TOSFOS DH v'Arba'ah Leilos Mitoch Yud-Ches
úåñôåú ã"ä åàøáòä ìéìåú îúåê é"ç
(SUMMARY: Tosfos derives that to become a Zavah Gedolah she must see three consecutive days.)
îùîò ëàï áäãéà ãàéï ðòùä æáä âãåìä åìà öøéëä æ' ð÷ééí òã ùúøàä â' éîéí øöåôéï áé"à éåí
Inference: This connotes that she does not become a Zavah Gedolah, and she does not need seven clean days, until she sees three consecutive days during the 11 days [of Zivah];
åãìà ëàåúí ùëúáå áùí øáéðå ñòãéä ùöøéëä ùáòä ð÷ééí àôéìå øàúä áé"à â' éîéí îôåæøéí.
This is unlike those who wrote in the name of Rabbeinu Sadya [Gaon] that she needs seven clean days even if she saw three scattered days among the 11.
TOSFOS DH Teshamesh b'Tishsar
úåñôåú ã"ä úùîù áúùñø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when the 10th needs Shimur.)
åà"ú ëéåï ã÷ñ"ã ãòùéøé ìà áòé ùéîåø ú÷ùä ìéä øéùà àîàé ìà îùîùú àìà ã' îúåê é"ç
Question #1: Since we are thinking that the 10th day does not need Shimur (guarding), we should challenge the Reisha. Why may she have relations only [the entire eighth day and the following night, and another] four [nights] of the 18 [days]?
ãëé øàúä áé"æ úùîù áé"ç
When she saw on the 17th (which is the 10th day of Zivah, which does not require Shimur), she should [be permitted to] have relations on the 18th!
åúå ãôìåâúà äéà áôø÷ áúøà (ì÷îï òá:) ìøáé éåçðï òùéøé áòé ùéîåø åìø"ì ìà áòé ùéîåø
Question #2: Amora'im argue about this below (72b)! R. Yochanan says that the 10th day needs Shimur, and Reish Lakish says that it does not need Shimur!
åéù ìåîø ãäà ã÷àîø øáé éåçðï òùéøé áòé ùéîåø äééðå áéîé æéáä ùàñåøä ìùîù áéåí é"à àôéìå ôñ÷ä
Answer: R. Yochanan said that the 10th needs Shimur, i.e. during the days of Zivah. She may not have relations on the 11th, even if she ceased [seeing];
åìø"ì îåúøú ãòùéøé ëéåï ãàéðä éëåìä ìäéåú æáä âãåìä ìà áòé ùéîåø
Reish Lakish permits [on the 11th]. The 10th, since it cannot [join to] make her a Zavah Gedolah, it does not need Shimur.
åìäëé áøéùà ðéçà ãàñåøä áé"ç ãäåå áéîé æéáä ãàôéìå ø"ì îåãä ãîãøáðï àñåø
Therefore, in the Reisha it is fine that the 18th is forbidden, since it is among the days of Zivah. Even Reish Lakish agrees that mid'Rabanan it is forbidden;
àáì áéîé ðãä ñáø äî÷ùä ãàôéìå øáé éåçðï îåãä ãìà áòé ùéîåø åìëê ôøéê úùîù áúùñø
However, during the days of (i.e. when blood would make her a) Nidah, the Makshan holds that even R. Yochanan holds that it does not need Shimur. Therefore he asks that she should [be permitted to] have relations on the 19th.
åîùðé øá ùùú âøâøï àñåø ãàôéìå áøàééú é"à öøéëä ùéîåø îãøáðï áéåí é"á ìë"ò
Answer (cont.): Rav Sheshes answered that Gargaran (one who have relations with a Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom after Tevilah) is forbidden. Even the 11th needs Shimur mid'Rabanan on day 12 according to everyone;
åøá àùé àîø ãàéðå àñåø àìà îùåí ùøàúä áòùéøé åöøéëä ùéîåø ìøáé éåçðï àó áéîé ðãä îï äúåøä ëîå áéîé æéáä åìø"ì îãøáðï.
Rav Ashi said that it is forbidden only because she saw [also] on the 10th, and it needs Shimur according to R. Yochanan even during the days of Nidah mid'Oraisa, just like during the days of Zivah, and according to Reish Lakish, mid'Rabanan.
TOSFOS DH Hani Arbeisar Havu
úåñôåú ã"ä äðé àøáéñø äåå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we ask that day 26 should be forbidden.)
ô"ä ãôøéê àîàé îùîùú éåí î"ç ãùîåðä çîéùééí ùäï èîàéï äï ã' éîé æéáä åã' éîé ðãä
Explanation #1 (Rashi): We ask why she may have relations on day 48. The fifth set of eight days, which are Teme'im (i.e. she sees blood then), are four days of Zivah and four days of Nidah;
åùîåðä èäåøéï ùàçøéäí â' áéîé ðãä åçîù áéîé æéáä åâ' éîéí äøàùåðéí ãéîé ðãä ìà éòìå ìä ìñôéøú æéáä ãàéï éîé ðãä òåìéï ìñôéøúä
The eight Tahor days after them, three are in days of Nidah and five are in days of Zivah, and the first three days of Yemei Nidah do not count towards Sefiras Zivah (counting seven clean days), for days of Nidah do not count towards her Sefirah.
ãàò"â ãàéðä ðãä ùäøé àéðä çåæøú ìôúç ðãúä òã ùúñôåø æ' ð÷ééí
Implied question: She is not a Nidah, for she does not return to Pesach Nidah (a state in which the next blood she sees makes her a Nidah) until she counts seven clean days!
î"î ëéåï ãáéîéí äøàåéí ìéîé ðãä äï àéï òåìéï ìñôéøú æéáúä
Answer: In any case, since the days are proper to be days of Nidah, they do not count towards Sefirah of her Zivah.
å÷ùä ìôéøåù æä ãà"ë ú÷ùä ìéä øéùà ã÷úðé îùîùú øáéò éîéä îúåê ë"ç
Question #1: According to this, if so, we should challenge him from the Reisha, which taught that [if she alternates seven days of blood, and seven clean days,] she may have relations on a quarter of her days amidst the 28;
äìà æ' ùìéùééí ùäï èîàéï äéå ã' áéîé æéáä åâ' áéîé ðãä åà"ë æ' éîéí èäåøéï ùàçøéäí ìà éòìå ìñôéøú æéáúä
The third set of seven, which are Teme'im, four are during the days of Zivah, and three are during the days of Nidah. If so, the seven Tahor days after them will not count for Sefiras Zivah [since four are during the days of Nidah]!
åäéàê úçæåø çìéìä îë"ç ìë"ç ãàñåøä ìùîù áæ' éîéí èäåøéï ùì ë"ç ùðééí
How does she return to a cycle of 28 days? She is forbidden to have relations during the [first] seven Tahor days of the second [cycle of] 28 days! (She must count them for Sefirah of her Zivah.)
åòåã ÷ùä ãîùîò ãàé äåä úðé åîùîùú é"ã äåä ðéçà ìéä
Question #2: It connotes that had it taught [in the Seifa, regarding one who alternates eight Tamei days, and eight clean days,] that she may have relations 14 days [from every 48], it would be fine;
åäà òã ñ"â éåí ìà éòìå ìä æ' ìñôéøúä ëãôéøù"é åà"ë äéàê çåæøú çìéìä îî"ç ìî"ç
She will not fulfill Sefirah of her Zivah until 63 days, like Rashi explained. If so, how does she return to a cycle of 48 days?
ìëï ðøàä ãä"ô äðé é"ã äåå ãáç' øáéòéåú àéðä îùîùú ø÷ å' ãäà ç' ùìéùééí ùäéå èîàéí äéå á' áéîé æéáä åùùä àçøéäï éîé ðãä
Explanation #2: Therefore, it seems that it means that as follows. There are 14 [permitted] days, because in the fourth set of eight days she may have relations only on six days, for the third set of eight days, which are Teme'im, two are in days of Zivah, and six after them are days of Nidah;
åéåí øàùåï îøáéòéåú ùäï èäåøéï ìà úùîù ãäåé îæ' éîé ðãä
The first day (25) of the fourth [set of eight days], which are Tehorim, she may not have relations, for it is among the seven days of Nidah;
åéåí ùðé ðîé ìà úùîù ìøá àùé ãàîø ìòéì òùéøé áòé ùéîåø åäøé éåí ùðé äåä ùéîåø ìéåí é"æ ùäåà òùéøé
Also on the second day, she may not have relations, according to Rav Ashi, who said above that the 10th needs Shimur, and the second day is Shimur for day 17, which is the 10th [day of Zivah].
åéåí øàùåï àò"â ãèäåø äåé
Implied question: The first [of these eight days] was Tahor! (It should be Shimur for day 10.)
ñáø äî÷ùä ãìà äåé ùéîåø ëéåï ãäåé îéîé ðãä åéîéí ùäéà ðãä âîåøä àéðï òåìéï ìñôéøú æéáä ÷èðä
Answer: The Makshan holds that it is not Shimur, since it is among the days of Nidah, and days of absolute Nidah do not count towards Sefiras Zivah Ketanah. (She truly became Nidah on day 19);
àáì îéåí î"ç ìà ôøéê ãëéåï ãàéðä ðãä âîåøä òã ùúñôåø æ' ð÷ééí òåìéï ìä ùôéø ìë"ò àò"ô ùäï øàåééï ìéîé ðãä
However, we do not ask from day 48, since she is not a total Nidah until she counts seven clean days. All agree that [the clean days before it] properly count for her [Sefirah], even though they are proper to be days of Nidah.
åìëê ðéçà ìéä øéùà ãîùîùú øáéò éîéä îúåê ë"ç
Support: This is why the Reisha was not difficult. [If she alternates seven Tamei days, and seven clean days,] she may have relations on a quarter of her days amidst the 28.
åîä ùôøù"é ãòã ñ"â ìà éùìîå éîé ñôéøä (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) ðøàä ãìà ã÷ ãàéðä èåáìú òã ìéì ô'
Question: Rashi explained that she will not complete Sefirah until 63 days. This is not precise. She may not immerse until the 80th night!
ùäøé ç' éîéí ùáéòééí äí ùùä éîé æéáä åùðé éîé ðãä åùîéðééí äèäåøéí äï ä' áéîé ðãä åâ' áéîé æéáä
The seventh set of eight days, six are days of Zivah, and two are days of Nidah. The eighth [set of eight days], which are Tehorim, five are days of Nidah, and three are days of Zivah;
åúùéòééí äèîàåú ëì ç' éîé æéáä åäòùéøééí æ' ìñôéøú ð÷ééí.
The ninth [set of eight days] are Teme'im. All eight are days of Zivah. The 10th [set of eight days], seven are clean days of Sefirah. (After them, on night 80, she may immerse.)
úåñôåú ã"ä åìîàé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that if R. Tam held like Rashi, sometimes seven clean days would not suffice for women nowadays.)
ãîùåä (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) äù"ñ éîé ìéãä åéîé ðãä
Implied question: Since the Gemara equates Yemei Leidah and Yemei Nidah...
Note: Rav Ada bar Yitzchak concluded that Yemei Nidah [in which she does not see] count for Sefiras Zivah, and the Gemara connects this to the question of whether Yemei Leidah, in which she does not see, count. Also on 37a, a Beraisa says that the Torah equates them. However, one opinion there says that this is only according to R. Eliezer, who learns the impossible from the possible.
Note: The Bach and Maharam say that this is not a new Dibur. It is a continuation of the previous Dibur.
à"ë ìø"ú ãôñ÷ ãéîé ìéãúä ùàéðä øåàä áäï àéï òåìéï ìñôéøú æéáúä
If so, according to R. Tam, who ruled (above, 37a DH Abaye) that Yemei Leidah in which she does not see [blood] do not count for Sefiras Zivah...
Note: Our Sugya connotes that they count! Rav Ada bar Yitzchak derived from the Beraisa that Yemei Nidah count. The Gemara did not give another explanation of the Beraisa! Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua proved that Yemei Leidah count. Rav Papa rejected his proof, but Rav Huna refuted his rejection, and Rav Papa did not answer this! Even so, Tosfos relies on the Gemara's explicit Pesak like Abaye in Ya'AL KeGaM, and according to R. Tam, the "Lamed" refers to Yemei Leidah, i.e. that they do not count. Perhaps the Gemara accepts Abaye's proof from the Beraisos there, and rejects Rava's rebuttals, and they override the Beraisos here that Rav Ada and Rav Huna rely on.
(äâäú îäø"í) åìôøù"é ãéîéí äøàåééí ìéîé ðãä àéï òåìéï àéï ú÷ðä ìðùéí áæîï äæä ãäåé ëìäåï ñô÷ æáåú åöøéëåú æ' ð÷ééí åôòîéí ã÷ééîé áéîéí äøàåééí ìðãä åìà òìå ìä ìñôéøúä
And according to Rashi, who says that days proper to be days of Nidah do not count, if so, there is no solution for women nowadays, that they are all [stringent to consider themselves] Safek Zavos, and they need seven clean days, and sometimes they are in days proper to be days of Nidah, and they do not count for her Sefirah!
Note: Surely, they have a solution, i.e. to count 14 consecutive clean days. At most seven are proper for Nidah, so seven count for Sefiras Zivah! Tosfos means that they have no solution through counting only seven clean days (Aruch l'Ner). Maharam deleted "and the same applies" from the text, for there is no question against Rashi himself. Rashi rules that Yemei Leidah count, like Tosfos says below, so also Yemei Nidah count! Rashash and Aruch l'Ner defend the original text. They explain that now Tosfos assumes that Rashi rules like R. Tam, and the problem is even more extensive according to Rashi. Below, Tosfos answers that Rashi rules unlike R. Tam.
åîéäå ìôéøåù øù"é àúé ùôéø ãäåà ôñ÷ ãéîé ìéãä òåìéï ìéîé ñôéøúä
Answer: However, according to Rashi, this is fine. He rules that Yemei Leidah count for her Sefirah;
Note: Rashi did not explicitly rule like this, but he explains that the "Lamed" of Ya'AL KeGaM refers to a Lechi, so he has no source to rule like Abaye. Even if the rule that "everywhere else, the Halachah follows Rava against Abaye" does not apply here, because also others argue about this, our Sugya connotes that the days count.
åìø"ú ðîé éîé ðãä ãåå÷à àéï òåìéï àáì éîéí äøàåééï òåìéï ùôéø.
Also according to R. Tam, only days of Nidah do not count, but days proper [for days of Nidah] count.
Note: Still, R. Tam leads to a big stringency. If a woman sees blood today, perhaps the next six days are truly days of Nidah, so even if they are clean, she may not start counting her clean days until the eighth day. R. Tam did not explicitly teach this stringency. Tosfos inferred it! Perhaps R. Tam was not stringent, due to mi'Mah Nafshach: if she is not a Zavah Gedolah, she needs at most one clean day (i.e. if she was a Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom), and at least one of the seven clean days she counts is not a day of Nidah. And if she is a Zavah Gedolah, the blood she saw today does not make her a Nidah, so the coming days are not truly days of Nidah! (PF)
TOSFOS DH Ela Shma Minah Olin Shma Minah
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ù"î òåìéï ù"î
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the inference.)
åèòîà ãøá äåðà áøéä ãøá éäåùò àò"â ãäåé ñô÷ ñô÷à
Implied question: What is Rav Huna brei d'Rav Yehoshua's reason? It is a Sefek-Sefeka! (Perhaps she was not Yoledes, and even if she was Yoledes, perhaps it was a male. How can he infer that the days count when there is no Safek? Aruch l'Ner discusses whether we may rely on this Sefek-Sefeka, for there is a contradictory Sefek-Sefeka.)
î"î àé áòìîà àéï òåìéï äëà ðîé äåä ìï ìîâæø àèå áòìîà.
Answer: In any case, if normally they do not count, also here we should have decreed due to a regular case.
TOSFOS DH v'Chen l'Me'ah v'Chen l'Elef
úåñôåú ã"ä åëï ìîàä åëï ìàìó
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the two counts are the same.)
éîé ùîåùä ëéîé (äâäú äá"ç) æéáúä
Explanation: The days relations are permitted are like (the same number as) her days of Zivah;
ãîàçø æ' éîé ðãä ëì äéîéí ùúøàä àôéìå îàä àå àìó î÷øå éîé æéáúä òã ùúñôåø æ' ð÷ééí.
After the seven days of Nidah, all the days she sees, even (e.g. in all) 100 or 1000, are called Yemei Zivasah, until she counts seven clean days. (Afterwards she is permitted 93 or 993 days, like Yemei Zavasah.)
TOSFOS DH Dam ha'Nidah, Minah Hani Mili
úåñôåú ã"ä ãí äðãä, îðà äðé îéìé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether we can learn from Zov from Dam Nidah.)
ìøáà ãàîø áô' áðåú ëåúéí (ìòéì ìä.) ìàçøéí âåøí èåîàä ìòöîå ìà ë"ù åìéú ìéä ãùòéø äîùúìç éåëéç äëà ìà öøéê ÷øà
Explanation: According to Rava, who said above (35a) "if it causes Tum'ah to others, all the more so it itself is Tamei!", and he holds that Se'ir ha'Mishtale'ach is not Yochi'ach (does not disprove this), here we do not need a verse;
åîéäå ìãí ðãä ùì îöåøòú àöèøéê ùôéø ÷øà ãäãí àéðå âåøí èåîàä
However, for Dam Nidah of a Metzora'as, we properly need a verse, for the blood does not cause Tum'ah.
åì÷îï ãîöøéê ÷øà ìèåîàú æåáå áîâò åáîùà åìà éìéó îãí äðãä ãäëà îùåí ãàéëà ìîôøê îä ìãí äðãä ùëï îèîà áàåðñ
Below, we require a verse for Tum'ah of his Zov through Maga and Masa, and we do not learn from Dam Nidah here, for one can ask that [we cannot learn from it, for] Dam Nidah is Metamei through Ones.
åàí úàîø åëéåï ãìà éìôéðï îäëà àîàé àöèøéê ì÷îï ÷øà ìîòåèé æåá éáù îäéëà úéúé ìèîà
Question: Since we do not learn from here, below why do we need a verse to exclude dry Zov? What would be the source to be Metamei?
åéù ìåîø ëéåï ãäùåä äëúåá ãí ðãä åæåá ìèåîàä îîéìà éìôéðï îäããé ãâéìåé îéìúà áòìîà äåà.
Answer: Since the Torah equated Dam Nidah and Zov for Tum'ah, automatically we learn them from each other, for it is a mere Giluy Milsa.
TOSFOS DH v'Su Ha d'Tanan ha'Mapeles v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä åúå äà ãúðï äîôìú ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how this adds to the first question.)
úéîä ãäééðå ääéà ÷åùéà âåôéä
Question: This is the same question!
åé"ì ãä"÷ åë"ú ãàéï äëé ðîé ãéáù îòé÷øà èäåø åäúðï äîôìú ëå'
Answer #1: It means as follows. If you will say that indeed, what is dry from the beginning is Tahor, a Mishnah [disproves this, for it says that] one who miscarries...
àé ðîé é"ì åúå éáù îùåðä ëîéï éáçåùéï àå ëîéï ÷ìéôä îðìï.
Answer #2: We ask further, extraordinary dry [blood], like the form of mosquitoes (or worms) or shells, what is the source [that they are Teme'im]?
TOSFOS DH Yachol Tehei Even Menuga'as v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä éëåì úäà àáï îðåâòú ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we need a verse.)
àáï îðåâòú ùîèîàä ááéàä ëå'
Explanation: An Even Menuga'as (rock from a house with Tzara'as), which is Metamei through entering [a room]...
åà"ú îú éåëéç ùîèîà ááéàä åàéðå òåùä îùëá åîåùá
Question #1: A Mes disproves this! It is Metamei through entering, but it does not make a Mishkav u'Moshav!
åòåã îöåøò âåôéä îôøù ø"ú áøéù àìå ãáøéí (ôñçéí ãó ñæ:) ãìà òáéã îùëá åîåùá àìà ìèîà àåëìéï åîù÷éï
Question #2: A Metzora himself, R. Tam explains in Pesachim (67b) that he makes a Mishkav u'Moshav only to be Metamei food and drink!
åéù ìåîø ãî÷øà ãäëà îîòèéðï ìäå äæá åìà äîöåøò åìà äîú.
Answer: From the verse here we exclude them. A Zav [makes a Mishkav u'Moshav to be Metamei people], but a Metzora or Mes does not.
TOSFOS DH Af Madveh Nami Metamei b'Even Misma (pertains to the coming Daf)
úåñôåú ã"ä àó îãåä ðîé îèîà áàáï îñîà (ùééê ìãó äáà)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we needed an exclusion for this.)
åàí úàîø ëéåï ãîîòèéðï îãåä îäéà îìèîà (äâäú äá"ç) îùëá åîåùá îîòèéðï ðîé îàáï îñîà
Question: Since from "Hi", we exclude from Madveh from being Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav, we should exclude also from Even Misma!
ãäà îëç îùëá åîåùá äåé èåîàä ìàáï îñîà ëãúðï áú"ë
Tum'as Even Misma is due to Mishkav u'Moshav, like it teaches in Toras Kohanim;
îðéï ìøáåú òùø îöòåú æå òì âá æå åòì âáéäï àáï îñîà úìîåã ìåîø ëì äîùëá
Citation (Toras Kohanim): What is the source to include 10 mattresses, one on top of another, and an Even Misma is on them? We learn from "Kol ha'Mishkav"!
åàåø"é ãàáï îñîà ðô÷à ìï îùåí ãøùà ãìà îèîà àìà àåëìéï åîù÷éï åìäëé àéöèøéê ìîòåèé îãåä àó îáàáï îñîà ùäéà èåîàä ÷ìä.
Answer (Ri): From some Drashah, we learn that Even Misma is Metamei [a Mishkav or Moshav to be Metamei] only food and drink. Therefore, we need to exclude Madveh even from Even Misma, which is light Tum'ah.