[110a - 49 lines; 110b - 48 lines]
1)[line 1]בר קשאBAR KASHA- an officer of the non-Jewish king (the officer involved was Jewish)
2)[line 4]עד דאזלי מייתי להAD D'AZLEI MAISI LAH- before they could bring it to him
3)[line 5]אסותאASUTA- cure, remedy
4)[line 6]אין, רביIN, REBBI- that is true, Rebbi (Abaye)
5)[line 8]אסא וגידמיASA V'GIDMEI- myrtle and palm branches
6)[line 8]בי הילולאBEI HILULA- a wedding
7)[line 8]טבלאTAVLA- (O.F. eschelete) a bell
8)[line 10]דכרכיה חיויאD'KARCHEI CHIVYA- around whom a snake coils. This snake is not a constrictor, but rather a venomous snake.
9)[line 11]ליסחוף דיקולא ארישאLISCHOF DIKULA A'REISHA- he should put a basket on its head
10)[line 12]להדקיה מיניהL'HADKEI MINEI- slowly lower it [towards the snake]
11)[line 13]ליסלוק וליתיLISLOK V'LEISI- he should get up out of the water and run away
12)[line 13]דמיקני ביה חיויאD'MIKNEI BEI CHIVYA- who was being chased by a snake that was incensed with him
13)[line 14]לירכביה ארבע גרמידיLIRKEVEI ARBA GARMIDEI- his friend should carry him four Amos
14)[line 15]לישואר נגראLISHVAR NAGRA- he should jump over a ditch that is filled with water
15)[line 16]פוריאPURYA- a bed
16)[line 17]ניגני בי כוכביNIGNEI BEI KOCHVEI- he should sleep outdoors (lit. under the stars)
17)[line 17]שונריSHUNREI- cats
18)[line 18]ליסרינהוLISRINHU- to tie them [to the legs of his bed]
19)[line 19]שחפיSHACHAFEI- branches and twigs that will make a noise if trodden upon
20)[line 20]בי חלתאBEI CHALASA- a sandy area
21)[line 23]תשלח מאנהTISHLACH MANAH- she should take off an article of clothing
22)[line 27]ממזיה ומטופרהMI'MAZYAH UMI'TUFRAH- [a lock] of her hair and [a piece] of her fingernail
23)[line 28]דישתנא אנאDISHTENA ANA- I am menstruating. This need not be true; it is simply an incantation.
24)[line 29]ליפסעהLIPAS'AH- spread [her legs] apart
25)[line 30]אגנא דתחליAGNA D'TACHALEI- a basket full of cress
26)[line 31]חמרא ריחתנאCHAMRA RICHASNA- aromatic wine
27)[line 32]ליטרוקינהוLITRUKINHU- mix [the cress in the wine, so that the aroma ascends to where the snake is]
28)[line 32]צבתאTZAVSA- tongs
29)[line 33]לישקליהLISHKELEI- she should grab it with the tongs
30)[line 34]טחולTECHOL- spleen
31)[line 34]כרשיניןKARSHININ- the beans of a species of vine, probably the horse bean (which is rarely used as human food); according to the Girsa כרישין KREISHIN - leeks (RABEINU NISIM; see Berachos 44b)
32)[line 35]מי צלפיןMEI TZELAFIN- the juice of the caper berry
33)[line 37]דקריםDOKRIM- that pierce
34)[line 38]המרהHA'MARAH- the gallbladder
35)[line 39]תלאיTELA'EI- a type of palm tree
36)[line 40]כסא קמאKASA KAMA- the first cup
37)[line 40]מרפיMERAPEI- loosens the bowels
38)[line 42]זיתום המצריZISUM HA'MITZRI- Egyptian beer
39)[line 42]קורטמיKURTEMEI- safflower
40)[line 44]סימניך סיסאניSIMANICH SISANI- a mnemonic is Sisani. Sisani is a utensil that holds dates. The word "Sisani" has two Samechs, and it reminds one that:
1.Rav YoSef is the Amora who states...
2.that Zeisum ha'Mitzri is made with Se'orim (barley).
41)[line 44]בין דבחא לעצרתאBEIN DABECHA L'ATZARTA- between Pesach and Shavu'os
42)[line 44]דקמיט מרפי ליהD'KAMIT MERAPEI LEI- it loosen the bowels of one who is constipated
43)[line 45]מתקל זוזאMASKAL ZUZA- the weight of a Zuz
44)[line 46]קומא אלכסנדריאKUMA ALEKSANDARYA- the sap of certain trees in Alexandria
45)[line 46]גביא גילאGAVYA GILA- liquid alum
46)[line 46]כורכמא רישקאKURKEMA RISHKA- (O.F. crog orientel) garden safflower
47)[line 47]לזבה, תלתא בחמראL'ZAVAH, TELASA B'CHAMRA- for a Zavah (see Background to 83:2), these three ingredients should be taken with wine
48)[line 47]לא מיעקראLO MI'AKRA- it will not cause infertility
49)[line 47]ירקונאYARKONA- jaundice
50)[line 1]קפיזיKEFIZEI- a utensil that holds three Lugin (approx. 1 or 1.8 liters)
51)[line 1]שמכי פרסאיSHAMCHEI PARSA'EI- large Persian onions
52)[line 4]ליבעתהLIV'ATAH- scare her
53)[line 5]בונא דכמונאBUNA D'CHAMONA- a handful of cumin
54)[line 6]דמוריקאMORIKA- saffron
55)[line 6]שבלילתאSHAVLILTA- fenugreek
56)[line 8]שיעי דדנאSHI'EI D'DANA- seals of wine containers, which were made of clay
57)[line 8]לשפיהLISHFEI- [once the seals have been thoroughly soaked, they should be] rubbed on her
58)[line 9]פשטינאPASHTINA- a low, spreading plant; fern
59)[line 11]חרנוגא דהיגתא רומיתאCHARNOGA D'HIGSA ROMISA- a type of herb that grows among the thorns
60)[line 11]שחקי דכיתנא בקייטאSHACHAKEI D'CHISNA B'KAITA- [(a) wrap it (RASHI); (b) wrap her (DIKDUKEI SOFRIM)] in worn bits of flax in the summertime
61)[line 12]שחקי דעמר גופנא בסיתואSHACHAKEI D'AMAR GUFNA B'SISVA- [(a) wrap it (RASHI); (b) wrap her (DIKDUKEI SOFRIM)] in worn bits of wool in the wintertime
62)[line 13]ליכריLICHRI- dig
63)[line 14]שבישתא ילדה דערלהSHEVISHTA YALDAH D'ARLAH- grapevine tendrils that are younger than four years old
64)[line 18]סמידאSEMIDA- fine flour
65)[line 18]ליסכה מפלגא לתתאיLISCHAH MI'PALGA L'SATA'EI- spread it on the lower half of her body
66)[line 19]ביעתא דנעמיתאBEI'ASA D'NA'AMISA- an ostrich egg
67)[line 22]לשמהLISHMAH- [open a barrel of wine] in her name (i.e. she should drink a lot of wine)
68)[line 22]שערתאSA'ARTA- a grain of barley
69)[line 23]בכפותא דכודנא חיוראB'CHAFUTA D'KUDNA CHIVRA- in the excrement of a white donkey
70)[line 24]פסקה תרי יומיPASKAH TREI YOMEI- she will stop bleeding for two days
71)[line 27]שיבוטא דמילחאSHIVUTA D'MILCHA- a salted fish (possibly mullet)
72)[line 28]מוניני דקמציMONINEI D'KAMTZA- locust brine
73)[line 29]מוניני דנקיריMONINEI D'NEKIREI- (a) brine of small birds (RASHI); (b) locust brine, without any locusts in it (ARUCH)
74)[line 30]בי בניBEI BANEI- a bathhouse
75)[line 30]לישפייהLISHAFYEI- rub it on him
76)[line 31]גודאGUDA- a wall
77)[line 32]הרוצה שיחממנוHA'ROTZEH SHE'YECHAMEMENU- a person who wants to help the afflicted person by warming him
78)[line 32]יקנחנו בסדינוYEKANCHENO B'SADINO- should wrap him up in his cloak
79)[line 35]קירא דנישתרופיKIRA D'NISHTERUFEI- wax that overflowed from a beehive
80)[line 35]אהלא תולענאAHALA TOLA'ANA- (O.F. aloen) aloe
81)[line 37]עילא בר חמראILA BAR CHAMRA- a young male donkey
82)[line 38]לישביק ליה דמאLISHBIK LEI DAMA- he let some blood
83)[line 38]אפותיהAPUSEI- the [donkey's] forehead
84)[line 39]ליזהר מעיניהLIZHAR ME'EINEI- be careful to keep the blood out of his eyes
85)[line 40]ברחאBARCHA- a ram
86)[line 40]כיבשאKIVSHA- pickled in vinegar or brine
87)[line 41]חוטרנאCHOTARNA- spotted
88)[line 41]כרתי מכבתותא דמישריKARTEI MI'KAVTUSA D'MEISHREI- leeks from the middle of the vegetable patch [which are stronger]
89)[line 43]איגני ביה קליIGNI BEI KALI- I will sleep in it for a short while
90)[line 43]איכרך גנא ביהICHRACH, GANA BEI- he wrapped himself in it and slept in it
91)[line 44]כד איחמם וקםKAD ICHMAM V'KAM- when [it had the desired therapeutic effects and] he was warm, he got up
92)[line 44]נפל פורתא פורתא מיניהNAFAL PURTA PURTA MINEI- [the cloak] fell off him in pieces
93)[line 45]סירוסSIRUS- castration
94)[line 45]"ובארצכם לא תעשו...""UV'ARTZECHEM LO SAS'ASU..."- "[You shall not offer to the Lord an animal which has its testicles bruised or crushed, broken or cut;] neither shall you do this in your land" (Vayikra 22:24) - This verse is the Torah's prohibition against castration.
95)[line 47]כרבלתוKARBALTO- his comb
96)[last line]רמות רוחא הוא דנקיטא ליהRAMUS RUCHA HU D'NEKITA LEI- it was feelings of haughtiness that had seized [the rooster that led to a desire for mating, which are not present once it loses its comb]