[142a - 54 lines; 142b - 45 lines]
1)[line 5]מקופליםMEKUPALIM- folded
2)[line 10]בסיס לדבר האסורBASIS L'DAVAR HE'ASUR
(a)The Rabbinical decree of Muktzah prohibits not only the actual Mukztah item from being moved on Shabbos, but it also prohibits moving the item on which the Muktzah rests, or its "Basis." (For example, a basket in which a stone rests may not be moved.)
(b)The item which supports the Muktzah becomes prohibited to be moved only if the following conditions are met:
1.the Muktzah is placed on it before Shabbos entered and is there for the entire duration of Bein ha'Shemashos (Shabbos 44b);
2.the Muktzah is purposely placed and left there, as opposed to being forgotten and inadvertently left there (Shabbos 142b);
3.the Muktzah is there alone and there is no other permissible (non-Muktzah) item resting there (Shabbos 142a);
4.according to Rabeinu Tam (Tosfos, Beitzah 2a), the "Basis" is only prohibited if one places the Muktzah there before Shabbos with intention to leave it there for the entire day of Shabbos.
(c)The object upon which the Muktzah is resting is prohibited to be moved only if that object is serving the purpose of supporting the Muktzah item. If, however, the Muktzah item is serving the purpose of the object upon which it is placed, then that object underneath the Muktzah is not considered a "Basis" for a forbidden object (Rashi 49a, DH Notel). (For example, if shreds of clothing which are Muktzah are placed atop a pot in order to preserve its heat, the pot is not considered a Basis for the Muktzah, because the Muktzah is serving the purpose of the pot.)
3)[line 15]המיטנפיןHA'MITANFIN- that would became filthy and unfit to eat if they fall to the ground, e.g. very ripened figs, berries and grapes
4)[line 15]לינערינהו נעוריLIN'ARINHU NE'UREI- let him shake the fruits [until the stone stands alone at the edge of the basket from where it can be shaken out]
5)[line 17]פחותהPECHUSAH- lacking part of its side or bottom
6)[line 19]טהורה למטהTEHORAH LEMATAH- the Terumah Tehorah is at the bottom of the basket, covered by the Terumah Temei'ah
7)[line 20]וטמאה למעלהU'TEMEI'AH LEMA'ALAH- Although the Terumah Temei'ah, which lies on the Terumah Tehorah, is Muktzah, it does not make the Terumah Tehorah on bottom into a Basis l'Davar he'Asur because it was not placed on the Terumah Tehorah intentionally. It was forgotten there. (RITVA)
8)[line 38]בעינא מחתאB'EINA MACHATA- is considered as if it is lying by itself
9)[line 42]אין המדומע מדמע אלא לפי חשבוןEIN HA'MEDUMA MEDAME'A ELA LEFI CHESHBON
(a)Terumah only becomes Batel if one part of Terumah falls into at least 100 parts of Chulin. Even if the Terumah is Batel, it is forbidden for non-Kohanim to eat the entire mixture; the equivalent of the amount of Terumah that fell in must first be removed.
(b)If the percentage of Terumah that fell into the Chulin was greater than one in one hundred, the mixture is known as Meduma (lit. mixed) and is forbidden to be eaten by non-Kohanim.
(c)According to Tosfos in Chulin 99a DH Ein, this law applies only if the Terumah was the same type of food as the Chulin; otherwise Terumah is Batel just like any other Isur.
(d)When produce that is Meduma falls into Chulin, Chachamim rule that the actual amount of Terumah that fell into the first mixture creates the percentage that must be dealt with in the second mixture. Rebbi Eliezer rules that the amount of Meduma that falls in prohibits the next mixture as if it were Terumah.
10)[line 6]מטהMATAH- he tilts it
11)[line 9]לשלשתLISHLESHES- an offensive or putrid substance, e.g. saliva or excrement
12)[line 9]סמרטוטSEMARTUT- a rag
13)[line 17]קטניתKITNIS- legumes
14a)[line 19]תמחויTAMCHUY- a plate or tray
b)[line 19]אמר רשב"ג במה דברים אמוריםAMAR RABAN SHIMON BEN GAMLIEL, BA'MEH DEVARIM AMURIM- (The Tana Kama who argues with Raban Shimon ben Gamliel maintains that Beis Hilel permits the removal of the Pesoles from the Ochel whether or not the Ochel is more numerous.)
15)[line 27]באוצרB'OTZAR- in a storehouse (among many other barrels)
16)[line 34]ארנקיARNEKI- a change purse; money bag
17)[line 34]לבינהLEVEINAH- a brick
18)[line 36]דסקיאDISKIYA- a large leather pouch
19)[line 36]סרטיאSERATYA- a wide street
20)[line 39]מנח כפא אכיפיMANACH KAPA A'KIFEI- would place a spoon on sheaves (in order to move them)
21)[line 39]מנח סכינא אבר יונהMANACH SAKINA A'BAR YONAH- would place a knife on a slaughtered dove (in order to move it)
22)[line 40]כמה חריפא שמעתתא דדרדקיKAMAH CHARIFA SHEMAITA D'DARDEKEI- how sharp are the teachings of these young scholars! (i.e. they think that they are being sharp, but their teachings are debatable)
23)[last line]טווי ליTAVI LI- roast for me
24)[last line]שדי מיעיה לשונראSHADI MEI'EI L'SHUNRA- throw its intestines to the cat