[38a - 54 lines; 38b - 52 lines]

1)[line 1]והיא נתעברהV'HI NIS'ABRAH- and she (his wife - see MIDRASH RABAH to Metzora 19:6) became pregnant

2)[line 2]שנשאל על אלתו, קֵ-לSHE'NISH'AL AL ALASO, KEIL- that He (HaSh-m), kev'Yachol, asked to have his curse annulled (and the Palmalya Shel Ma'alah annulled the curse that Yechonyah would not have any children - Yirmeyahu 22:30)

3a)[line 2]זרובבלZERUBAVEL- Zerubavel, son of [Pedayah, son of] She'alti'el (Divrei ha'Yamim I 3:19)

b)[line 3]ומה שמו?U'MAH SHEMO?- And what was his (Zerubavel's) real name? (see Insights)

4)[line 6]אגברו חמרא אדרדקי!AGBERU CHAMRA A'DARDEKEI!- Serve the sons of Rebbi Chiya plenty of wine (lit. make wine overpower the young men)!

5)[line 7]כיון דאיבסוםKEIVAN D'IVSUM- when they became merry

6a)[line 9]ראש גולה שבבבלROSH GOLAH SHEB'VAVEL- the Exilarch, the leader of the Jews in Babylon

b)[line 10]ונשיא שבארץ ישראלNASI SHEB'ERETZ YISRAEL- the Prince, the leader of the Jews in Eretz Yisrael, who was of Davidic descent

7)[line 10]"וְהָיָה לְמִקְדָּשׁ; וּלְאֶבֶן נֶגֶף וּלְצוּר מִכְשׁוֹל לִשְׁנֵי בָתֵּי יִשְׂרָאֵל...""V'HAYAH L'MIKDASH; UL'EVEN NEGEF UL'TZUR MICHSHOL LI'SHENEI VATEI YISRAEL..."- "And He shall be a sanctuary, but also a battering-stone and a stumbling-rock to both the houses of Yisrael..." (Yeshayah 8:14).

8)[line 12]קוצים אתם מטילין לי בעינייKOTZIM ATEM MATILIN LI B'EINAI- (lit. you are thrusting thorns into my eyes) you are causing me anguish (since your interpretation of this verse is predicting the downfall of my household)

9a)[line 14]יין ניתן בשבעים אותיותYAYIN NITAN B'SHIV'IM OSIYOS - the Gematriya, or numeric value of "Yayin" is 70:

1.Yud = 10

2.Yud = 10

3.Nun = 50

4.Total = 70

b)[line 15]וסוד ניתן בשבעים אותיותSOD NITAN B'SHIV'IM OSIYOS - the Gematriya, or numeric value of "Sod" is 70:

1.Samech = 60

2.Vav = 6

3.Dales = 4

4.Total = 70

10)[line 18]"וַיִּשְׁקֹד ה' עַל הָרָעָה, וַיְבִיאֶהָ עָלֵינוּ; כִּי צַדִּיק ה' אֱ-לֹקֵינוּ [עַל כָּל מַעֲשָׂיו אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה, וְלֹא שָׁמַעְנוּ בְּקֹלוֹ]""VA'YISHKOD HASH-M AL HA'RA'AH VA'YE'VI'EHA ALEINU, KI TZADIK HASH-M EL-KEINU..."- "And HaSh-m quickened the evil and brought it upon us, because HaSh-m, our G-d, is righteous..." (Daniel 9:14).

11)[line 21]גלות צדקיהו / גלות יכניהGALUS TZIDKIYAHU / GALUS YECHONYAH - The Judean kings from Chizkiyahu until Tzidkiyahu and their years of reign:

(a)3199 Chizkiyahu (29 years)

(b)3228 Menashe (55 years)

(c)3283 Amon (2 years)

(d)3285 Yoshiyahu (31 years)

(e)3316 Yeho'achaz ben Yoshiyahu (3 months)

(f)3316 Yehoyakim (Elyakim) ben Yoshiyahu (11 years)

(g)3320 The first Exile of Yehudah - Nevuchadnetzar took part of the vessels of the Beis ha'Mikdash and youths of the Royal Family and brought them to Bavel

(h)3327 Nevuchadnetzar returned and banished Yehoyakim to Bavel, but he died during the journey

(i)3327 Yehoyachin (Yechonyah) ben Yehoyakim (3 months)

(j)3327 The second Exile of Yehudah - After 3 months, Nevuchadnetzar exiled Yehoyachin to Bavel. There were ten thousand men with him, among them the Charash and the Masger (Galus Yechonyah)

(k)3327 Tzidkiyahu (Matanyah) ben Yoshiyahu (11 years)

(l)3338 Churban of the First Beis ha'Mikdash and the Third Exile of Yehudah (Galus Tzidkiyahu)

12)[line 22]"וְהֶחָרָשׁ וְהַמַּסְגֵּר אֶלֶף...""HE'CHARASH VEHA'MASGER ELEF..."- "the Charash (craftsman) and the Masger (those who guard and close the gates), one thousand [of them]..." (Melachim II 24:16) - The Gemara interprets "Charash" and Masger" to be referring to the Torah scholars who HaSh-m exiled first to Bavel to teach Torah when the rest of the Jews were exiled there.

13a)[line 22]כיון שפותחין, הכל נעשו כחרשיןKEIVAN SHE'POSCHIN, HA'KOL NA'ASU K'CHERSHIN- as soon as they open [a discussion of Torah], all [of those assembled] become like those of very limited intelligence (lit. deaf-mutes)

b)[line 23]כיון שסוגרין בהלכה, שוב אין פותחיןKEIVAN SHE'SOGRIN B'HALACHAH, SHUV EIN POSCHIN- as soon as they decide to close [a Halachic matter (having not found an answer - RASHI)], none can open it afterwards

14a)[line 24]שהקדים שתי שנים ל"וְנוֹשַׁנְתֶּם"SHE'HIKDIM SHTEI SHANIM L'"V'NOSHANTEM"- HaSh-m brought the evil upon Yisrael [850 years after they entered the land, which was] two years before the intended time of "v'Noshantem" (the Gematriya of which is 852), [so that the verse "כִּי אָבֹד תֹּאבֵדוּן" "Ki Avod Toveidun" would not be fulfilled (Devarim 4: 25-26)]

b)[line 24]"[כִּי תוֹלִיד בָּנִים וּבְנֵי בָנִים,] וְנוֹשַׁנְתֶּם [בָּאָרֶץ; וְהִשְׁחַתֶּם וַעֲשִׂיתֶם פֶּסֶל תְּמוּנַת כֹּל, וַעֲשִׂיתֶם הָרַע בְּעֵינֵי ה' אֱ-לֹקֶיךָ לְהַכְעִיסוֹ]""[KI SOLID BANIM U'VENEI VANIM] V'NOSHANTEM [BA'ARETZ; VE'HISHCHATEM VA'ASISEM PESEL TEMUNAS KOL, VA'ASISEM HA'RA B'EINEI HASH-M EL-KECHA, LE'HACH'ISO]"- "[When you bear children and grandchildren,] and have been long [in the land; and you become destructive and you make a graven statue of some image, and you do evil in the eyes of HaSh-m, your G-d, making Him angry]" (Devarim 4:25).

15a)[line 25]"מהרה" דמרי עלמא"MEHERAH" D'MAREI ALMA- "quickness" of HaSh-m (the word in the verse is actually "מַהֵר" "Maher." Just as the onset of the exile was hastened for the benefit of Benei Yisrael, the final redemption, which is also described by the word "Meherah" (Yeshayah 58:8 et al.) can be expected to come quickly - MAHARSHA)

b)[line 25]"[הַעִידֹתִי בָכֶם הַיּוֹם אֶת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֶת הָאָרֶץ, כִּי אָבֹד תֹּאבֵדוּן] מַהֵר [מֵעַל הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר אַתֶּם עֹבְרִים אֶת הַיַּרְדֵּן שָׁמָּה לְרִשְׁתָּהּ; לֹא תַאֲרִיכֻן יָמִים עָלֶיהָ כִּי הִשָּׁמֵד תִּשָּׁמֵדוּן]""[HA'IDOSI VACHEM HA'YOM ES HA'SHAMAYIM V'ES HA'ARETZ, KI AVOD TOVEIDUN] MAHER [ME'AL HA'ARETZ ASHER ATEM OVERIM...]"- "[I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that you shall completely perish] quickly [from the land which you are going over the Yarden, to possess; you shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall be completely destroyed]" (Devarim 4:26).

16)[line 29]מתגרותMISGAROS- arguing, fighting

17a)[line 31]הגזלניןGAZLANIN- robbers who brazenly burglarize and take the possessions of others by force

b)[line 31]החמסניןCHAMSANIN- extortionists, who snatch items from their owners and force the owners to accept money for them

18)[line 35]"תִּתְהַפֵּךְ כְּחוֹמֶר חוֹתָם, וְיִתְיַצְּבוּ כְּמוֹ לְבוּשׁ""TIS'HAPECH K'CHOMER CHOSAM, V'YISYATZVU KEMO LEVUSH"- "The molded form will change to clay, and they will stand up [and become] like raiment" (Iyov 38:14) - The Gemara interprets this verse to be referring to the "molded form" of Adam ha'Rishon, which is the paradigm for the formation of all other people. This form will become clay after the person dies, but it will arise again at Techiyas ha'Mesim.

19)[line 37]"וְיִמָּנַע מֵרְשָׁעִים אוֹרָם, וּזְרוֹעַ רָמָה תִּשָּׁבֵר""V'YIMANA ME'RESHA'IM ORAM, U'ZERO'A RAMAH TISHAVER"- "And he withholds from the wicked their light, and the strong arm is broken" (Iyov 38:15) - The Gemara interprets this verse to be referring to the "light" of a person's countenance, which HaSh-m altered for each person so that the wicked would not be able to steal the property of others (thereby "breaking" their "strong arm"), as the Gemara describes.

20)[line 41]שאם תזוח דעתו עליוIM TAZU'ACH DA'ATO ALAV- if he becomes haughty

21)[line 42]יתושYETUSH- mosquito

22)[line 43]פלטריןPALTERIN- palaces

23)[line 44]ושיכללןSHICHLELAN- he decorated them

24)[line 44]"(חכמת) [חָכְמוֹת] בָּנְתָה בֵיתָהּ, חָצְבָה עַמּוּדֶיהָ שִׁבְעָה. טָבְחָה טִבְחָהּ מָסְכָה יֵינָהּ, אַף עָרְכָה שׁוּלְחָנָהּ. שָׁלְחָה נַעֲרוֹתֶיהָ תִקְרָא, עַל גַּפֵּי מְרוֹמֵי קָרֶת. מִי פֶתִי יָסוּר הֵנָּה, חֲסַר לֵב אָמְרָה לּוֹ""CHOCHMOS BANSAH VEISAH, CHATZVAH AMUDEHA SHIV'AH. TAVCHAH TIVCHAH, MASCHAH YEINAH, AF ARCHAH SHULCHANAH. SHALCHAH NA'AROSEHA SIKRA, AL GAPEI MEROMEI KARES: 'MI FESI YASUR HENAH.' CHASAR LEV AMRAH LO: ..."- "She has built her house with [forms of] wisdom, she has hewn out her seven pillars. She slaughtered her meat, mixed her wine, and also set her table. She sent out her maidens to call out on the heights of the city: 'Whoever is a simpleton shall turn towards here.' The one who is lacking a heart [to comprehend], she says to him: ..." (Mishlei 9:1-4).

25)[line 50]"[וְיָשְׁבָה לְפֶתַח בֵּיתָהּ,] עַל כִּסֵּא [מְרֹמֵי קָרֶת]""[V'YASHVAH L'FESACH BEISAH,] AL KISEI [MEROMEI KARES]"- "[And she sits at the entrance of her house,] on a chair [at the heights of the city]" (Mishlei 9:14).

26)[line 53]הוצבר עפרוHUTZBAR AFARO- his dirt was gathered

27)[line 53]"גָּלְמִי רָאוּ עֵינֶיךָ""GOLMI RA'U EINECHA"- "Your eyes saw my raw form" (Tehilim 139:16)


28)[line 2]עגבותיוAGVOSAV- buttocks

29)[line 2]מאקרא דאגמאAKRA D'AGMA- the name of a town in Bavel

30a)[line 5]נעשה גולםNA'ASEH GOLAM- it was made into a raw form

b)[line 5]נמתחו אבריוNIMTECHU EIVARAV- his limbs were stretched (formed)

c)[line 7]קרא שמותKARA SHEMOS- he gave names [to all other creatures]

d)[line 9]סרחSARACH- sinned

e)[line 10]נטרד והלך לוNITRAD V'HALACH LO- he was dismissed and he went

31)[line 10]"[וְ]אָדָם בִּיקַָר בַּל יָלִין, נִמְשַׁל כַּבְּהֵמוֹת נִדְמוּ""[V']ADAM B'YKAR BAL YALIN, NIMSHAL KA'BEHEMOS NIDMU"- "Man shall not repose in glory, he is likened to the silenced animals" (Tehilim 49:13) - This verse is explained allegorically as follows: "Nimshal" - if he is ruled (attacked) [by animals], "ka'Behemos Nidmu" - it is because] he resembled (acted like) an animal.

32)[line 12](שע"ה בסו"ף ארמ"י סימן)(SHA'AH B'SOF ARAMI SIMAN)- this is a mnemonic device for remembering the three statements of Rav Yehudah in the name of Rav that follow:

1.Sha'ah refers to "b'Sha'ah she'Bikesh Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu..." (line 12)

2.b'Sof refers to "Adam ha'Rishon mi'Sof ha'Olam v'Ad Sofo Hayah..." (line 21)

3.Arami refers to "Adam ha'Rishon b'Lashon Arami Siper..." (line 27)

33)[line 19]דור המבולDOR HA'MABUL- the Generation of the Flood (Bereishis 6:1 - 7:23)

34)[line 19]דור הפלגהDOR HA'PELAGAH- the Generation of the Dispersion, which built the Tower of Bavel (Bereishis 11:1-9)

35)[line 20]"וְעַד זִקְנָה אֲנִי הוּא, וְעַד שֵׂיבָה אֲנִי אֶסְבּוֹל; [אֲנִי עָשִׂיתִי וַאֲנִי אֶשָּׂא, וַאֲנִי אֶסְבֹּל וַאֲמַלֵּט]""V'AD ZIKNAH ANI HU, V'AD SEIVAH ANI ESBOL; [ANI ASISI VA'ANI ESA, VA'ANI ESBOL VA'AMALET]"- "And until [your] elderly age I am unchanged, and until [your] old age I will tolerate; [I made and I will bear [you], I will tolerate and I will rescue]" (Yeshayah 46:4).

36)[line 24]"אָחוֹר וָקֶדֶם צַרְתָּנִי, וַתָּשֶׁת עָלַי כַּפֶּכָה""ACHOR VA'KEDEM TZARTANI, VA'TASHES ALAI KAPECHA"- "You have beset (lit. laid siege to) me, and laid Your hand upon me" (Tehilim 139:5) - The word "Tzartani" is read as a form of the root for Yetzirah, formation.

37)[line 26]קשו קראי אהדדיKASHU KERA'EI A'HADADEI- the verses contradict each other (the implication of the words "וּלְמִקְצֵה הַשָּׁמַיִם וְעַד קְצֵה הַשָּׁמָיִם" "ul'Miktzeh ha'Shamayim v'Ad Ketzeh ha'Shamayim" - "from one edge of the heavens until the other edge of the heavens" (Devarim 4:32), which imply that Adam ha'Rishon's size spanned from one end of the world to the other, seems to contradict the implication of the words "עַל הָאָרֶץ וּלְמִקְצֵה הַשָּׁמַיִם" "Al ha'Aretz ul'Miktzeh ha'Shamayim" - "on the earth until the edge of the heavens" (ibid.), which imply that Adam ha'Rishon's size spanned from the earth until the heavens)

38)[line 27]בלשון ארמי סִפֵּרB'LASHON ARAMI SIPER- he spoke in the Aramaic language

39)[line 27]"וְלִי מַה יָּקְרוּ רֵעֶךָ קֵ-ל""V'LI MAH YAKRU RE'ECHA KEL"- "How precious to me are Your friends, G-d..." (Tehilim 139:17) - The word "Yakru," from the root "Yakar," is Aramaic for "precious" (see Insights)

40)[line 30]מיןMIN- a heretic

41)[line 31]מושך בערלתוMOSHECH B'ORLASO- he stretched his foreskin (so that the sign of the Bris Milah was no longer apparent)

42)[line 32]כופר בעיקרKOFER BA'IKAR- he denied the Source (the presence of HaSh-m in the world)

43)[line 33]הוי שקוד ללמוד תורהHEVEI SHAKUD LILMOD TORAH- be eager (diligent) to learn Torah

44)[line 33]לאפיקורוסAPIKORUS- a heretic

45)[line 34]דפקר טפיPAKIR TEFEI- he will become even more of a heretic

46)[line 35]"הָבָה נֵרְדָה וְנָבְלָה שָׁם שְׂפָתָם""HAVAH NERDAH V'NAVLAH SHAM SEFASAM"- "Let us descend and confuse their language there" (Bereishis 11:7).

47)[line 38]"[חָזֵה הֲוֵית] עַד דִּי כָרְסָוָן רְמִיו, וְעַתִּיק יוֹמִין יְתִב...""... AD DI CHARSAVAN REMIV, V'ATIK YOMIN YESIV..."- "[I was watching] until thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days sat..." (Daniel 7:9)

48)[line 39]נמלך בפמליא של מעלהNIMLACH B'FAMALYA SHEL MA'ALAH- He consults with the attendants of the King (Angels)

49)[line 39]"בִּגְזֵרַת עִירִין פִּתְגָמָא (ובמאמר) [וּמֵאמַר] קַדִּישִׁין שְׁאֵלְתָא...""BI'GEZEIRAS IRIN PISGAMA (UV'MA'AMAR) [U'MEIMAR] KADISHIN SHE'EILESA..."- "This edict is by the decree of the angels, and this verdict is by the word of the holy ones..." (Daniel 4:14).

50a)[line 41]לדיןDIN- HaSh-m's attribute of strict justice

b)[line 41]לצדקהTZEDAKAH- HaSh-m's attribute of mercy

51)[line 42]מה לך אצל הגדה?MAH LECHA ETZEL HAGADAH?- What do you have to do with Agadah (homiletic, non-Halachic parts of Torah)?

52)[line 43]כלך אצל נגעים ואהלותKALECH ETZEL NEGA'IM V'OHALOS- go to [the areas of study in which you excel,] Nega'im and Ohalos ("Kalech" is a contraction of "Kaleh" - "stop," and "Lech" - "go [away]" - see RASHI to Chagigah 14a DH Kalech. According to the reading KELACH - "go, you," "Kelach" is a contraction of "Lecha" - "go," and "Lach" - "you" - see RASHI to Shabbos 145b DH Kelach.)

53a)[line 43]לכסאKISEI- chair (throne)

b)[line 43]לשרפרףSHERAFRAF- a footstool

54)[line 43]להדום רגליוHADOM RAGLAV- his footstool

55)[line 44]לאהדוריL'AHADUREI- to respond

56)[line 45]מטטרוןMITATR-N (NOT TO BE PRONOUNCED)- one of the ministering Angels, whose name is like the name of his Master (i.e. the Gematriya of his name is 314, which is the same as the Gematriya of the name Shakai) (see also RASHI to Shemos 23:21)

57)[line 46]"[הִשָּׁמֶר מִפָּנָיו וּשְׁמַע בְּקֹלוֹ,] אַל תַּמֵּר בּוֹ; [כִּי לֹא יִשָּׂא לְפִשְׁעֲכֶם, כִּי שְׁמִי בְּקִרְבּוֹ]""... AL TAMER BO..."- "... Do not rebel against him; [for he will not tolerate your disobedience, since My Name is with him]" (Shemos 23:21).

b)[line 46]אל תמירני בוAL TEMIRENI BO- do not exchange Me with him

58)[line 46]"לֹא יִשָּׂא לְפִשְׁעֲכֶם," למה לי?"LO YISA L'FISH'ACHEM," LAMAH LI?- Why do we need [the words in that verse,] "He will not pardon your sins?" (i.e. what power does Mitatr-n have to pardon the Jewish people?)

59)[line 47]הימנותא בידןHEIMNUSA B'YADAN- it is our faith (lit. our faith is in our hands)

b)[line 47]דאפילו בפרוונקא נמי לא קבילניהD'AFILU B'PARVANKA NAMI LO KABILNEI- that we did not even accept him as a messenger

60)[line 47]"וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו, אִם אֵין פָּנֶיךָ הוֹלְכִים [אַל תַּעֲלֵנוּ מִזֶּה]""VA'YOMER ELAV, 'IM EIN PANECHA HOLCHIM, [AL TA'ALENU MI'ZEH]'"- "He (Moshe) said to Him, 'If Your presence does not go [with us, do not bring us up from this place]'" (Shemos 33:15).

61)[line 48]"וַה' הִמְטִיר עַל סְדוֹם וְעַל עֲמוֹרָה גָּפְרִית וָאֵשׁ, מֵאֵת ה' [מִן הַשָּׁמָיִם]""VA'SH-M HIMTIR AL SEDOM V'AL AMORAH GOFRIS VA'ESH, ME'ES HASH-M [MIN HA'SHAMAYIM]"- "HaSh-m made sulfur and fire rain down on Sedom and on Amorah, from HaSh-m [it came] from the sky" (Bereishis 19:24).

62)[line 49]ההוא כובסHA'HU KOVES- a certain clothes-washer

63)[line 49]שבקיהSHAVKEI- leave him

64)[line 49]"וַיֹּאמֶר לֶמֶךְ לְנָשָׁיו, עָדָה וְצִלָּה שְׁמַעַן קוֹלִי, נְשֵׁי לֶמֶךְ [הַאְזֵנָּה אִמְרָתִי...]""VA'YOMER LEMECH L'NASHAV, 'ADAH V'TZILAH SHEMA'AN KOLI, NESHEI LEMECH [HA'AZENAH IMRASI...]'"- "Lemech said to his wives, 'Adah and Tzilah, hear my voice, O wives of Lemech, [listen to my speech]...'" (Bereishis 4:23).

65)[line 50]נשייNASHAI- my wives

66)[line 50]משתעי קרא הכיMISHTA'I KERA HACHI- this is the style of the verse (lit. this is the way the verse speaks)

67)[line 51]מפירקיה דרבי מאירMI'PIRKEI D'REBBI MEIR- from the lectures of Rebbi Meir

68a)[line 51]תילתא שמעתאTILTA SHEMA'ATA- a third [of his lecture] was Shema'ata (Halachic discourse)

b)[last line]תילתא אגדתאTILTA AGADETA- a third [of his lecture] was Agadah (homiletic, non-Halachic parts of Torah)

c)[last line]תילתא מתליTILTA MASLEI- a third [of his lecture was] parables

69)[last line]משלות שועליםMISHLOS SHU'ALIM- parables involving foxes

70)[last line]ואנו אין לנו אלא שלשV'ANU EIN LANU ELA SHALOSH- and we only have [one surviving parable from his collection, based on] three [verses]; alt. according to the Girsa EIN LANU ELA ACHAS - and we only have one [surviving parable from his collection] (this is the Girsa of almost all of the manuscripts and early printings - DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #9)