NIDAH 13 - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and he is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


TOSFOS DH Kol ha'Yad ba'Anashim Tikatzetz

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì äéã. áàðùéí ú÷öõ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how one may check.)

åàí öøéê ìáãå÷ éáãå÷ áöøåø àå áçøñ ëãàîø áâî'


Explanation: If he needs to check, he checks with a pebble or earthenware (but not with his hand), like it says in the Gemara.

åà''ú äà ì÷îï àîø ãìîèä îòèøä îåúø åäééðå áôé äàîä åùí äåà áåã÷ òöîå


Question: Below, it says that below the crown [on the Ever] is permitted, i.e. at the opening of the Ever, and this is where he checks himself!

åé''ì ãâí ìîòìä ìöã äâåó öøéê ìáãå÷ ùîà äìê ùí èôú ÷øé


Answer #1: One must check also above, towards the body, lest a drop of semen went there.

à''ð àôé' îòèøä åìîèä ìà ùøé àìà ìäùúéï îùåí ðéöåöåú àå îùåí áéú äëðñú àáì ëãé ìáãå÷ òöîå ìà


Answer #2: Even from the crown and below, it is permitted [to touch] only when urinating, due to drops (if they fall on his feet, others might see them and assume that he is sterile and malign his children's lineage), or due to a Beis ha'Keneses (lest urine fall on it), but not for checking himself.


TOSFOS DH Ochez veha'Tanya R. Eliezer Omer v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àåçæ åäúðéà øáé àìéòæø àåîø ëå'.

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)

åàí úàîø ìéîà äà ã÷àîø àåçæ åáåìò äééðå ìîèä îòèøä ãùøé


Question: He should say that "he holds [the Ever] and swallows" is from below the crown, which is permitted!

åé''ì àí éðéç äæøò ìáà òã ôé äàîä ùåá ìà éåëì ìòëáå


Answer #1: If he lets semen come [inside the Ever] up to the opening, he will not be able to stop it [from leaving].

àé ðîé ëéåï ùàåçæ áàîä áãåç÷ ùìà éöà æøò éù äøäåø àôé' ìîèä îòèøä


Answer #2: Since he holds the Ever tightly so that semen will not leave, there is Hirhur (lustful thoughts) even from [touching] below the crown.

åà''ú åîàé ôøéê îø' àìéòæø åäìà øáðï ôìéâé òìéä åùøå


Question #1: What was the question from R. Eliezer? Rabanan argue with him, and permit!

åëï ì÷îï îàé ôøéê àãøá éäåãä îøáé àìéòæø


Question #2: Also below, what was the question against Rav Yehudah from R. Eliezer?

åé''ì ãøáðï ìà ùøå àìà áîùúéï îùåí ìòæ îîæøåú àáì ìöåøê ã''à àñøé


Answer #1: Rabanan permit only for urinating, due to La'az of Mamzerus. They forbid for other needs;

åøá éäåãä ðîé äéä òåîã áî÷åí âáåä ãìéëà ðéöåöåú åìà äéä àåçæ àìà ëãé ùìà éôåì îé øâìéí òì äëåúì åáäà ìà ùøå øáðï


Also Rav Yehudah was standing on a high place, where there is no concern for drops. He held only lest urine fall on the wall. Rabanan do not permit this.

àé ðîé ìñåó äåãå çëîéí ìãáøé ø' àìéòæø


Answer #2: In the end, Rabanan admitted to R. Eliezer.

îãàîø áôø÷ ëéöã îáøëéï (áøëåú ãó î.) àéï îé øâìéí ëìéï àìà áéùéáä àå áòôø úéçåç àå áî÷åí âáåä åäééðå ëøáé àìéòæø àáì àåçæ áàîä ìà ÷àîø àò''â ãîñúîà ëîå ëï ëìéï


Source #1: It says in Brachos (40a) that [the last drops of] urine finishes only if one was sitting, or [standing] in loose earth or on a high place. (If not, he fears lest it drip on his feet, and he stops early.) This is like R. Eliezer. It does not say that one may hold the Ever, even though presumably, also in this case [the urine] finishes!

åì÷îï áôéø÷éï (ãó èæ:) ùìù ùðàúé åçùéá àåçæ áàîä åîùúéï åìà äåæëø ùí øáé àìéòæø


Source #2: Below (16b) it says "there are three that I hate...", and it counts one who holds the Ever while urinating, and R. Eliezer's name is not mentioned there.


TOSFOS DH veha'Lo Nitzotzos Nitazin

úåñôåú ã"ä åäìà ðéöåöåú ðéúæéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it does not suffice to rub the drops off his feet.)

åà''ú åéùôùó áéãå ëãàîøé' áô' àîø ìäí äîîåðä (éåîà ì.) ãîöåä ìùôùó


Question: He should rub with his hand, like we say in Yoma (30a) that it is a Mitzvah to rub (to avoid La'az)!

åé''ì ãëùàéï àåçæ àéëà øåá ðéöåöåú åìà ñâé áùôùåó


Answer: When he does not hold, there are many drops, and it does not suffice to rub;

àáì áàåçæ ìéëà àìà îòè åñâé áùôùåó


When he holds, there is only a little, and it suffices to rub;

ãàé äåä ñâé áùôùåó àó ëùàéðå àåçæ âí øáðï ìà äåå ùøå


If it sufficed to rub even when he does not hold, Rabanan would not permit [holding]!


TOSFOS DH v'Ya'amod bi'Mekom Gavoha

úåñôåú ã"ä åéòîåã áî÷åí âáåä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses where one may urinate onto hard land.)

åàôéìå á÷ø÷ò ÷ùä


Explanation: [Standing on a high place helps] even on hard land.

åäà ãàîø áôø÷ îåîéï àìå (áëåøåú ãó îã:) ìà éùúéï ìà òì âáé î÷åí ÷ùä åìà òì âáé ëìé ãàîø øá äðé îåãøé ãááì îäãøé îéà ìòéï òéèí


Implied question: It says in Bechoros (44b) that one may not urinate on a hard place, and not on a Kli, for Rav taught that sloped places in Bavel return water to Ein Eitam (the source of the Mikveh in which the Kohen Gadol immerses)!

åé''ì ãäúí îééøé ñîåê ìôøú ùäéà âáåä îëì äðäøåú ëãàîøéðï (áëåøåú ãó ðä.) ëì äðäøåú ìîèä îùìù ðäøåú åùìù ðäøåú ìîèä îôøú


Answer: There it discusses close to the Pras river, which is higher than all [other] rivers, like we say (Bechoros 55a) that all rivers are below three rivers, and [those] three rivers are below the Pras;

åîôøú ùäåà âáåä îëåìí éåøã ìòéï òéèí ùäåà âáåä ëãàîøé' (æáçéí ãó ðã:) ñáåø ìîáðééä áòéï òéèí ãîãìé èôé


From the Pras, which is higher than all of them, it descends to Ein Eitam, which is high, like we say (Zevachim 54b), that one would think to build [the Beis ha'Mikdash] on Ein Eitam, which is highest;

àáì øçå÷ îôøú àå àôéìå ìúåê ùàø ðäøåú ùøé


However, far from the Pras, or even into other rivers, one may [urinate on a hard place or on a Kli].


TOSFOS DH Im Hayah Nasuy Mutar

úåñôåú ã"ä àí äéä ðùåé îåúø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what was special about Rebbi.)

åáô' ëì ëúáé (ùáú ãó ÷éç:) ã÷àîø ã÷øé ìéä ìøáé øáéðå ä÷ãåù ùìà äðéç éãå ìîèä îàáðèå


Citation (Shabbos 118b): They called Rebbi "Rabbeinu ha'Kadosh" because he did not put his hand below his belt! (Aruch l'Ner, Magen Avraham - Tosfos understands "below his belt" to mean touching the Ever.)

äééðå øáåúà ùäéä ðùåé åäéä îçîéø òì òöîå:


Explanation: This was the Chidush, for he was married, and he was stringent for himself.


Note: Perhaps Tosfos teaches that the Gemara there holds like Rav Nachman, that it is permitted for married men.



TOSFOS DH ha'Maksheh Atzmo l'Da'as Yehei b'Niduy

úåñôåú ã"ä äî÷ùä òöîå ìãòú éäà áðãåé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that others must put him in Niduy.)

àéðå îðåãä îòöîå àìà ëìåîø çééáéí ìðãåúå


Explanation: He is not excommunicated automatically. Rather, [others] are obligated to excommunicate him;

ëãàîøé' áô''÷ ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ëç:) òã äéëï äåà âìâåì ùáåòä òã ùéàîø äùáò ìé ùàéï òáãé àúä ääåà ùîåúé îùîúéðï ìéä ãúðéà ä÷åøà ìçáøå òáã éäà áðãåé


We say in Kidushin (28b) "what is the extent of Gilgul Shevu'ah? It is up to saying "swear to me that you are not my slave." [We ask] "we excommunicate him [for saying so]", for a Beraisa says that one who calls his colleague a slave will be in Niduy!

îùîò ãéäà áðãåé äééðå ãîùîúéðï ìéä


Inference: "He will be in Niduy" means that we put him in Niduy.


TOSFOS DH Bein b'Yad Bein b'Regel

úåñôåú ã"ä áéï áéã áéï áøâì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how this is done.)

äééðå ãîùôùó îéìúå' áéã àå áøâì


Explanation: He rubs his Ever with his hand or leg.


TOSFOS DH Kashim Gerim l'Yisrael k'Sapachas

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷ùéí âøéí ìéùøàì ëñôçú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why they are problematic for Yisrael.)

îä ùî÷ùä øù''é ãìà çùéá áñåèä òøáåú ãòøá øá


Question (Rashi): In Sotah (37b), when it mentions Arvus (there were 48 Brisos on every Mitzvah, for each of 603,550 Yisraelim, for everyone is responsible for everyone else), why isn't the Eruv Rav included? (If they were, there would be much more!)


Note: Based on this question, Rashi rejected an explanation that [converts] are problematic for Yisrael because we are responsible for them [and they do not do all the Mitzvos properly].

é''ì ìôé ùìà éãò çùáåðï


Answer: The number of the Eruv Rav is not known. (The Gemara said the number that is known.)

îéäå áîëéìúà àîø ãòøá øá äéå ëôìéí ëéåöàé îöøéí


Question: The Mechilta says that the Eruv Rav were twice the number of [Bnei Yisrael] who left Mitzrayim. (The number was known!)

åø''é îôøù ãìôéëê ÷ùéí ùîèîòéí áéùøàì åàîø áô' òùøä éåçñéï (÷ãåùéï ãó ò:) àéï ùëéðä ùåøä àìà òì îùôçåú äîéåçñåú ùáéùøàì


Explanation: [Converts] are problematic because they intermarry with Yisrael, and it says in Kidushin (70b) that the Shechinah dwells only on families of Yisrael with good lineage.

åëï ðøàä ãäúí òì ääéà îéìúà îééúé ãø' çìáå: [åò''ò úåñ' éáîåú îæ: åúåñ' ÷ãåùéï ò: ã''ä ÷ùéí]


Support: R. Chelbo's teaching [converts are problematic...] was brought there regarding this matter (the Shechinah dwells only...)


TOSFOS DH Ad she'Yichlu Kol ha'Neshamos sheb'Guf

úåñôåú ã"ä òã ùéëìå ëì äðùîåú ùáâåó

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how this could be fulfilled suddenly.)

åäà ãàîø (ùáú ãó ÷éç:) àéìîìé ùîøå éùøàì á' ùáúåú îéã äéå ðâàìéí


Implied question: It says (Shabbos 118b) that if [all of] Yisrael would observe two Shabbosos, they would be redeemed immediately! (Many Neshamos were not yet born!)

åé''ì ãäøáä äéå éåìãåú áëøñ àçã


Answer: Women would give birth to many babies at a time [to finish the remaining Neshamos immediately].


TOSFOS DH Dina Tanan

úåñôåú ã"ä ãéðà úðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere, "Tikatzetz" has a different meaning.)

åáùáú (ãó ÷ç:) ãàîøé' éã ìôä ú÷öõ àéðå ìà ãéðà åìà ìèåúà


Implied question: In Shabbos (108b), it says that a hand [that was not yet washed after the person slept at night] to the mouth [or other openings] should be cut off. This is not a law, and not a curse!]

àìà ëìåîø èåá ìå ì÷åõ éãå ÷åãí ùéâò ìî÷åîåú äììå îùåí áú îìê


Answer: There, it teaches that it would be good for him to cut off his hand before he touches these places, due to Bas Melech (a strong Ru'ach Ra).


TOSFOS DH Alma Dina Tanan

úåñôåú ã"ä àìîà ãéðà úðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses this Havah Amina.)

äùúà ñáåø ãú÷öõ îîù åäééðå ã÷àîø ëøéñå ðá÷òú


Explanation: Now, we are thinking that it is literally cut off. This is why it says "his stomach will split!" (Tosfos holds that "stomach" and "navel" are euphemisms for the Ever.)

åîùðé ä''÷ ú÷öõ éãå òì èáåøå ôé' òì ùðâò òì èáåøå åìòåìí ìèåúà äåà


We answer that it means that his hand will be cut Al his navel (a euphemism for his Ever), i.e. for touching it, and really, it is a curse;

åäà ã÷úðé ëøéñå ðá÷òú ìà ÷àé àú÷öõ àìà òì éùá ìå ÷åõ ãàí ìà éñéø ä÷åõ úá÷ò ëøéñå


"His stomach will split!" does not refer to Tikatzetz, rather, when a thorn lodged there. If he may not remove the thorn, his stomach will split.

å÷ùä ãîàé ñ''ã îòé÷øà ãäà áäãéà ÷úðé åäìà ëøéñå ðá÷òú àçø éùá ìå ÷åõ


Question: What was the initial Havah Amina? "His stomach will split!" was explicitly taught regarding when a thorn lodged there!

åîéäå áúåñôúà âøéñ åäìà ëøéñå ðá÷òú áøéùà åäùúà àúé ùôéø


Answer: The text in the Tosefta says first "his stomach will split" (before mentioning a thorn). Now, [the Havah Amina] is fine;

åî''î îùðé ãä''÷ àí àñåø ìòåìí ìéâò ôòîéí ùëøéñå ðá÷òú ëâåï àí éùá ìå ÷åõ:


In any case, we answer that it means that if it is always forbidden to touch, sometimes his stomach will split, e.g. if a thorn lodged there.