
CHESED OF HASH-M IN JUDGMENT (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 49a)

א''ר לעזר ולך ה' חסד כי אתה תשלם לאיש כמעשהו מעשה אין כתוב כאן אלא כמעשהו ואין לית ליה את יהיב ליה מן דידך.


(R. Lazar): "U'Lecha Hash-m Chesed Ki Atah Meshalem l'Ish k'Ma'asehu'' - it does not say Ma'aseh, rather, k'Ma'asehu, and if he does not have, You give to him from Yours (you remove an Aveirah, so the merits will outweigh - KORBAN HA'EDAH).

היא דעתיה דרבי לעזר רבי לעזר אמר ורב חסד מטה כלפי חסד.


Remark: This is like R. Lazar taught elsewhere, for R. Lazar said "Rav Chesed'' - He tilts towards Chesed (after they were weighed and found to be equal. This is unlike R. Yosi ben Chaninah, who holds that Hash-m removes an Aveirah before weighing, when He knows that they are equal.)