
TWO KORBANOS THAT WERE MIXED UP (Yerushalmi Halachah 10 Daf 68a)

[דף סח עמוד א] משנה שנים שנתערבו פסחיהן


If the Korbanos Pesach of two people became mixed up -

זה מושך לו אחד וזה מושך לו אחד זה ממנה עמו אחד מן השוק וזה ממנה עמו אחד מן השוק זה בא אצל זה וזה בא אצל זה וכך הוא אומר


Each person takes one of the animals and appoints someone else with him on the animal. Each person then approaches the other person (whose animal was mixed up) and declares -

אם שלי הוא הפסח הזה ידיך משוכות משלך ונמניתה על שלי ואם שלך הוא הפסח ידי משוכות משלי ונמניתי על שלך


If this Pesach is actually mine, your hands are withdrawn from your animal and are appointed onto mine; if this Pesach is yours, my hands are withdrawn from my animal and appointed onto yours.

גמרא א''ר יוחנן דר' יודה היא דתנינן תמן


(Gemara - R. Yochanan): This Mishnah (that requires an additional person to join each of these people) is the opinion of R. Yehuda, as the Mishnah (in the 8th Perek) teaches -

אין שוחטין את הפסח על היחיד דברי ר' יהודה


R. Yehuda says - one may not slaughter a Korban Pesach for an individual.

ורבי יוסי מתיר


R. Yosi permits it.

הא של ארבעה (עשר) לא לא כן א''ר יוחנן דר' יודה היא


Question: (The previous Mishnah taught about a case of five groups of five people) - but if one of the groups had only four people, it would not work. But did R. Yochanan not say that this Mishnah is R. Yehuda? (If so, it is obvious that it would not work - so what is it teaching us?)

א''ר יוסי כל גרמא אמרה דהיא דרבי יודה דתנינן תמן


Answer: It is from the later part of that very Mishnah that R. Yochanan concluded that the Mishnah follows R. Yehuda, as in the earlier part, even R. Yosi agrees that the animal must have someone appointed on it, as the Mishnah teaches -

אין שוחטין פסח ליחיד דברי רבי יודה


R. Yehuda says - one may not slaughter a Korban Pesach for an individual.

ורבי יוסי מתיר.


R. Yosi permits it (as long as there is at least one person).