[122a - 40 lines; 122b - 41 lines]

1)[line 13]כבשKEVESH- a ramp

2)[line 26]על גבי מוקצהAL GABEI MUKTZAH- [he may not bring his animal to graze] on grass that was cut on Shabbos which is Muktzah (for an explanation of the term Muktzah, see Background to Shabbos 45:26a)

3)[line 27]קאים לה באפהKA'IM LAH B'APAH- stands in front of the animal to (passively) direct it to the cut grass

4)[line 38]מסיבהMESIBAH- a festive meal


5)[line 1]בי אבין תורןBEI AVIN TORAN- the house of Avin from Toran

6)[line 3]אהדרינהו שמואל לאפיהAHADRINHU SHMUEL L'APEI- Shmuel turned his face away from the Nochri (in order not to benefit from his light). (The situation must have been that there were mostly (or at least half) Jews in the house, and therefore even Rava would not permit using the light.)


7)[line 10]קורנסKURNAS- (O.F. martel) a hammer

8)[line 10]לפצעL'FATZE'A- to crack

9)[line 10]קרדוםKARDOM- a hatchet

10)[line 11]הדבילהHA'DEVEILAH- a large, rounded cake of pressed figs

11)[line 11]מגירהMEGEIRAH- a saw

12)[line 12]מגריפהMAGREIFAH- (O.F. vadil) a shovel

13)[line 12]הגרוגרותHA'GROGEROS- dried figs

14)[line 13]הרחתHA'RACHAS- (O.F. pele) a shovel (used for winnowing)

15a)[line 13]המלגזHA'MALGEZ- a pitchfork

b)[line 13]לתת עליו לקטןLASES ALAV L'KATAN- (a) [in order for a person who is Tamei] to give Terumah to a young child who is Tahor (MEIRI); (b) to give food to a child who is on the other side of a stream (whereas an adult could just cross over the stream) (TIFERES YISRAEL)

16)[line 13]הכושHA'KUSH- (O.F. fusel) a spindle, the thin rod that is used to twist and wind thread

17)[line 14]הכרכרHA'KARKAR- (O.F. raiol) a wooden tool used by weavers for separating threads on the loom and for other purposes

18)[line 15]סקאיםSAKA'IM- sack-weavers

19)[line 21]שידהSHIDAH- a large chest

20)[line 22]תיבהTEIVAH- a chest

21)[line 22]מגדלMIGDAL- (O.F. mestier) a cupboard

22)[line 23]לול של תרנגוליםLUL SHEL TARNEGOLIM- a chicken coop

23)[line 34]גזירה שמא יתקעGEZEIRAH SHEMA YISKA- it is prohibited mid'Rabanan lest he replace the door with force, using pegs or the like (i.e. in a permanent manner), which would transgress the Av Melachah of Makeh b'Patish

24)[line 36]של נפחיןSHEL NAPACHIN- the hammer of a blacksmith who works iron in a forge

25)[line 36]דבר שמלאכתו לאיסורDAVAR SHE'MELACHTO L'ISUR- an item which is mostly used for activities that are prohibited on Shabbos

26)[line 37]לצורך גופוL'TZORECH GUFO- using the utensil for a permitted act on Shabbos