[64a - 49 lines; 64b - 43 lines]
1)[line 1]"[ונשאו דודו ומסרפו להוציא עצמים מן הבית ואמר לאשר בירכתי הבית העוד עמך ואמר אפס ואמר] הס כי לא להזכיר בשם ה'""... V'AMAR, 'HAS! KI LO L'HAZKIR B'SHEM HASH-M'"- "[And his uncles shall carry him, to bring the bones out of the house, and he shall say to his fellow in the recesses of the house, 'Are any more with you?' and he shall respond, 'They are finished!';] and he shall respond, 'Be silent! For they would not mention the name of HaSh-m.'" (Amos 6:10)
2)[line 1]שלא לימדו אביו ואמוSHELO LIMEDO AVIV V'IMO- his father and mother had not taught him [about HaSh-m]
3)[line 6]"... וַיִּזְעֲקוּ בְּקוֹל גָּדוֹל אֶל ה' אֱ-לֹקֵיהֶם""... VA'YIZ'AKU B'KOL GADOL EL HASHM EL-KEIHEM"- "and they screamed out with a great voice to HaSh-m their G-d" (Nechemyah 9:4).
4a)[line 8]בייא בייאBAYA BAYA- Woe! Woe!
b)[line 8]היינו דאחרביה לביתאHAINU D'ACHREVEI L'VEISA- this [Yetzer ha'Ra towards idolatry] that destroyed the Beis ha'Mikdash
c)[line 9]וקליא להיכלאV'KALYA L'HEICHALA- and burned the Heichal
d)[line 9]ואגלינהו לישראל מארעייהוV'AGLINHU L'YISRAEL ME'AR'AYHU- and exiled Bnei Yisrael from their land
e)[line 10]ועדיין הוא מרקד בינן?V'ADAYIN HU MERAKED BEINAN?- and he is still dancing (rejoicing) in our midst (unchecked)?
5a)[line 11]כלום יהבתיה לן אלא לקבולי ביה אגרא?KELUM YAHAVTEI LAN ELA L'KABULEI BEI AGRA?- You only gave us this [inclination] in order to receive reward through him (by defeating him)...
b)[line 11]לא איהו בעינן, ולא אגריה בעינן!LO IHU BA'INAN, V'LO AGREI BA'INAN!- ... we desire neither him, nor his reward!
6)[line 12]בתר דאביקו ביהBASAR DA'AVIKU BEI- [this was] after they became attached to it (idolatry)
7)[line 13]פיתקאPISKA- a note
8)[line 14]חותמוCHOSAMO- His seal
9)[line 14]נפק כגוריא דנוראNAFAK K'GURYA D'NURA- the form of a lion-cub made of fire emerged
10a)[line 15]בהדי דקא תפסי ליהBA'HADEI D'KA TAFSEI LAH- as they were capturing it
b)[line 16]אשתמיט ביניתא מיניהISHTAMIT BINISA MINEI- one strand of hair came out from it
c)[line 16]ואזל קליהAZAL KALEI- its scream travelled
11)[line 17]שדיוהו בדודא דאבראSHADYUHU B'DUDA D'AVARA- throw it into a lead pot
12)[line 18]דשייף קליהSHAYAF KALEI- it absorbs sound
13)[line 18]"וַיֹּאמֶר 'זֹאת הָרִשְׁעָה', וַיַּשְׁלֵךְ אוֹתָהּ אֶל תּוֹךְ הָאֵיפָה; וַיַּשְׁלֵךְ אֶת אֶבֶן הָעוֹפֶרֶת אֶל פִּיהָ""VA'YOMER, 'ZOS HA'RISH'AH,' VA'YASHLECH OSAH EL TOCH HA'EFAH; VA'YASHLECH ES EVEN HA'OFERES EL PIHA"- "And he said, 'This [woman] is wickedness,' and he cast it into the Efah measure; and he cast the lead weight over its mouth" (Zecharyah 5:8) - The Gemara interprets this verse as referring to the episode in which the Anshei Keneses ha'Gedolah killed the Yetzer ha'Ra for Avodah Zarah.
14)[line 20]איצרא דעבירהYITZRA DA'AVEIRAH- the Yetzer ha'Ra towards illicit relations
15)[line 20]חבשוהוCHAVSHUHU- they imprisoned it
16)[line 21]ביעתא בת יומאBEI'ASA BAS YOMA- a newly-laid egg; an egg that was laid that day
17)[line 21]ולא אשכחוLO ASHKECHU- they could not find (because even the chickens had ceased to propagate)
18)[line 21]פלגא מרקיעא לא יהביPALGA ME'RAKI'A LO YAHAVEI- half of an item (an incomplete item) is not granted from Heaven (i.e., the removal of the Yetzer ha'Ra without the removal of the corresponding Yetzer ha'Tov)
19)[line 22]כחלינהו לעיניהKACHLINHU L'EINEI- they filled its eyes with blue dye, blinding it
20a)[line 22]אהני ביהAHANEI BEI- and it was effective against it to the extent...
b)[line 22]דלא איגרי איניש בקרובתיהD'LO IGRI INISH B'KEROVSEI- ... that a person is not enticed to have relations with his close relative
21a)[line 26]אוכלין תרדיןOCHELIN TERADIN- one eats beet leaves
b)[line 26]ושותין שכרV'SHOSIN SHECHAR- and drinks beer
c)[line 26]ומתריזין בפניהU'MATRIZIN B'FANEHA- and defecates violently before it
22)[line 27]אתם בית ישראל אינן כןATEM BEIS YISRA'EL EINAN KEN- [but] you, house of Yisrael, were not so [repulsed by this form of idolatry]
23)[line 28]"[וַיֹּאמֶר מֹשֶׁה אֶל שֹׁפְטֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, הִרְגוּ אִישׁ אֲנָשָׁיו] הַנִּצְמָדִים לְבַעַל פְּעוֹר""[VA'YOMER MOSHE EL BNEI YISRA'EL, HIRGU ISH ANASHAV] HA'NITZMADIM L'VA'AL PE'OR"- "[And Moshe said to the judges of Yisrael, 'Each man shall execute his men] who are attached to Ba'al Pe'or'"(Bamidbar 25:5).
24)[line 28]כצמיד פתילK'TZAMID PASIL- like a tightly wound seal
25)[line 28]"[עֵינֵיכֶם הָרֹאוֹת אֵת אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה ה' בְּבַעַל פְּעוֹר; כִּי כָל הָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר הָלַךְ אַחֲרֵי בַעַל פְּעוֹר, הִשְׁמִידוֹ ה' אֱלֹהֶיךָ מִקִּרְבֶּךָ.] וְאַתֶּם הַדְּבֵקִים בַּה' אֱ-לֹקֵיכֶם, [חַיִּים כֻּלְּכֶם הַיּוֹם]""V'ATEM HA'DEVEIKIM BASH-M EL-KEICHEM, CHAYIM KULECHEM HA'YOM"- "[Your eyes beheld what HaSh-m did at [the incident of] Ba'al Pe'or; for any man that had followed after Ba'al Pe'or, HaSh-m your G-d destroyed him from your midst.] But you who stuck to HaSh-m your G-d, you are all alive today!" (Devarim 4: 3-4).
26)[line 29]כשתי תמרות הדבוקות זו בזוKI'SHTEI TEMAROS HA'DEVUKOS ZO B'ZO- like two dates that are stuck to each other
27)[line 30]כצמיד על ידי אשהK'TZAMID AL YEDEI ISHAH- like a bracelet on a woman's hands
28)[line 33]ומאי איכפת ליך?MAI ICHPAS LICH?- Why do you care?
29)[line 34]והיו משרתי עבודה זרה מקלסין לוHAYU MESHARESEI AVODAH ZARAH MEKALESIN LO- the priests praised him
30)[line 36]למירגמיהL'MIRGEMEI- to stone it
31)[line 37]שקל פיסא, שדא ביהSHAKAL PISA, SHADA BEI- he took a clod of earth and threw it at the idol
32a)[line 38]הזורק אבן למרקוליסHA'ZOREK EVEN L'MARKOLIS- one who throws a stone to Markolis (i.e., before it, to honor it - RASHI)
b)[line 38]הזורק אבן במרקוליסHA'ZOREK EVEN B'MARKOLIS- one who throws a stone at Markolis (to pelt it)
33)[line 39]איזיל, אישקלהEIZIL, ISHKELAH- I will go and remove it (so it should not be evident that the idol had been worshipped - RASHI)
34)[line 41]למולךMOLECH
See Background to Sanhedrin 53:5.
35)[line 44]תנן כמאן דאמר מולך לאו עבודה זרה היאTENAN K'MAN D'AMAR MOLECH LAV AVODAH ZARAH HI- our Mishna is in accordance with the opinion that Molech itself is not idolatry, but rather a practice of idolaters. Although all such practices are forbidden, the Torah specifies that this practice is punishable by Sekilah (RASHI 53a DH vha'Nosen). The ramifications of this approach are that one who offers an (animal) sacrifice before Molech would be Patur, and that one who passes his child in such a fashion before an actual idol would likewise be Patur.
36)[line 48]כל שהמליכוהו עליהםKOL SHE'HIMLICHUHU ALEIHEM- any item that they appointed as a "Melech," "king," over them [to pass their child before it]
37)[last line]מולך עראי איכא בינייהוMOLECH ARA'I IKA BEINAIHU- their opinions differ regarding an impromptu "Molech"
38)[line 14]תפשוט מיהא חדאTIFSHOT MIHA CHADA- you may resolve one [question], at least
39)[line 15]"[וַאֲנִי אֶתֵּן אֶת פָּנַי בָּאִישׁ הַהוּא וְהִכְרַתִּי אֹתוֹ מִקֶּרֶב עַמּוֹ;] כִּי מִזַּרְעוֹ נָתַן לַמֹּלֶךְ [לְמַעַן טַמֵּא אֶת מִקְדָּשִׁי וּלְחַלֵּל אֶת שֵׁם קָדְשִׁי]""[VA'ANI ETEN ES PANAI BA'ISH HA'HU, V'HICHRATI OSO MI'KEREV AMO;] KI MI'ZAR'O NASAN LA'MOLECH..."- "[And I shall turn My attention towards that person, and cut him off from among his people;] for he has given of his offspring to Molech, [in order to defile My sanctuary, and to desecrate My holy name]" (Vayikra 20:3).
40)[line 17]"[וְאִם הַעְלֵם יַעְלִימוּ עַם הָאָרֶץ אֶת עֵינֵיהֶם מִן הָאִישׁ הַהוּא] בְּתִתּוֹ מִזַּרְעוֹ [לַמֹּלֶךְ, לְבִלְתִּי הָמִית אֹתוֹ]""[V'IM HA'LEM YA'LIMU AM HA'ARETZ ES EINEIHEM MIN HA'ISH HA'HU,] B'SITO MI'ZAR'O [LA'MOLECH, L'VILTI HAMIS OSO]"- "[And if the populace should hide their eyes from that person,] as he gives of his offspring [to Molech, so as not to put him to death]" (Vayikra 20:4).
41)[line 21]עד שיעבירנו דרך העברהAD SHE'YA'AVIRENU DERECH HA'AVARAH- unless he passes [the child] in the normal manner that the Molech cult dictates
42a)[line 22]שרגא דליבני במיצעיSHERAGA D'LIVNEI B'MITZ'EI- a stack of bricks in the middle
b)[line 23]נורא מהאי גיסא ונורא מהאי גיסאNURA ME'HAI GISA, V'NURA ME'HAI GISA- and a fire on this side and that side
43)[line 24]כמשוורתא דפוריאK'MASHVARTA D'FURAYA- like a Purim leap (i.e., the fire was lit in a pit in the ground, and the child was to leap over it). Rashi points out that according to our Sugya, Molech did not result in the child's death.
44)[line 34]אבידתו ואבידת אביוAVEIDASO VA'AVEIDAS AVIV- [if one must choose which] lost object, his own or his father's, to retrieve first,
45)[line 36]"אֶפֶס כִּי לֹא יִהְיֶה בְּךָ אֶבְיוֹן, [כִּי בָרֵךְ יְבָרֶכְךָ ה' בָּאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר ה' אֱ-לֹקֶיךָ נֹתֵן לְךָ נַחֲלָה לְרִשְׁתָּהּ]""EFES KI LO YIHEYEH BECHA EVYON..."- "But there shall be no poor among you; [for HaSh-m shall greatly bless you in the land which HaSh-m your G-d gives you for an inheritance to possess it]" (Devarim 15:4).
46)[line 37]התם מ"אפס"HASAM, ME"EFES"- in that verse, we derive it form the word "Efes" (and not form the word "Becha")
47)[line 37]שלש כריתות בעבודה זרה, למה?SHALOSH KERISOS BA'AVODAH ZARAH , LAMAH?- Why are there three verses that teach that Avodah Zarah is punished with Kares? (Rashi explains that two are in the section dealing with Molech (Vayikra 20: 3, 5), and one is in Parshas Shelach (Bamidbar 15:31).
48)[line 39]למעביר בנו שלא כדרכהMA'AVIR BENO SHE'LO K'DARKAH- one who passes his child before an idol not usually served in such a manner
49)[line 39]ולמאן דאמר "מגדף" עבודה זרה היאL'MAN D'AMAR MEGADEF AVODAH ZARAH HI- according to the opinion (Kerisos 7a) that the "Megadef" [mentioned in Bamidbar 15:30] also refers to idolatry, such as one who sings before an idol
50)[last line]דברה תורה כלשון בני אדםDIBERAH TORAH K'LASHON BENEI ADAM - the Torah [in this instance] speaks in the manner of man
Every word in the Torah is holy and contains worlds of insights and nuances. However, certain sages of the Mishnah felt that there were some phrases recorded in the Torah that paralleled people's speech, and should not be used for homiletics or insights.