast 'Mevushal' except for the Noder?
(a)The hard and fast rule that governs all these Halachos is - 'bi'Nedarim Halach achar Lashon b'nei Adam' (that in the realm of Nedarim, we always go by what people mean (rather than by the literal meaning of the Noder's words) according to the time and place.
(b)Consequently, someone who makes a Neder not to eat Mevushal in a place where ...
1. ... they call roast 'Mevushal' - is not permitted to eat roasted food (and vice-versa).
2. ... the majority of people call roast 'Mevushal', but a minority don't - the Neder adopts the meaning of the group to which he belongs.
3. ... everybody calls roast 'Mevushal' except for the Noder - he is forbidden to eat cooked food.
(a)What does the Mishnah say in a case where someone is Noder from ...
1. ... 'Kavush'?
2. ... 'Shaluk'?
(b)What would he have to say to incorporate...
1. ... all pickled food?
2. ... all kinds of Shaluk?
(c)And what does Rebbi Yehudah say about someone who is Noder from Tz'li?
(d)What would he have to say in order to incorporate all roasted food?
(e)By the same token, what is the difference between whether a person who is Noder 'min ha'Mali'ach' or 'Mali'ach she'Eini (See first Tos. Yom-Tov in the Perek) To'em'?
(a)The Mishnah rules in a case where someone is Noder from ...
1. ...'Kavush' that - he is forbidden to eat pickled vegetables exclusively.
2. ... 'Shaluk' that - he is forbidden to eat exclusively over-cooked meat (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)To incorporate all ...
1. ... pickled food, he would have to say - '(Konam) Kavush she'Eini To'em', and all ...
2. ... kinds of Shaluk - ' ... Shaluk she'Eini To'em'.
(c)Rebbi Yehudah rules that someone who is Noder from Tz'li - is forbidden to eat roasted meat exclusively, whereas ...
(d)... in order to incorporate all roasted food, he would have to say ' - ... Tz'li she'Eini To'em'.
(e)By the same token, a person who is Noder 'min ha'Mali'ach' - is forbidden to eat salted fish, where if he says 'Mali'ach she'Eini (See first Tos. Yom-Tov in the Perek) To'em', he is not allowed to eat anything that is salted.
(a)What does a person mean when he makes a Neder 'Dag Dagim Eini To'em'?
(b)The Mishnah lists three groups of fish that this includes: big and small fish, salted and unsalted fish. What is the third group?
(c)It does not however, incorporate T'ris Terufah, Tzir or Muryas (See Tos. Yom-Tov). What is ...
1. ... 'T'ris Terufah'?
2. ... 'Tzir'?
3. ... 'Muryas'?
(d)Why not?
(a)When someone makes a Neder 'Dag Dagim Eini To'em' - he means to incorporate all kinds of fish (See also Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)The Mishnah lists three group of fish that this includes: big and small fish, salted and unsalted fish - raw and cooked fish.
(c)It does not however, incorporate ...
1. ... 'T'ris Terufah' - chopped fish that is sold independently ...
2. ... 'Tzir' - brine (the water that emerges from salted fish), or ...
3. ... 'Muryas' (See Tos.Yom-Tov) - the fat that emerges from salted fish.
(d)... which are not included in the Isur - because they are called by their own names and not by the name of 'fish'.
(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who is Noder from Tzachanah. What does 'Tzachanah' mean?
(b)It includes T'ris Terufah. What about Tzir and Muryas?
(c)What does the Tana say about someone who is Noder from T'ris Terufah, with regard to Tzir and Muryas?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who is Noder from 'Tzachanah' - a mixture of various kinds of chopped fish.
(b)It includes T'ris Terufah (See Tos. Yom-Tov) - but not Tzir and Muryas.
(c)If he is Noder from T'ris Terufah however - the Tana forbids him to eat Tzir and Muryas (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)According to the Tana Kama, someone who is Noder from milk is permitted to eat Kum. What is 'Kum'?
(b)What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(c)What if he is Noder from Kum?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, someone who is Noder from milk is permitted to drink 'Kum' - whey (the residue of milk).
(b)Rebbi Yossi - forbids it.
(c)But if he is Noder from Kum - even Rebbi concedes that he is permitted to drink milk.
(a)Aba Shaul speaks about someone who is Noder from cheese ('ha'Gevinah'). What does he say about unsalted cheese?
(b)Why would we otherwise have thought that it is permitted?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Aba Shaul rules that someone who is Noder from cheese ('ha'Gevinah') - is forbidden to eat even cheese that it unsalted.
(b)We would otherwise have thought that it is permitted - since 'ha'Gevinah' (with a 'Hey') implies good-quality cheese, and one does not generally eat cheese that has not been salted (See also Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Halachah is - like Aba Shaul (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)If someone is Noder from Basar, the Tana Kama permits him to eat 'Rotav' (gravy) and Kifah. What is 'Kifah'?
(b)What does Rebbi Yehudah say?
(a)If someone is Noder from Basar, the Tana Kama permits him to eat Rotav (gravy) and 'Kifah' - the small particles of meat and gravy that are stuck to the bottom of the pot (See Tos.Yom-Tov) ...
(b)... Rebbi Yehudah - forbids it.
(a)What does Rebbi Yehudah inform us that Rebbi Tarfon once told him about eating an egg that had been cooked together with meat that was Asur to him via a Neder)?
(b)Why was that?
(c)How did the Chachamim (Amru lo) explain Rebbi Tarfon? What must he have said for the egg to be prohibited?
(d)What if he had declared 'Konam Basar alai!'?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Rebbi Yehudah informs us that Rebbi Tarfon - once forbade him to eat an egg that had been cooked together with meat that was Asur to him (via a Neder) ...
(b)... since it had adopted the taste of the meat.
(c)The Chachamim (Amru lo) explain that for the egg to be prohibited, Rebbi Yehudah must have said 'Konam Basar Zeh alai' - implying the piece of meat that was lying in front of him, and incorporating its taste ...
(d)... but if what he said was 'Konam Basar alai' - he would have been forbidden to eat meat, but not the taste that comes from it.
(e)The Halachah is like - the Tana Kama.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who ...
1. ... is Noder from wine eating a cooked dish that contains wine?.
2. ... declares 'Yayin zeh she'Eini To'em' (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and the wine subsequently falls into a cooked dish? On what condition is the cooked dish forbidden?
(b)And what about someone who is Noder from grapes or olives respectively drinking wine or olive oil?
(c)What will he have to say for the wine and the oil that emerges from the grapes and the olives to be included in the Isur?
(a)The Mishnah rules that someone who ...
1. ... is Noder from wine - may eat a cooked dish that contains wine (like the Tana Kama of Rebbi Yehudah).
2. ... declares 'Yayin zeh she'Eini To'em' (See Tos. Yom-Tov) and the wine subsequently falls into a cooked dish - may not the cooked dish provided the wine gives taste to the dish.
(b)The Mishnah also rules that someone who is Noder from grapes or olives respectively - is permitted to drink wine or olive oil.
(c)For the wine and the oil that emerges from the grapes and the olives to be included in the Isur, he will have to say - 'Konam Zeisim va'Anavim Eilu she'Eini To'em' (See Tos. Yom-Tov cited at the beginning of the Mishnah).
(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who is Noder from dates or from Sitvaniyos. What are 'Sitvaniyos'?
(b)What does the Tana Kama say regarding the Noder enjoying date-honey and vinegar made from Sitvaniyos, respectively?
(c)Based on what principle does Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira disagree with the Tana Kama?
(d)What do the Chachamim say?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses someone who is Noder from dates or from Sitvaniyos - poor quality grapes that remain on the vine in the winter.
(b)The Tana Kama - permits the Noder to enjoy date-honey and vinegar made from Sitvaniyos respectively (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)Rebbi Yehudah disagrees with the Tana Kama, based on the principle - that the Noder means to include in the Neder whatever retains its original name (i.e. 'date-honey', 'Sitvaniyos-vinegar').
(d)The Chachamim - permit it.
(a)According to one explanation, the Machlokes between the Tana Kama and the Chachamim concerns a case where the Noder forbade on himself the Sitvaniyos, where the Tana Kama permits the vinegar that is manufactured from them but forbids the Sitvaniyos themselves. On what basis do the Chachamim permit them?
(b)What is an alternative way of explaining the Chachamim?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to one explanation, the Machlokes between the Tana Kama and the Chachamim concerns a case where the Noder forbade on himself the Sitvaniyos, where the Tana Kama permits the vinegar that is manufactured from them but forbids the Sitvaniyos themselves. The Chachamim permit them- because they are not edible, in which case it is obvious that the Noder meant to forbid the by-product that comes from them and not the Sitvaniyos themselves.
(b)Alternatively, the Chachamim are coming to argue with Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira and to permit the vinegar of the Sitvaniyos (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim (See also Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)What does the Tana say about somebody who is Noder from ...
1. ... wine?
2. ... oil?
3. ... honey?
4. ... vinegar?
(b)He also permits someone who is Noder from cress to eat Kaplutos. What are 'Kaplutos'?
(a)The Tana rules that somebody who is Noder from ...
1. ... wine - is permitted to drink the 'wine of apples' (cider).
2. ... oil - is permitted to drink sesame-oil (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
3. ... honey - is permitted to eat date-honey (Ibid.).
4. ... vinegar - is permitted to drink Sitvaniyos-vinegar.
(b)He also permits someone who is Noder from cress to eat Kaplutos - a species of cress that grows in Eretz Yisrael.
(a)On what grounds does the Mishnah permit someone who is Noder from vegetables to eat vegetables that grow in a field?
(b)The Tana describes this as Shem Levi. What does 'Shem-Levi' literally mean?
(c)How will the Din differ in the Sh'mitah-year?
(d)Why is that?
(a)The Mishnah permit someone who is Noder from vegetables (with referencde to vegetables that that grow in a vegetable garden) to eat vegetables that grow in a field - since they are not referred to S'tam as 'vegetables', but as 'field-vegetables'.
(b)The Tana describes this as 'Shem Levi' - which literally means 'an 'accompanying name'.
(c)In the Sh'mitah-year however - they are forbidden ...
(d)... because since garden vegetables (which need to be cultivated) are scarce, one refers to the field-vegetables as vegetables 'Stam' (See also Tos.Yom-Tov).
(a)If someone is Noder from cabbage, he is forbidden to eat Aspargus', which some translate as a species of cabbage. What if he is Noder from Aspargus?
(b)How do others translate 'Aspargus'?
(c)Either way, what is the reason for the difference?
(a)If someone is Noder from cabbage, he is forbidden to eat Aspargus' (which some translate as 'a species of cabbage') - but not vice-versa.
(b)Others translate 'Aspargus' as - 'the water in which vegetables have been cooked' (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)Either way, the reason for the difference is - because whereas Aspargus is called cabbage (or whichever vegetable they come from), cabbage is not called Aspargus (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)The Tana Kama forbids someone who is Noder from G'risin (ground peas or beans) to eat a Mikpah (a stew of legumes). What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(b)What does the Mishnah say with regard to someone who is Noder from Mikpah eating G'risin.
(c)On what grounds does the Tana Kama forbid somebody who is Noder from a Mikpah to eat garlic?
(d)What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(e)What if he is Noder from garlic?
(a)The Tana Kama forbids someone who is Noder from G'risin (ground peas or beans) to eat a Mikpah (a stew of legumes) - Rebbi Yossi permits it.
(b)Both agree however, that someone who is Noder from Mikpah - is permitted to eat G'risin.
(c)The Tana Kama forbids somebody who is Noder from a Mikpah to eat garlic - since garlic is generally added to it to give taste and subsequently becomes synonymous with the stew.
(d)Rebbi Yossi - permits that too.
(e)If he is Noder from garlic however - both agree that he is permitted to eat the stew.
(a)In the same vein, the Tana Kama forbids someone who is Noder from lentils to eat Ashishon. What is 'Ashishon'?
(b)What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(c)And what if he is Noder from Ashishon?
(a)In the same vein, the Tana Kama forbids someone who is Noder from lentils to eat Ashishon - the residue of lentils,
(b)Here too - Rebbi Yossi permits it.
(c)If he is Noder from Ashishon - both agree that he is permitted to eat lentils.
(a)In the event that someone declares 'Konam Chitah Chitin she'Eini To'em', what does the Mishnah say with regard to his eating ...
1. ... wheat-flour?
2. ... wheat-bread?
(b)Why is that?
(c)And what does the Tana say about someone who declares 'G'ris G'risin she'Eini To'em'?
(d)What does Rebbi Yehudah finally say about someone who declares 'Konam G'ris or Konam Chitah she'Eini Ochel!'
(a)In the event that someone declares 'Konam Chitah Chitin she'Eini To'em', the Mishnah forbids him to eat ...
1. ... wheat-flour and ...
2. ... wheat-bread ...
(b)... since by definition, 'Chitah' incorporates baked 'bread' and 'Chitin' any by-product of wheat that one can chew (See also Tos. Yov).
(c)The Tana also rules that someone who declares 'G'ris G'risin she'Eini To'em' - is forbidden to eat both raw and cooked peas and beans.
(d)And Rebbi Yehudah (See Tos. Yom-Tov) finally rules that someone who declares 'Konam G'ris or Konam Chitah she'Eini Ochel!' - may eat them raw.