[75a - 34 lines; 75b - 50 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos
[1] Gemara 75a [line 1]:
The words "Kor'in Bah" קורין בה
should be "Kor'in Osah" קורין אותה (Dikdukei Sofrim)
1)[line 1]דרנאDARNA- a parasitic worm; larvae of the horse-fly
2)[line 3]המותח חוט של תפירהHA'MOTE'ACH CHUT SHEL TEFIRAH- that is, if someone tightens stitching on Shabbos — and knots the end of the thread so that it remains tight (SEFAS EMES)
3)[line 4]מגושMAGOSH- the Gemara records an argument as to what this means: (a) a magician or sorcerer; (b) a heretic, dedicated to idol worship and blaspheming HaSh-m, who convinces others to serve idols
4)[line 5]לחשב תקופות ומזלותL'CHASHEV TEKUFOS U'MAZALOS- to calculate the equinoxes and solstices and the astrology of the constellations
5)[line 6]לספר הימנוL'SAPER HEMENU- to speak with him
6)[line 6]מגושתאMEGUSHTA- (the same as Magosh, see above, #3)
7)[line 7]חרשיCHARASHEI- witches, sorcerers
8)[line 7]גדופיGEDUFEI- blasphemers, missionaries
9)[line 8]תסתייםTISTAYEM- conclude
10)[line 21]חלזוןCHILAZON- the underwater snail murex trunculus, from which Techeles is made
11)[line 21]הפוצעוHA'POTZ'O- one who breaks open its shell
12)[line 28]מתעסקהואM IS'ASEK HU- That is, he did not intend to transgress the Shabbos ("Eino Miskaven") — RASHI, TOSFOS
13)[line 30]פסיק רישא ולא ימותPSIK REISHEI V'LO YAMUS- an act which will certainly result in a forbidden Melachah being unintentionally performed on Shabbos or Yom Tov. Literally, "[can one] cut off the head [of an animal] and it does not die?!" Everyone knows that by cutting off the head of an animal, the animal will surely die. If, for example, a person says that he did not intend to kill the animal (but merely wanted to extract its blood in order to feed his dogs), his words and intentions mean nothing. It is as if he had intention to kill the animal.
14)[line 32]דליציל ציבעיהD'LEITZIL TZIV'EI- that its color should be brighter
15)[line 3]דלא ליתו דרי בתראיD'LO LEISU DAREI BASRA'EI- that later generations should not hear my ruling without its explanation (lit. should not come)
16)[line 4]ליחכו עליLICHACHU ALAI- and laugh at me
17)[line 5]דליתווס בית השחיטה דמאD'LITVAS BEIS HA'SHECHITAH DAMA- that the area where the animal was slaughtered should be colored with blood
18a)[line 6]דליחזוה אינשיD'LICHZU'HA INSHEI- so that people should see [that] it [was slaughtered today]
b)[line 6]ליזבנו מיניהLIZBENU MINEI- to buy from him
19)[line 9]שירטוטSIRTUT- marking the skin (outlining a surface for a useful purpose)
20)[line 13]לאורחאL'URCHA- for a long journey (lit. for the road)
21)[line 13]לביתאL'VEISA- for his house
22)[line 14]מיכליה עץMEICHLEI ETZ- [to make] his food as dry as a piece of wood
23)[line 15]השף בין העמודיםHA'SHAF BEIN HA'AMUDIM- (a) one who smoothes out and levels the ground between the columns of a portico (RASHI); (b) [according to the Girsa "HA'SHAF AL GABEI HA'AMUDIM"] one who smoothes out hides by rubbing them against columns (RABEINU CHANANEL)
24)[line 18]המגרר ראשי כלונסותHA'MEGARER ROSHEI KELUNSOS- one who planes the ends of planks
25)[line 19]הממרח רטיהHA'MEMARE'ACH RETIYAH- one who smoothes a plaster or salve on a wound
26)[line 20]המסתת את האבןHA'MESATES ES HA'EVEN- one who smoothes out a stone or finishes it with grooves and the like
27)[line 22]הצר צורה בכליHA'TZAR TZURAH B'KLI- one who makes a design on a vessel
28)[line 23]המנפח בכלי זכוכיתMENAPE'ACH BI'KELI ZECHUCHIS- one who blows liquid glass to make a vessel
29)[line 24]דשקיל אקופי מגלימיD'SHAKIL AKUFEI MI'GLIMEI- (a) who removes stray threads, pieces of straw or splinters and the like from a woven curtain (RASHI); (b) who removes pills from clothing (RAMBAM Hilchos Shabbos 10:18)
30)[line 37]השובטHA'SHOVET- separating the warp (longitudinal) threads with a Karkar (O.F. raiol), a pointed wooden tool
31)[line 37]המדקדקHA'MEDAKDEK- to even the woof thread by hitting it with the Karkar so that it should not be too taut
32)[line 50]כל הכשר להצניעKOL HA'KASHER L'HATZNI'A- anything which is normally put away for human use
33)[line 50]מצניעין כמוהוMATZNI'IN KAMOHU- and people put away this amount of it
34)[line 55]אשרהASHEIRAH- a tree that has been worshipped as an Avodah Zarah. (Asheirah was a popular fertility goddess in the Near East. She is identified with Astarte (Ashtaros) and Aphrodite.)
35)[line 57]מצנע ליה לשונראMATZNA LAH L'SHUNRA- he puts it away for a cat
36)[line 58]חלשאCHALSHA- she becomes weak (if her blood is given to a cat)
37)[last line]לא אמרו כל השיעורין הללו אלא למצניעיהןLO AMRU KOL HA'SHI'URIN HALALU ELA L'MATZNI'EIHEN- That is, Rebbi Shimon is more lenient than the Rabanan of our Mishnah. According to Rebbi Shimon, even if a person puts aside (Matznia) a small amount of an object, he is not Chayav for taking it to Reshus ha'Rabim unless he takes out the amount listed in our Mishnah. A normal person must take out even more than that to be Chayav.