[107a - 44 lines; 107b - 21 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 107a [line 39]:

The words "Mat'imas Yayin Kol Shehu" מטעימת יין כל שהוא

should be "u'Te'imas Yayin Kol Shehu" וטעימת יין כל שהוא

(RABEINU CHANANEL; see Dikdukei Sofrim #300)

[2] Rashbam 107b DH Sof Sof Mai Revusei ד"ה סוף סוף מאי רבותיה:

The words "she'Gamar Se'udaso b'Soch Zeman Isurei" שגמר סעודתו בתוך זמן איסורי

should be "she'Yigmor Se'udaso b'Soch Zeman Isurei" שיגמור סעודתו בתוך זמן איסורי (Mefarshim; Oz v'Hadar edition of Maseches Pesachim)


1)[line 9]מר ינוקא ומר קשישא בריה דרב חסדאMAR YENUKAH U'MAR KESHISHA BREI D'RAV CHISDA- (a) The older of Rav Chisda's two sons was referred to as "Mar Yenuka" (Yenuka means young), since he was born when Rav Chisda was young; the younger was referred to as "Mar Keshisha" (Keshisha means old), since he was born in Rav Chisda's old age (TOSFOS Bava Basra 7b DH Mar Yenuka). b) Rav Chisda had two sons with the same name. In order to differentiate between them, the older was called "Mar Keshisha" and the younger "Mar Yenuka" (RASHI Kesuvos 89b DH Mar Keshisha; see Bach there).

2)[line 11]לאתריןL'ASRIN- to our place

3)[line 12]שיכראSHICHRA- beer [made from dates]

4)[line 12]"ובת טוות""U'VAS TEVAS"- "and he went to sleep fasting" (Daniel 6:19)

5)[line 14]לשנהL'SHANAH- the following year

6)[line 16]חמר מדינהCHAMAR MEDINAH- lit. wine of the land; a beverage commonly consumed in a given country (other than water)

7)[line 21]מהו לקדושי אשיכרא?MAHU L'KIDUSHEI A'SHICHRA?- May one use beer for Kidush if no wine is available? (RASHBAM; see Insights.)

8a)[line 22]פירזומאPIRZUMA- beer made from barley

b)[line 23]תאיניTE'EINEI- beer made from figs

c)[line 23]אסניASINEI - beer made from berries.

(These three beers are of higher quality than date beer.)

9)[line 30]שיכרא בר תליסר מגניSHICHRA BAR TELEISAR MAGNEI- beer made by placing water over thirteen batches of crushed dates in succession

10)[line 30]בסים טובאBASIM TUVA- very sweet

11)[line 31]כגון זה ראוי לקדש עליוKEGON ZEH RA'UY L'KADESH ALAV- such a drink may even be used for Kidush [in place of wine]. Rebbi is of the opinion that a truly tasty drink may be used for Kidush even if it is not Chamar Medinah (see Insights).

12)[line 32]צעריהTZA'AREI- they pained him (that is, he had loose bowels)

13)[line 32]מיסרן, ומפייס?MEYASRAN, U'MEFAYES?- [can it be that that which] afflicts us may be used to curry [HaSh-m's] favor [through Kidush recited over it]?

14)[line 32]אדור ברביםEDOR B'RABIM- I shall take a public vow (which may not be rescinded)

15)[line 33]מי זוריוןMEI ZURYON- water in which flax has been soaked

16)[line 33]תיהוי שקיותיה שיכרא מאן דמקדש אשיכראTIHAVEI SHAKYUSEI SHICHRA MAN D'MEKADESH A'SHICHRA- one who makes Kidush on beer [even though wine is available, should become so poor that he cannot afford wine; rather] beer shall be his beverage

17)[line 34]רב אשכחיה רב הונאRAV ASHKECHEI RAV HUNA- Rav Huna found Rav

18a)[line 35]שרי אבאSHARI ABA- has Rav begun

b)[line 35]למיקני איסתירי משיכראL'MIKNEI ISTIREI MI'SHICHRA- (lit. to acquire silver coins with beer) to earn a livelihood through the manufacture of beer [that you enjoy it to the extent that you wish to use it for Kidush]?

19)[line 37]הויHAVEI- bring

20)[line 39](מטעימת) [וטעימת] יין(MAT'IMAS) [U'TE'IMAS] YAYIN- and the amount of wine that must be tasted

21)[line 39]מלא לוגמאMELO LUGMA- one cheekfull

22)[line 42]למירמא דידיה אדידיהL'MIRMA DIDEI A'DIDEI- to ask a question [from one statement] of his which seemingly contradicts [another statement] of his

23a)[line 43]מנחה גדולהMINCHAH GEDOLAH- one half-hour after midday, when the sun begins to noticeably lean westward (see Ramban, Shemos 12:6). From this time the afternoon Tamid may be offered in the Beis ha'Mikdash.

b)[last line]מנחה קטנהMINCHAH KETANAH- the time of day prior to the setting of the sun. Minchah Ketanah begins nine and a half Sha'os Zemaniyos into the day (a Sha'ah Zemanis is exactly one twelfth of the time between sunrise and sunset).


24)[line 3]אכילה גסהACHILAH GASAH- a forced, gluttonous form of eating (eating after one is already full, when he has no appetite for his food). One who must force himself to eat is Halachically considered as though he has not eaten.

25)[line 4]אגריפס המלךAGRIPAS HA'MELECH- King Agrippa, grandson of King Herod, was the last king of Israel. He ruled from 41-44 CE, and was a pious and benevolent king.

26)[line 7]רבותיהRABUSEI- the additional lesson taught

27)[line 8]חל איסור עליה מעיקראCHAL ISUR ALEI ME'IKARA- the prohibition [against eating] had already applied to him from the beginning (i.e., from one half-hour after midday)

28)[line 12]כארבע שעות [ל]דידן דמיK'ARBA SHA'OS [L']DIDAN DAMI- as [eating during] the fourth hour (a normal time to eat) is to us [and therefore there is no reason to worry that Agrippa would lose his appetite for Matzah]

29)[line 14]מטביל הוא במיני תרגימאMATBIL HU B'MINEI TARGIMA- one may dip (as was their custom) and eat (a) dessert foods such as dried or cooked fruits, etc. (RASHI Yuma 79b, Sukah 27a); (b) fruits and meat (RASHBAM); (c) Kneidalach (Matzah balls; ROSH, according to the Korban Nesanel 19:90)

30)[line 15]בני מעייןBNEI ME'AYIN- innards [of animals readied for the Pesach meal]

31)[line 17]"... נירו לכם ניר; ואל תזרעו אל קוצים.""… NIRU LACHEM NIR; V'AL TIZRE'U EL KOTZIM."- "… plow a furrow; do not sow among thorns." (Yirmeyahu 4:3). Yirmeyahu ha'Navi illustrates the proper manner of Teshuvah (repentance) with this parable. Just as a farmer must plow over an overgrown field to remove the roots of wild grasses and thorns before he is able to successfully plant it, so must a person search his heart and uproot the poor character traits and attitudes embedded therein before he can properly do Teshuvah. Our Gemara, however, understands that this verse hints that (a) just as one should prepare his field in a way that benefits him and not in a way that will vex him, so a waiter preparing food should be allowed to partake of it and not have to endure hunger pains (RASHI), and (b) just as first plowing a field prepares it for a greater yield afterwards, eating certain foods (Minei Targima) builds one's appetite and allows him to eat even more afterwards. Such foods therefore should be eaten on Erev Pesach in preparation for the Mitzvos of Seder night (RASHBAM).

32)[line 19]מעלי יומא דפיסחאMA'ALEI YOMA D'PISCHA- Erev Pesach

33)[line 19]כי היכי דניגרריה לליביהKI HEICHI D'NIGREREI L'LIBEI- so as to draw (increase) his appetite