[114a - 31 lines; 114b - 39 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Rashbam 114b DH Dilma Ha Ka Mashma Lan ד"ה דלמא הא קמשמע לן :
The words "Aval b'Maror Lechudei Lo Ba'inan Trei Tibulei" אבל במרור לחודיה לא בעינן תרי טיבולי are the beginning of a new Dibur.
1a)[line 1]רבי יצחק בן אחא דשמעתא הואREBBI YITZCHAK BEN ACHA D'SHMA'ATSA HU- whenever the opinion of "Rebbi Yitzchak" is quoted in the Halachic portion of the Gemara, it refers to Rebbi Yitzchak ben Acha
b)[line 1]רבי יצחק בן פנחס דאגדתאREBBI YITZCHAK BEN PINCHAS D'AGADTA- whenever the opinion of "Rebbi Yitzchak" is quoted in the homiletic discussions of the Gemara, it refers to Rebbi Yitzchak ben Pinchas
2a)[line 4]אכול בצלECHOL BATZAL- [if you] eat onions [or similarly inexpensive vegetables]
b)[line 4]ושב בצלV'SHEV BA'TZEL- [you will be able to] sit in the shade of your house [and not be forced to sell it due to lack of funds]
3)[line 5]אווזיןAVAZIN- geese
4)[line 5]ויהא לבך רודף עליךV'YEHEI LIBCHA RODEF ALECHA- [in which case] your heart will constantly desire that which it is used to
5)[line 6]פחותPECHOS- limit
6)[line 7]מתלא מתלין במערבאMESALA MASLIN B'MA'ARAVA- in Eretz Yisrael they offer the following parable
7a)[line 8]דאכיל אליתאD'ACHIL ALISA- one who accustoms himself to eat the fatty tail of a sheep; i.e., fatty meat
b)[line 8]טשי בעליתאTASHI BA'ALISA- hides away in the attic [from his creditors]
8a)[line 9]דאכיל קקוליD'ACHIL KAKULEI- one who accustoms himself to eat vegetables (lit. a type of cress; cardanum or nasturtium)
b)[line 9]אקיקלי דמתא שכיבA'KIKALEI D'MASA SHACHIV- [may] rest at ease where the public gathers
9)[line 14]מברך על היוםMEVARECH AL HA'YOM- he should recite the blessing of "... Mekadesh Yisrael veha'Zemanim"
10)[line 20]תדיר ושאינו תדיר, תדיר קודםTADIR VESHE'EINO TADIR, TADIR KODEM
(a)When one finds himself faced with two Mitzvos to perform, the rule is "Tadir veshe'Eino Tadir, Tadir Kodem." This means that, all other factors being equal, that which occurs more frequently should be performed first.
(b)The source for this ruling is the following verse: "Milvad Olas ha'Boker Asher l'Olas ha'Tamid, Ta'asu Es Eleh" — "Aside from the Korban Olah offered in the morning that is for the continual burnt offering, you should offer these" (Bamidbar 28:23). This verse refers to Korbenos Musaf offered "aside from" — and following — the daily burnt offering of the Korban Tamid of the morning. The wording of the verse implies that the Tamid precedes the Musaf due to that which it is offered on a daily basis (Mishnah, Zevachim 89a).
11)[line 24]דהא נפיק בת קולD'HA NAFIK BAS KOL- The Gemara (Eruvin 13b) describes how a heavenly voice proclaimed, "The opinions of both Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai are the words of the Living G-d; but the Halachah follows Beis Hillel."
12)[line 26]משגיחיןMASHGICHIN- pay attention to
13)[line 27]הביאו לפניוHEVI'U L'FANAV- [when] they would bring before him [vegetables]
14)[line 27]מטבל בחזרתMETABEL B'CHAZERES- he would dip the [vegetable, even if he had none other than] lettuce [which was to be used later for Maror as well, in something other than the Charoses (see Insights)]
15)[line 28]עד שמגיע לפרפרת הפתAD SHE'MAGI'A L'PARPERES HA'PAS- before he reached that point [in the Seder] when he would eat lettuce [in fulfillment of the Mitzvah of Maror, which is performed] following the eating of the Matzah
16)[line 29]שני תבשיליןSHNEI TAVSHILIN- two cooked foods
Whether or not the physical act of a Mitzvah must be accompanied by the realization that a Mitzvah is being performed is the subject of a Machlokes Tana'im. One opinion maintains that Mitzvos Einan Tzerichos Kavanah. This means that, b'Di'eved, such an action does constitute a fulfillment of that Mitzvah. Other Tana'im maintain that Mitzvos Tzerichos Kavanah; the performance of a Mitzvah must include an awareness that one is accomplishing a Mitzvah through his action(s).
18)[line 2]בעידןB'IDAN- the time of
19)[line 9]היכירא לתינוקותHEIKEIRA L'TINOKOS- that which stands out as unusual to the children [in order that they ask why the Seder night is different from all other nights]
20)[line 16]דמאיDEMAI
(a)Produce bought from an Am ha'Aretz (an unlearned Jew who is lax in his Torah-observance; see Berachos 47b) is referred to as Demai ("Da Mai?" — "what is this?").
(b)Yochanan Kohen Gadol decreed that Terumas Ma'aser and Ma'aser Sheni must be separated from this produce since a minority of Amei ha'Aretz cannot be trusted to have separated them before selling the produce. Terumah Gedolah, however, because of its stringency is presumed to have been separated. Ma'aser Rishon and Ma'aser Ani are separated from the produce, but they are eaten by the owner and not given to the Levi or the Ani (in keeping with the principle "ha'Motzi me'Chaveiro Alav ha'Re'ayah").
(c)The Rabanan did not require one to separate Terumas Ma'aser and Ma'aser Sheni from Demai prior to feeding it to a poor person.
(d)If one performed a Mitzvah through eating Demai, he has fulfilled that Mitzvah b'Di'eved. Since he has the ability at any point in time to declare all of his possessions ownerless, attain the status of an Ani, and be permitted to eat Demai, even if he has not done so the food is not considered forbidden to the extent that he has not fulfilled his Mitzvah. This is the Halachah that the Beraisa brought in our Gemara teaches with regard to Achilas Maror.
21)[line 17]לחצאיןLA'CHATZA'IN- in two bites, one half-k'Zayis at a time
22)[line 18]כדי אכילת פרסKEDEI ACHILAS PRAS
(a)As a general rule, when the Torah requires one to fulfill a Mitzvah through eating, he must eat a minimum amount within a specific length of time. The minimum amount termed an Achilah is one k'Zayis, the equivalent of an average sized olive including its pit.
(b)The minimum length of time within which he must consume the k'Zayis is called "Kedei Achilas Pras." This refers to how long it takes to eat half of a standard loaf of wheat bread, dipped in relish, while he is reclining. (This is the equivalent of either three or four Beitzim, depending on the differing opinions; see Eruvin 82b.) The Beraisa quoted in our Gemara states that one who consumes a k'Zayis of Matzah or Maror over a length of time greater than a Kedei Achilas Pras has not fulfilled his Mitzvah, since it is as if he ate less than a k'Zayis.
23)[line 25]סילקאSILKA- a beet
24)[line 25]ארוזאAROZA- rice
25)[line 26]הואיל ונפיק מפומיה דרב הונאHO'IL V'NAFIK MI'PUMEI D'RAV HUNA- since it left the mouth of Rav Huna; that is, Rava wished to demonstrate that the Halachah followed the opinion of Rav Huna, and therefore went out of his way to use a beet and rice as the two cooked foods on his Seder plate.
26)[line 31]אפילו דג וביצה שעליוAFILU DAG U'BEITZAH SHE'ALAV- even a fish and the egg upon it. Although the common practice at that time was to always cook fish with eggs, Chizkiyah rules that they are two separate dishes.
27)[line 33]פסחPESACH (KORBAN PESACH)
(a)When the Beis ha'Mikdash is standing, every adult Jew is obligated to offer a Korban Pesach on the fourteenth of Nisan in the afternoon, as the Torah commands, "And the whole assembly of the congregation of Yisrael shall slaughter it towards evening" (Shemos 12:6).
(b)The Korban Pesach consists of an unblemished male lamb or goat between eight days and one year old. The Korban is roasted in its entirety, and is consumed after nightfall. There are many Halachos specific to the Korban Pesach, which are discussed in Perakim 5-9 (see also introduction to Insights to Pesachim, available in the printed version).
(a)The Torah requires that the Korban Pesach be eaten upon a full stomach (Al ha'Sova; see Insights to Pesachim 70:1, 121:1). If so many people share a Korban Pesach that there is not enough meat to provide a full meal for each of them, they offer a Korban Chagigah along with their Pesach. The members of the group then satiate themselves with the Korban Chagigah prior to eating their Korban Pesach.
(b)This Korban Chagigah is not the same as the Korban Chagigah which every Jew must offer during each of the three festivals of Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukos (see Background to 70:1).
29a)[line 34]גרמאGARMA- a cut of meat
b)[line 34]ובישולאU'VISHULA- and the soup in which it was cooked
30)[line 34]פשיטא היכא דאיכא שאר ירקותPESHITA HEICHA D'IKA SHA'AR YERAKOS- it is clear that when other vegetables are available [for Karpas]
31)[line 37]חסאCHASA- lettuce