PESACHIM 57 (10 Elul) - This Daf has been dedicated in memory of Sheina Basha (daughter of Yakov and Dora) Zuckerman, who passed away on 10 Elul, by her children and sons in law.



(Beraisa #1): At first they used to leave Pe'ah from turnips and cabbage;


R. Yosi says, they also used to leave from leeks.


(Beraisa #2): They would leave Pe'ah from turnips and leeks.


R. Shimon says, they also used to leave from cabbage.


Suggestion: There are three different opinions among the Tana'im! (R. Yosi and R. Shimon agree that they left from all three; the first Tana'im of the Beraisos hold that they left from two, and they argue about which two.)


Rejection: No - [all say that they left only two -] R. Yosi holds like the first Tana of Beraisa #2, and R. Shimon holds like the first Tana of Beraisa #1.


Question: But R. Yosi and R. Shimon said 'even' [implying that they add to everything the first Tana said]!


Answer: They add to the first thing the first Tana said (turnips).


(Beraisa): Ben Bohain left Pe'ah from Yerek; his father saw Aniyim carrying Yerakos at the opening of his garden.


His father (to the Aniyim): Drop what you have and I will give twice as much of tithed produce (Chulin) - I am not stingy, just I do not want to defy Chachamim, who said that we do not leave Pe'ah from Yerek.


Question: Why did he need to say 'I am not stingy' (this is obvious, he promised to give them twice as much)?


Answer: He did not want them to think that this is a mere ruse to get them to drop what they have [but he really does not plan to give them anything].




(Beraisa): (Every week one Mishmar (division of Kohanim) used to serve in the Mikdash.) At first they used to leave skins of Korbanos [Tzibur] in a chamber in the Mikdash called Beis ha'Parvah, and they were divided at night among Kohanim of the Beis Av (the subdivision whose turn it was to serve that day) - strong Kohanim used to take them by force;


They enacted to divide them on Erev Shabbos, when the entire Mishmar was together [to stop the strong ones].


This was still a problem, for dominant Kohanim would take them by force - the owners (all the Kohanim of the Mishmaros) were Makdish them to Shomayim (Bedek ha'Bayis, for upkeep of the Mikdash);


The money from the skins sufficed to cover the entire Heichal with gold tiles an Amah square and as thick as a gold Dinar.


On festivals they would fold up the tiles and put them on steps in Har ha'Bayis [outside the Azarah] so Olei Regalim could see that they were flawless.


(Beraisa - Aba Sha'ul): There were sycamore trunks in Yericho - strong people used to take them by force; the owners were Makdish them to Shomayim.


Aba Sha'ul ben Bitnis: Woe to me on account of families [like these -] Beis Baisus and their staffs, Beis Chanin and their counsels (or gossip), Beis Kasrus and their pens (they used to write letters for evil), Beis Yishmael ben Pi'achi and their fists:


They were Kohanim Gedolim, their children were treasurers [of Hekdesh], their sons-in-law were overseers of Hekdesh, and their slaves used to beat people with staffs.


(Beraisa): The Azarah cried out four times:


First it screamed to expel [Chofni and Pinchus,] the sons of Eli, who polluted the Heichal [through their sins];


It also screamed to expel Yisachar of Kefar Barkai, who honored himself and disgraced Kodshim.


He would wrap his hands in silk during the Avodah [so they will not get dirty - this is a disgrace to the Avodah, and it is a Chatzitzah that is Posel Avodah].


It screamed for the gates to rise to allow Yishmael ben Pi'achi, a Talmid of Pinchus, to enter and serve as Kohen Gadol (even though his family was evil, he was a Tzadik);


It screamed for the gates to rise to allow Yochanan ben Narvai to enter and eat Kodshim;


He [and many Kohanim he raised in his house - Rashi] used to eat 300 calves, drink 300 barrels of wine, and eat 40 Sa'im (almost 500 liters) of birds for dessert;


All his days, there was never Nosar in the Mikdash.


Question: What happened to Yisachar?


Answer: The king (Yanai) thought that goats are better than sheep; the queen preferred sheep. They called Yisachar - he offers them every day, he should be an expert!


Yisachar: If goats were better, they would be brought for the Tamid! He jokingly waved his hand while saying this.


Yanai: Since he has no fear of me, his right hand will be cut off!


Yisachar bribed the officer [commanded to cut off his hand] to cut off the left hand instead. When Yanai found out, he ordered to cut off his right hand also.


Rav Yosef: Blessed is Hash-m, who gave Yisachar proper recompense [in this world]!


Rav Ashi: Yisachar didn't learn Mishnah!


(Mishnah - R. Shimon) Suggestion: Perhaps lambs are [almost] always mentioned before goats because they are preferable!


Rejection: "...V'Im Keves Yavi" teaches that they are equal.


Ravina: He did not even know Chumash - "Im Kesev... "; "Im Ez" [regarding Shelamim, the Torah shows no preference for either].