[67a - 49 lines; 67b - 41 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 67a [line 23]:
"d'Chamitei Eshasa ... ha'Tachminei Eshasa" דחמיתיה אשתא ... התחמיניה אשתא
Rashi's Girsa was "d'Chamita Eshasa ... Tachmina Eshasa" דחמיתה אשתא ... תחמינה אשתא
[2] Gemara 67a [line 32]:
"Sherika Panda" שיריקא פנדא
Rashi's Girsa is "Sherika'i Panda'i" שריקאי פנדאי
[3] Rashi 67a DH d'Chaya דחייא :
The words "Shel Shen Shu'al Chai" של שן שועל חי
should be "Shen Shel Shu'al Chai" שן של שועל חי
[4] Tosfos 67a DH Bnei Melachim ד"ה בני מלכים:
The words "d'Lo Yetzei b'Chosam sheb'Tzavaro" דלא יצא בחותם שבצוארו
should be "d'Lo Yetzei b'Zog sheb'Tzavaro" דלא יצא בזוג שבצוארו (M. KORNFELD)
[5] ibid.:
"Havu Mechaichei Alei Bnei Melachim Kol Sha'ah" הוו מחייכו עליה בני מלכים כל שעה
The words "Bnei Melachim" בני מלכים are unnecessary. (M. KORNFELD)
[6] ibid.:
The words "Aval Iy Bnei Melachim Lo Mechaichei" אבל אי בני מלכים לא מחייכו
should be "Aval Iy Bnei Melachim Hen, Lo Mechaichei" אבל אי בני מלכים הן לא מחייכו (M. KORNFELD)
1)[line 1]לאשתא תילתאL'ESHASA TILSA- a fever that comes once every three days
2)[line 1]שבעה סילויSHIV'AH SILVEI- seven small palm shoots
3)[line 2]ציביTZIVEI- splinters
4)[line 2]כשוריKESHUREI- beams
5)[line 3]סיכיSICHEI- pegs
6)[line 3]גשוריGESHUREI- bridges
7)[line 3]קטימיKETIMEI- ashes
8)[line 4]עפריAFAREI- pieces of dirt
9)[line 4]סנריSANAREI- door sockets (for the hinge pin)
10)[line 5]כופריKUFREI- pieces of pitch (tar)
11)[line 5]ארביARBEI- boats
12)[line 5]בוני כמוניBUNEI KAMONEI- (a) seeds of cumin; (b) handfuls of cumin
13)[line 6]ביניBEINI- hairs
14)[line 6]מדיקנא דכלבא סבאME'DIKNA D'CHALBA SABA- from the beard of an old dog
15)[line 7]לציירינהוL'TZAIRINHU- let him wrap them
16)[line 7]בחללא דבי צואראB'CHALALA D'VEI TZAVARA- in the opening of the neck space (of his shirt)
17)[line 8]לאשתא צמירתאL'ESHASA TZEMIRTA- for a fever which heats and burns the body
18)[line 9]סכינא דכולא פרזלאSAKINA D'CHOLA PARZELA- a knife made entirely of iron
19)[line 10]וורדינאVARDINA- a low thorn-bush
20)[line 10]ליקטר ביהLIKTAR BEI- tie on it
21)[line 11]ליחרוק ביה פורתאLI'CHROK BEI PURTA- carve a little [indentation]
22)[line 11]"וירא מלאך ...""VA'YERA MAL'ACH ..."- "(2) And an angel of HaSh-m appeared to him in a flame of fire within the thorn-bush, and he saw that the thorn-bush was burning on fire but the thorn-bush was not being consumed. (3) And Moshe said, 'I will turn now and see this wondrous sight, why the thorn-bush is not burning! (4) And HaSh-m saw that he turned away to see, and HaSh-m called to him from the thorn-bush and He said, 'Moshe! Moshe!' and he said, 'Here I am.' (5) And He said, 'Do not come closer unto here. Remove your shoes from upon your feet, for the place upon which you stand is holy land." (Shemos 3:2-5) - These verses are said as part of the remedy, for they contain phrases that a person directs towards the illness, such as "not being consumed" and "he turned away" (that is, the illness should turn away).
23)[line 19]כי פסק ליהKI PASAK LEI- when he cuts it
24)[line 20]ליתתיה ולפסקיLEITESEI V'LIFSEKEI- he should bend down and cut it [from near the ground]
25)[line 21]דגביהתD'GEVIHAS- because you are taller
26)[line 21]אשריASHREI- [HaSh-m] rested [His Presence upon you]
27)[line 22]דמייכתD'MAICHAS- because you are lowly
28)[line 23]דחמיתיה אשתאD'CHAMITEI ESHASA- [just like you,] fire, saw
29)[line 23]חנניה, מישאל, ועזריהCHANANYA, MISHAEL, VA'AZARYA- Chananya, Mishael, and Azarya (three descendants of King David who were captured by the Babylonians and thrown into a furnace of fire by Nevuchadnetzar)
30)[line 23]ועריקת מן קדמוהיARIKAS MIN KADAMOHI- you fled from before them
31)[line 23]תחמיניה אשתא לפלוני בר פלוניתTACHAMINEI ESHASA L'PLONI BAR PELONIS- may [you] fire see so-and-so (the name of the sick person) the son of so-and-so (his mother's name)
32)[line 24]תיערוק מן קדמוהיTEI'AROK MIN KADAMOHI- and may you flee from before him
33)[line 24]לסימטאL'SIMTA- for boils [one should say the following]
34)[line 24]בז בזייהBAZ BAZYEI- the one who breaks [the name of angels whose role is to destroy and break]
35)[line 24]מס מסייאMAS MASYA- the one who dissolves [the name of angels whose role is to make something perish]
36)[line 25]כס כסייהKAS KASYEI- the one who grinds down [the name of angels whose role is to make something diminish]
37)[line 25]שרלאי ואמרלאיSHARLA'I V'AMARLA'I- [names of angels]
38)[line 25]אלין מלאכיILEIN MALACHEI- these angels
39)[line 26]בזך בזיך בזבזיך מסמסיךBAZACH BAZICH BAZBEZICH MASMESICH- (These are words of the incantation that have no meaning (RASHI). They may be related to the names of the angels that "break" (Bazach) and "cause to perish" (Masmesich).)
40)[line 26]כמון כמיךKAMON KAMICH- (These are words of the incantation that have no meaning.)
41)[line 26]עיניך ביךEINICH BICH- your appearance should be upon you (that is, you should stay the way you are and not become redder) (RASHI)
42)[line 27]אתריך בךASRICH BICH- your place should be upon you (that is, you should stay in the same place and not spread any more) (RASHI)
43)[line 27]זרעיך כקלוט וכפרדהZAR'ICH K'KALUT UCHE'PIRDAH- your offspring should be closed up (you should not have any offspring) and like [the offspring of] a mule
44)[line 28]כיפהCHIPAH- (a) pus-filled blisters (O.F. anpoles) (RASHI); (b) one who is being possessed by a demon (Rashi's teachers)
45)[line 28]חרב שלופהCHEREV SHELUFAH- a drawn sword
46)[line 28]קלע נטושהKALA NETUSHAH- an emptied slingshot
47)[line 29]לא שמיה יוכבLO SHEMEI YUCHAV- his name is not Yuchav
48)[line 29]חולין מכאוביןCHOLIN MACH'OVIN- painful illnesses
49)[line 29]לשידאL'SHIDA- for a [bothersome] demon
50)[line 29]הוית דפקיק, דפקיק הויתHAVIS D'PAKIK, D'PAKIK HAVIS- you shall be stopped, stopped you shall be
51)[line 30]ליטאLITA- cursed
52)[line 30]תבורTEVOR- broken
53)[line 30]משומתMESHUMAS- and annihilated
54)[line 30]בר טיטBAR TIT- the son of mud
55)[line 30]בר טמאBAR TAMEI- the son of defilement
56)[line 30]בר טינאBAR TINA- the son of slime
57)[line 30]כשמגז מריגז ואיסטמאיKASHAMGAZ MERIGAZ V'ISTEMEI- (These are words of the incantation that have no meaning.)
58)[line 31]אקרקפי דאריA'KARKAFEI D'ARI- upon the head of the lion
59)[line 31]ואאוסי דגורייתאV'A'USEI D'GURYESA- and in the nostrils of the lioness
60)[line 32]אשכחתון לשידאי בר שיריקא פנדאASHKACHTUN L'SHIDA'I BAR SHIRIKA PANDA- you shall be found, o demon bar Shirika Panda (the demon's name)
61)[line 32]במישרא דכרתי חבטיהB'MEISHRA D'CHARTEI CHAVTEI- in a row of leeks I beat him down
62)[line 32]בלועא דחמרא חטרתיהB'LO'A D'CHAMRA CHATARTEI- with the cheekbone of a donkey I smote him
63)[line 35]ביצת החרגולBEITZAS HA'CHARGOL- the egg of a locust
64)[line 35]שן שועלSHEN SHU'AL- the tooth of a fox
65)[line 35]מסמר מן הצלובMASMER MIN HA'TZALUV- a metal peg taken from the tree upon which a person was hanged (after being executed, as specified in Devarim 21:22. See Targum Onkelos.)
66)[line 36]דרכי האמוריDARCHEI HA'EMORI
(a)Darchei ha'Emori is the term that refers to those customs of the Nochrim that have no logical foundation, but are not idol worship.
(b)The prohibition of performing such acts is derived from the verse, "uve'Chukoseihem Lo Seileichu" (Vayikra 18:3; RASHI to Shabbos 67a), or from the verse, "Lo Sa'aseh k'Ma'aseihem" (Shemos 23:24; RASHI to Chulin 77a, RAMBAN to Shemos ibid.).
67)[line 37]לשיחלאSHICHALA- for an earache
68)[line 37]לשינתאSHEINSA- for [problems related to] sleeping
69)[line 37]דחייא למאן דנייםD'CHAYA L'MAN D'NAYIM- [the tooth of] a live [fox is helpful] for someone who sleeps too much
70)[line 38]דמיתא למאן דלא נייםD'MISAH L'MAN D'LO NAYIM- [the tooth of] a dead [fox is helpful] for someone who cannot sleep
71)[line 38]לזירפאL'ZIRFA- for an inflamed wound (caused by a metal instrument)
72)[line 41]משירMESHIR- drops [its fruits prematurely]
73)[line 41]סוקרוSOKRO- he should mark it
74)[line 41]סיקראSIKRA- with red dye
75)[line 41]וטוענו באבניםTO'ANO B'AVANIM- and hang on it stones
76)[line 42]ליכחוש חיליהLEIKCHUSH CHEILEI- to weaken its strength
77)[line 43]ליבעו עליה רחמיLIV'U ALEI RACHAMEI- and they will ask mercy for it (i.e. pray for it)
78)[line 43]"וטמא טמא יקרא ...""V'TAMEI TAMEI YIKRA ..."- "And the clothes of the Metzora who has the affliction shall be torn and his head shall be uncut, and until his lips he shall cover [his head], and he shall call out 'Tamei, Tamei.'" (Vayikra 13:45) - The purpose for announcing that he is Tamei is so that people will pray for him.
79)[line 44]כובסיKOVSEI- a cluster of dates
80)[line 44]פרק אמוראיPEREK EMORA'EI- with the chapter of the [ways of the] Emorites (one chapter in the Tosefta of Maseches Shabbos dealing with the laws of Darchei ha'Emori (see above #66))
81)[line 46]קדקדוKODKODO- his skull
82)[line 47]חד חד, נחית בלע, בלע נחית, חד חדCHAD CHAD, NACHIS BALA, BALA NACHIS, CHAD CHAD- (an incantation for curing someone who has a bone stuck in his throat:) "one, one, go down, swallow; swallow, go down, one one"
83)[last line]לאדראL'ADRA- for a fish bone [stuck in one's esophagus]
84)[last line]ננעצתא כמחטNAN'ATZTA K'MACHAT- that which got imbedded like a needle
85)[last line]ננעלתא כתריסNAN'ALTA KI'TRIS- locked like a shutter
86)[last line]שייא, שייאSHAYA SHAYA- (a) go down, go down (RASHI); (b) melt, melt (ARUCH)
87)[line 1]גד גדי, וסנוק לא, אשכי ובושכיGAD GADI, V'SANUK LO, ASHKI U'VUSHKI- be lucky my luck, and do not be tired, [not by] day and [not by] night
88)[line 3]"העורכים ...""HA'ORCHIM ..."- "But you who forsake HaSh-m, who forget my holy mountain, who set a table for [the idol] Gad and fill for Meni [cups of] diluted wine." (Yeshayah 65:11)
89)[line 4]הוא בשמה והיא בשמוHU B'SHMAH V'HI B'SHMO- if a husband calls himself by his wife's name and she calls herself by his name
90)[line 5]דונו דניDUNU DANI- be strong, my barrels!
91)[line 7]"הנשבעים ...""HA'NISHBA'IM ..."- "Those who swear by the guilt of Shomron and say, 'By the life of your god, Dan, and by the life of the road to Be'er Sheva,' they shall fall and never rise again." (Amos 8:14)
92)[line 8]האומר לעורב צרחHA'OMER L'OREV TZERACH- one who says "Screech!" to a raven [when it calls out]
93)[line 9]ולעורבתא שריקיUL'ORAVTA SHARIKI- and to a female raven, "Shreik!"
94)[line 9]והחזירי לי זנביך לטובהV'HACHAZIRI LI ZENAVAYICH L'TOVAH- turn your tail to me (i.e. turn away) for my good
95)[line 11]שקרא ערביתSHE'KARA ARVIS- because it crowed later than the other roosters; alt. because it called like a raven
96)[line 12]גבריתGAVRIS- like a rooster
97)[line 12]אשתה ואותירESHTEH V'OSIR- I will drink and leave over [from what I drink]
98)[line 13]המבקעת ביצים בכותלHA'MEVAKA'AS/HA'MEKAVA'AS BEITZIM B'KOSEL- one who [strings together the shells of newly hatched chicks and] attaches the shells of the eggs to the wall [in order to prevent the chicks from dying]
99)[line 14]בפני האפרוחיםBIFNEI HA'EFROCHIM- in front of the newly hatched chicks
100)[line 15]והמגיסHA'MEGIS- one who stirs
101)[line 16]המרקדתHA'MERAKEDES- a woman who dances
102)[line 16]המונהHA'MONAH- who counts
103)[line 18]המרקדת לכותחHA'MERAKEDES L'KUTACH- a woman who dances when preparing Kutach (a dish which is prepared by cooking milk with bread and salt) so that it should stiffen
104)[line 18]והמשתקת לעדשיםHA'MESHATEKES L'ADASHIM- a woman who silences all those present when putting lentils into a pot
105)[line 19]המצווחת לגריסיןHA'METZAVACHAS L'GRISIN- a woman who screams when putting beans into a pot
106)[line 20]המשתנת בפני קדירתהHA'MASHTENES BIFNEI KEDEIRASAH- a woman who urinates in front of her pot
107)[line 22]קיסם של תותKISAM SHEL TUS- a chip of wood from a mulberry tree (O.F. morier)
108)[line 23]שברי זכוכיתSHIVREI ZECHUCHIS- glass fragments
109)[line 25]בול של מלחBUL SHEL MELACH- a lump of salt
110)[line 27]טיט וחרסיתTIT V'CHARSIS- mud and ground pieces of pottery
111)[line 27]שתמתין ותדליקSHE'TAMTIN V'TADLIK- that it should burn slower
112a)[line 28]דמיכסי שרגא דמשחאD'MICHSI SHERAGA D'MISHCHA- who covers an oil lamp [which causes it to burn faster]
b)[line 29]ומגלי נפטאU'MEGALEI NEFTA- or uncovers a lamp of naphtha [which causes it to burn faster]
113)[line 30]חמרא וחיי לפום רבנןCHAMRA V'CHAYEI L'FUM RABANAN- wine and life to the mouth of the Sages
114)[line 37]עיקר שבתIKAR SHABBOS- the concept of Shabbos
115)[line 39]היודע עיקר שבתHA'YODE'A IKAR SHABBOS- one who knows about the concept of Shabbos (but forgot that the today is Shabbos)