[87a - 48 lines; 87b - 42 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Rashi 87a DH Ta Shema ד"ה תא שמע:

The words "b'Milsa d'Shelishi Kamairi" במילתא דשלישי קמיירי

should be "b'Milsa Acharisa d'Shelishi Kamairi" במילתא אחריתא דשלישי קמיירי


1)[line 1]מצות הגבלהMITZVAS HAGBALAH- the commandment to set up boundaries around Mount Sinai beyond which it was forbidden for Bnei Yisrael to pass

2)[line 15]לא שריא שכינהLO SHARYA SHECHINAH- the Shechinah did not dwell on Mount Sinai

3)[line 26]פסחPESACH (KORBAN PESACH)

(a)It is a Mitzvah for all Jews to offer a Korban Pesach on the fourteenth of Nisan in the afternoon, as it states in the Torah (Shemos 12:6), "and the whole assembly of the congregation of Yisrael shall slaughter it towards evening." The Pesach is a male lamb or goat within its first year.

(b)An adult (who was Tahor and was not far from the Beis ha'Mikdash on the fourteenth of Nisan) who willfully did not offer the Korban Pesach is liable to the Kares punishment.

(c)In order to eat from the Korban Pesach, a person must be "appointed" to the Korban before it is slaughtered. This appointment is called "Minuy." Each Pesach must have appointed to it people who are able to eat at least a k'Zayis of the meat on the night of the fifteenth of Nisan. The Korban is sacrificed in the name of all the people who were appointed for that specific Pesach animal. The people appointed to the Pesach then eat the Pesach together in a "Chaburah." (Some Tana'im maintain that a single Pesach may be split into many Chaburos eating in different places — Pesachim 86a.)

(d)If the person who slaughters the Pesach, the Kohen who casts the blood on the Mizbe'ach, the Kohen who burns the Eimurim on the Mizbe'ach, or one of the people of the Chaburah have one k'Zayis or more of Chametz in his possession at the time that the Pesach is slaughtered, he has transgressed the prohibition from the verse, "Lo Sishchat Al Chametz Dam Zivchi" (Shemos 34:25). The sacrifice itself is Kosher but the person is liable to Malkus if he received the proper warning (Pesachim 63a, RAMBAM Hilchos Korban Pesach 1:5).

4)[line 28]בן נכרBEN NECHAR- a Nochri, or a Jew who does not fulfill the Mitzvos (lit. a stranger)

5)[line 31]יישר כחךYEYASHER KOCHACHA- well-done! (a phrase of approval and thanks)

6)[line 36]שלישי למאיSHELISHI L'MAI?- the third day with regard to which occurrence?

7)[line 41]זו מצות הגבלהZU MITZVAS HAGBALAH- That is, Moshe returned on the fourth day to tell HaSh-m that the Jews had accepted upon themselves the Mitzvah of distancing themselves from the mountain (which Moshe had apparently presented to the Jews on the third day — RASHI DH Shishi).

8)[line 42]רבי אומר בתחילהREBBI OMER B'TECHILAH- That is, Moshe discussed Kabalas ha'Torah with the Jewish people for three days, and on the fourth day he returned to tell HaSh-m that they were ready to accept it. When the Beraisa mentions the "third day," it means the third day that Moshe discussed the Torah with the people.

9)[line 43]משבבין דעתוMESHABEVIN DA'ATO- (a) which chastise a man's mind (due to the punishments involved) (RASHI); (b) which break a man's spirit (RADAK to Hoshea 8:6, RASHASH)

10)[line 45]כאגדהK'AGADAH- like the class of Rabbinical literature that explains the Tanach homiletically

11)[line 46]משיבין דעתוMESHIVIN DA'ATO- refresh the mind

12)[line 47]גידיןGIDIN- bitter herbs; wormwood


13)[line 1]לחנייתןL'CHANAYASAN- from the day that Benei Yisrael encamped in Midbar Sinai

14)[line 1]למסעןL'MASA'AN- from the day that Bnei Yisrael traveled from Refidim which, according to Rav Acha bar Yakov, took place on the same day that they encamped in Midbar Sinai

15)[line 2]בשבת דמרהB'SHABBOS D'MARAH- about the commandment of Shabbos that they received in Marah

16)[line 4]איפקודIFKUD- they were commanded

17)[line 13]עבורי עברוהABUREI ABRUHA- they made the month of Iyar into a 30-day month (instead of a 29-day month)

18)[line 23]"ובקר וראיתם ...""U'VOKER U'RE'ISEM ..."- "and in the morning you shall see the glory of HaSh-m when he hears your complaints against the Lord." (Shemos 16:7) - The Gemara proves that the fifteenth of the month of Iyar was on Shabbos from this verse, which promises that the Man would fall on the morning after they arrived in Midbar Sin. That morning must be Sunday, since Bnei Yisrael were commanded to collect it for six days until the next Shabbos.

19)[line 34]הבמותHA'BAMOS

(a)BAMAH - A Bamah is a raised area used for sacrifices. Before the Beis ha'Mikdash was built, there were times when it was permitted to offer sacrifices on public altars (Bamas Tzibur or Bamah Gedolah) and private altars (Bamas Yachid or Bamah Ketanah; see Insights to Pesachim 91:2).

(b)BAMAH GEDOLAH - Only one public altar was in use at any particular time. At various times in our history, the Bamah Gedolah was in Gilgal (where the Mishkan stood before the land was completely conquered, until it was moved to Shiloh), Nov and Giv'on (after the Mishkan in Shiloh was destroyed, see Zevachim 112b). An individual could offer only voluntary sacrifices on a Bamah Gedolah. There is a difference of opinion among the Tana'im as to whether all communal sacrifices could be offered on a Bamah Gedolah or only the communal sacrifices that have a fixed time (Zevachim 117a).

(c)BAMAH KETANAH - Any person, even if he was not a Kohen, could build a Bamah Ketanah anywhere in Eretz Yisrael and offer upon it his personal sacrifices. Only voluntary sacrifices could be offered on a Bamah Ketanah.

(d)MIZBE'ACH - The Mishkan was built in Shiloh, a city in the portion of Efrayim, after the 14 years of conquest and apportionment of Eretz Yisrael. A Mizbe'ach (altar) was built to replace the Bamos, and as long as the Mishkan stood in Shiloh, sacrificing on the Bamos was prohibited. The Tana'im argue as to whether this Mizbe'ach was a stone structure or whether it was the hollow wooden Mizbe'ach overlaid with copper that was constructed for the Mishkan in the desert, filled with stones (Zevachim 61b). The Mishkan stood in Shiloh for 369 years (Seder Olam Rabah 11).

(e)BEIS HA'MIKDASH - The Beis ha'Mikdash is known as the "Beis Olamim," the "Eternal Dwelling," because once it was chosen, it became the permanent dwelling place of the Shechinah. Once again the Bamos were prohibited, but this time permanently. The Mizbach ha'Chitzon (Outer Mizbe'ach), also know as the Mizbach ha'Olah (Mizbe'ach of the Korban Olah) of the Beis ha'Mikdash consisted of three concrete and stone platforms poured one on top of the other. (For a description of the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon, see Background to Menachos 97:9.)

20)[line 37]אין בין עצרת לעצרת ואין בין ראש השנה לראש השנה אלא ארבעה ימים בלבדEIN BEIN ATZERES L'ATZERES V'EIN BEIN ROSH HA'SHANAH L'ROSH HA'SHANAH ELA ARBA'AH YAMIM BILVAD

The day of the week on which Shavuos and Rosh ha'Shanah fall, respectively, is always four days after the day of the week on which it fell the previous year. (The Halachah does not follow this opinion.)

21)[last line]חסריןCHASERIN- months of only 29 days