[74a - 35 lines; 74b - 46 lines]
1)[line 1]שפוד של רמוןSHEPUD SHEL RIMON- a spit made from a branch of a pomegranate tree
2)[line 2]בית נקובתוBEIS NEKUVASO- its anus
3)[line 3]כרעיוKERA'AV- its hooves
4)[line 3]בני מעיוBNEI ME'AV- its entrails
5)[line 4]כמין בישול הוא זהK'MIN BISHUL HU ZEH- this is similar to cooking (since the hooves and entrails stew in the juices of the animal)
6)[line 6]השפודSHEPUD- a [metal] spit
7)[line 6]האסכלאASKELA- (O.F. gradil) grill
8)[line 10]וקמטויV'KAMETAVI- and it is roasted
9)[line 12]שיביSHIBEI- grooves [(O.F. canaler) to cut grooves]
10)[line 13]איידי דמחלחלAIDI D'MECHALCHEL- since it has cavities (filled with sap)
11a)[line 14]אלוןALON- (O.F. jesne) an oak tree
b)[line 14]חרובCHARUV- a carob tree
c)[line 15]שקמהSHIKMAH- a sycamore tree (alt. Egyptian fig tree)
12)[line 15]קיטריKITREI- knots [which must be cut off with a knife, leaving areas which ooze liquid]
13)[line 16]שיעי קיטריSHI'EI KITREI- its knots are smooth [and need not be removed]
14)[line 17]בנבגא בר שתאNIVGA BAR SHATA- a year-old sapling
15)[line 18]בי פסקיהBEI PISKEI- the end of the spit which was cut from the tree
16)[line 23]רבי ישמעאל קוריהו תוך תוךREBBI YISHMAEL KOREIHU "TOCH TOCH"- (a) Rebbi Yishmael called the Korban Pesach "Toch Toch." Rebbi Yishmael agrees with Rebbi Yosi ha'Gelili in our Mishnah, who maintains that the hooves and entrails are placed within the body of the animal. When these cook inside the animal they produce a sound resembling "Toch Toch" (RASHI, first explanation). (b) There is a Girsa which states that Rebbi Yishmael called the Korban Pesach "TICHBAR," from the words "Toch Bar." This means stuffed; the hooves and entrails were stuffed into the animal in such a way that they were able to be seen from the outside. (c) RABEINU CHANANEL is Gores the words "TOCH BAR." He explains that Rebbi Yishmael was referring to that which the parts normally outside the body of the animal (its hooves) are placed inside its body.
17)[line 24]גדי מקולסGEDI MEKULAS- a helmeted kid-goat. Rebbi Tarfon referred to the Korban Pesach in such a manner since (a) the hooves and entrails hang on the spit above the animal's head (RASHI); (b) the hooves and entrails hang next to the animal on the spit similar to the way in which the weapons of a warrior hang at his side (RASHI 53a)
18)[line 26]נשלק ממנו אברNISHLAK MIMENU EVER- if one of the limbs of the animal is boiled
19)[line 29]נשלק מיבעיא?NISHLAK MIBA'EI?- need we learn the case in which it was boiled? The Gemara at this point is under the impression that the limb in question was first cut off and only then boiled.
20)[line 30]מולייתאMULYASA- (O.F. enpledure) stuffing consisting of finely chopped and spiced meat. This meat is salted enough to be roasted, but not enough to be cooked.
21)[line 32]כבולעה כך פולטהK'VOL'AH KACH POLTAH
"K'Vol'o Kach Polto," a fundamental principle in the laws of Isur v'Heter, literally means "as it absorbs, so does it expel." This principle states that food particles absorbed into the walls of a utensil can be removed by the same means through which they became absorbed. For example, if a prohibited food was cooked in a pot, the pot can be made Kosher once again by immersing it in boiling water.
22)[last line]בית השחיטה דמחלחלBEIS HA'SHECHITAH D'MECHALCHEL- ([O.F. forcele] the hollow of the neck) the neck (where the animal is slaughtered) which is hollow [and angled downward]
23)[line 1]מידב דייביMEIDAV DAIVEI- the blood flows out [through the Beis ha'Shechitah]
24)[line 4]דשיעD'SHI'A- for it is smooth [and therefore does not expel blood]
25)[line 5]טפליהTAFLEI- [(O.F. pastede) strudel; pie) covered with dough
26)[line 5]בר גוזלאBAR GOZALA- [whole] young pigeon
27)[line 6]אי מעלי טפליהIY MA'ALEI TAFLEI- if the dough tastes good
28)[line 7]בסמידא דמפרירSEMIDA D'MAFRIR- [dough made from] very fine flour, which is crumbly [and the blood therefore flows out of it easily]
29)[line 9]דזיג כזוזא חיוראD'ZIG K'ZUZA CHIVRA- that it was clear as white glass
30)[line 12]בחיורתא דשרירCHIVARTA D'SHARIR- [dough made from] regular white flour, which is stiff [and the blood therefore remains trapped within]
31)[line 13]אסמיקASMIK- (the liquid part of the dough) has a reddish tint
32)[line 17]ומאן דשרי אפילו פומא לעילU'MAN D'SHARI AFILU PUMA L'EIL- and there are those who permit it even when [it was cooked with] the opening [through which it was stuffed] turned upward [and there was no way for the blood to drain, since the principle of k'Vol'o Kach Polto applies]
33a)[line 18]אומצאUMTZA- raw meat
b)[line 19]ביעיBEI'EI- testicles [of an animal]
c)[line 19]ומיזרקיMIZREKEI- jugular veins
34)[line 19]בכל התורה כולהB'CHOL HA'TORAH KULAH- in every instance in which they argue [even when it is left unspecified as to who said what]
35)[line 23]אומצא דאסמיקUMTZA D'ASMIK- (O.F. sancterude) meat which has turned red [due to blood which has leaked out of a vein; i.e. a black-and-blue mark]
36)[line 24]חתכיה ומלחיהCHATCHEI U'MALCHEI- if it was cut and salted
37)[line 25]אחתיה אגומריACHTEI A'GUMREI- if it was placed upon coals
38)[line 27]מצמית צמיתMATZMIS TZAMIS- [the heat of the coals] causes [the surface of the meat] to contract [sealing the blood inside]
39)[line 28]מישאב שאיבMISH'AV SHA'IV- [the heat of the coals] draws [the blood] out
40)[line 39]חלייהCHALYEI- (a) its liquid [which oozes from it when cut]; (b) its vinegar [into which it is placed after roasting in order to contract the blood vessels and draw out any remaining blood]
41)[line 42]שורייקי דמאSHURAIKEI DAMA- traces of blood
42)[line 43]מגמע ליה גמועיMEGAME'A LEI GEMU'EI- would sip it
43)[line 45]חלא דחליט ביהCHALA D'CHALIT BEI- [grape] vinegar which was used to contract [blood vessels in meat]
44)[line 45]תו לא תאני חליט ביהTU LO TANI CHALIT BEI- may not be used to contract [blood vessels in meat] again
45)[last line]מחלא מתמהאCHALA MISMEHA- weak vinegar
46)[last line]איתיה לקיוהא דפירא בעיניהISEI L'KIYUHA D'FEIRA B'EINEI- the acidity of the fruit is present (although it is weak) ([O.F. aigror] sharpness)